The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1848, the disaster is successful

The arm was worn by the cave, and Zhang Bian grabbed the hand of fake Hong Kong, I feel sour and weak.

More terror is that the blood of the magic has not flied, but integrates into Zhang Bin's blood.

Just like gasoline entered the flame, his blood has undergone a variety of terror, boiling, burning it, it seems, to make his blood and body into ashes.

" ..."

The magic face has floated the color of the victory, and the right hand grabbed it.

I grabbed the fake Hong Kong fans in Zhang Bin's hand, gently smoked, and won it.

"lay down……"

Almost at the same time, the fairy gave the horror in the moon.

A roaring, holding Zhang Bin jumped up, turning around is a sword.


The sword has risen thousands of feet, the sword is cold and cold.

With the murder of the sky, he is embarrassed to the magic.

Many magics also broke out at the same time, and the space became solid, and the time was stopped.


The magic is not a weak, and a sword is blocked.

I sent a horrible voice.

Spark splash, sky shake.


The magic sounds made a painful voice, because his right hand's tiger has split, the sword in his hand is broken half, but his people are chemical into a black lightning, who is arrogant, and the blink of an eye has passed. The gap, there is no trace of flashing.

"Where to escape?"

The fairy smiled, and the left hand grabbed Zhang Bin, and the right hand held the sword.

Step step, it has already passed the sky, and I entered the depths of the moon.

Unfortunately, I still can't catch up with magic.

Because it blocked the way by the second day.

"Give me ..."

The fairy roared, and her sword in her hands lifted up, crazy.

Crossing the distant space, squatting on the sky.

"Hey ..."

The rugged wall has a crack in an instant, but still has not been broken.

The fairy continued to be crazy.

The wall continued to break and finally collapsed.

" ..."

The fairy wrapped in Zhang Bin to rush the past.

"Killing ..."

Countless magic repairs are also crazy.

There are countless magic weapons out, and the heavens and the earth are covered.

Countless magics are also started, and the heavens and the earth are changing, and the gravity increases millions.

Even, there are countless photon shells to bombard.

This attack is too terrible.

Zhang Bin secretly shocked, and Zhang Bin was dark, and his face did not dare to confuse the color.

The second defense of this moon is so powerful?

Fortunately, I didn't attack that I didn't attack, otherwise, then it was almost the same.

The uniqueness of the fairy, the white light of the matters, put herself and Zhang Bin.

The sword in your hand dances crazy, and the magic weapon of any attack has become a powder.

However, she was attacked by such a horrible, and her speed became slow.

It is not too easy to rush in.

"This woman actually trust that is Hongfeng fan? Is it going to kill in and seize Hongfeng?"

Zhang Bin smiled in his heart. In fact, this is all of him.

Give the fake Hong Kong fan to the magic, it is a disaster.

Even if the magic is discovered in the future, it is fake, and no one will believe that he will suspect that he hits the real fan.

Even if the magic is handed over to the Demon Demon Emperor, the Tiandou Emperor has seen the flaw. Announce that is fake. But who is let?

Moreover, it is difficult to find him, it is difficult to find him, because he Zhang Bin is to fly the fairy, not the devil world.

He is much safe in the future.

So, he does not want the fairy to get a fake Hong Kong fan. Otherwise, this fairy is in a lot of trouble, and he is worried that the fairy gives the fan to the Arctic Emperor, and the Arctic Xian Di immediately saw a flaw, and of course, it will still doubt it.

"Why should this woman bring me to kill the magic?"

When Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin is particularly confused, is it because I have been enjoying it in her arms, she likes myself, I don't marry?

Hey, people are handsome, really have a lot of trouble.

Inspiring, he has to stop thinking.

Because the magic blood entering his body continues to burn in madness, there is a high temperature that is extremely horrible.

Let his body become bloody.

His hair has become dry, and his skin is cracking.

Zhang Bin's heart is a big awkward, running life, not dead, not old, etc., and strives to fight.

Even the phagocytosis and digestive abilities are transported.

Blood abilities are also launched.

But there is no harm, the blood is horrible to the extreme.

Also evil to the extreme.

Continue to madly burning, you have to put him into ashes.

Zhang Bin strives to confront, but only allows him to support him more.

"Nima ... this time is miserable."

Zhang Bin's face changed, hugged the fairy, and his head was deeply buried into the chest of the fairy.

Because he felt that the body of the fairy was particularly cool, it seems to be able to cast the magic and burning.

His body began to twist.


The fairy is shy and angry, and it is hit on Zhang Bin's butt.

Almost didn't explode Zhang Bin's ass.

But it is not awake, Zhang Bin is blurred by the horrible magic.

Continue to shake in the fairy, look for more contacts.

When the fairy is helpless, I almost throw Zhang Bin away.

But she still didn't do this.

Because there is no protection, Zhang Bin will die.

And Zhang Bin just saved her.

She continued to hold Zhang Bin, let the Zhang Bin are thin, continue to rush crazy.

"Dangdang ..."

"Boom ..."


The fairy has a horrible attack and finally killing the gap.

Then she crazy a few swords, I didn't know how much magic.

Nor delay, fly forward like lightning.

"Bang ..."

The audience sounded in the front sky.

A door is also an emergence.

It is the door of the devil.

The magic supported anxiously in front of the door, waiting for the door to open.

Of course, there is also a black green Thunder bombardment in his body.

"Death ..."

The fairy is full, and the magical attack has launched a fierce attack.

The sword, the swords were taken.

Cross-crossing, dense.


The magic screams, and the dance is crazy to resist.

"Dangdang ..."

The sound is shocked, and the murder is filled.

Countless mountain collapse.

Countless creatures.

This momentum is really horrible.


The magic of the magic made a scream, because his thighs have a sword, there is a deep blood cave.


The fairy is crazy, and the attack is getting more awesome.

"Dangdang ..."

Magic struggle to resist, and vomiting blood in his mouth.

More scars appeared on the body.

Seeing the magic support to tragedy.

That door was suddenly opened, and there was a power of swallowing the world.

Just swallow the magic.

And that door is also closed in an instant.

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