The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1842 Real Magic Dirties

Finally, the magic refining made a device embryo, starting the arrangement of the array, and the method of laying the array of array is very different.

Anyway, Zhang Bin can't understand at all, it is eye-catching.

It took about an hour, this fan was successfully refined.

Like Zhang Bin, the same breath is exemplified.

Even Zhang Bin does not distinguish this is fake.

Zhang Bin said surprised: "Is it true if it is unsteading?"

"you try?"

Magic said.

Zhang Bin really started taking testing, using the most horrible Thunder, the most horrible flame, various gods, including sharp heaven, Lingbao, crazy attacks.

However, it really can't damage the fake fake.

"This is also amazing, it seems to be exactly the same! It is estimated that even the immortal is difficult to come out."

Zhang Bin's face floated the shock and weird expression, and looked at the magic.

"This ... did not get all the fragments of all Hongfeng fans, even if the Immortal, it is indeed difficult to distinguish, but, in order to calculate the abilities, you can still calculate the random." The magic supported, "So, or To seal, then there is no loss. "

After that, she grabbed this fake Hong Kong fan, and the mysterious power of the universe was displayed, and the fan was sealed.

That is, it is the fairy emperor, and it is not possible to cure the origin of this fan.

Who dares to say that this is not magical? Who dares to say this is not really Hongfeng?

" ..."

Zhang Bin made this fan in detail, full of satisfaction and evil color.

"Don't be happy too early, even if you dedicate the fan to the true devil and the cactus, they may not let you go, it is likely to kill you." Magic said.

"It seems that we have to work well ..."

Zhang Bin's face became serious.

Decorated in the city.

Due to the emperor, the prince, the second emperor is all fallen.

It also lost the giant tens of thousands of billions.

The troll is confusing.

Many emperors, many days, in order to compete for the emperor, launched horrible killing.

You can see the swords of the knife everywhere.

You can see the body everywhere.


Suddenly, the sound of thundering was sounded in the sky.

Then, a dark door appeared in the void.

Excorps a horrible to the ultimate pressure and momentum.

The wind is also swept.

All the eyes of the magic must be changed, and there is stopped killing.

Look at this door with great eyes.

even. Some people have an excitement and look forward to the color.

Because that is the gate of the devil.

Now no one is flying, but the door of the devil appears, that is likely to have the ruins of the truth.

In the historical history of the moon, the true devil is not much.

Only a few times.

It is because the fairy is cut into the capital city, there is a signs of destruction, the true devil, the fall, pull the defeat, keep the earth.

However, this time, the muro is still not dangerous to this point.

Moreover, Xian Xiu has also retired.

Why is there really a true devil?

The door began very vague and gradually became clear.

The void is constantly oscillating.

The sky is also shaking.


There is a layer of green black dark clouds that appear in the sky.

Explosing the green black thunder, crazy hit on the door.

I sent a big rang that was extremely horrible.

All the magic repairs are shocked, fear.

The green black thunder has never heard of it, don't say it.

However, they know that red black Thunder, orange black Thunder, is very horrible, can kill the strength of the top flying midst of the monk.

The green black Thunder is two levels higher than the black Thunder.


The door made a horrible voice.

Then, the door opened a gap under huge strength.

" ..."

A black smoke takes out from the slit.

Then, the door was closed immediately.

Send a big sound.


The horrible green black Thunder slammed in that black smoke.

The black smoke immediately took a mysterious change, turned into a height of two meters, wearing a black armor, emitting the true devil of the hemity, his mouth is also open, crazy, one suck: "..."

A huge black hole appeared.

The power of horror acts on the sky in the sky and the thunder.

The clouds and thunders ride rapidly and narrowed rapidly.

I was swallowed in the blink of an eye.

However, the face of this true devil has also become paleble, shakes the desire.

Finally, the knee is sitting in the empty, it seems to be healing, and it seems to be in the abuse of the belly.

After three hours, he recovered thoroughly.

His face is still full of , Difficult, only I have spent it. "

Obviously, the reason why he was injured, not a bodybody robbery, but because there is a Thunder to appear in his moon palace, bombard the soul.

"Meet the true devil ..."

All the magic repairs are embarrassed and have a horrible voice.

"To form a big army, let me kill the holy."

The magic stunned stood up, the body burst into a sharp pressure and momentum, "this time, we have to kill the fairy of the Soil."

"Kill kill ..."

Many magic repairs are extremely excited, and their faces are also showing ecstasy.

It's crazy.

Soon, billion troops have been completed.

Under the leadership of the magic support, we wrapped in the extreme murderous murder, and came to the talents.

"The bow is civil and military, it will be killed."

The magic smiled and shouted.

Zhang Bin appeared on the wall, and his face became unprecedented.

The face of the east sea is also very difficult, and the sound is lowered: "Your Majesty, I just induced the volatility between the heavens and the earth, the devil gate opened, there was a virtue down, it is estimated that this person. What should I do?"

"I will drag him, you quickly report the Arctic Xian Di, just find Hongfeng fan, fast sent immortals down-border. Otherwise, Hongfeng fans will fall into the true devil." Zhang Bin's hand appeared in the hands of Zhang Bin. Tell the fake Hongfeng fan, say seriously.

"God, is it a Hongfeng fan?"

The elderly elderly shocked as a fool, and the face was also revealed.

"If the fake package is replaced, this seal is sealed with a singular approach. Anyone is not able to come out. And there is an unwanted property. Fast report ..." Zhang Bin stuffed the fan to the east of the east.

"Then I will report it immediately ..."

The elderly man is excited, holding the fan and runs to the side, the heart is a moving, there is a statue of only fist in his hand, and it is the statue of the Arctic Xianmie. He began to report it quickly.

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