The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1849 How can I find you?


Magic is still a scream that has been scream.

Because his two legs were cut, stay forever.

"Loss is a loss."

The fairy is inattention, and hate the legs of the magic of the magic.

Let's release a fire, it will become ashes.

She didn't delay, with Zhang Bin flashed.

Just one moment, they returned to the holy.

But did not go to the capital city.

Instead, I came to a place where people were.

Snown into the ground, enter a cave that has no one in the ancient times.

The cave is of course black paint.

There is no bright.

However, the fairy is really powerful, she waves, and the darkness is disappeared, and the bright appears.

Let the cave become extra bright.

Her body exploding the strange breath.

The cave has undergone a strange change, and plants, creek appeared.

It became a human fairyland.

Then her face floated.

Looking at Zhang Bin in his arms.

Zhang Bin was burned confused by the magic fire.

Holding a fairy tightly, the mouth is also sucking in a mess.

Look for coolness to eliminate the magic.

The fairy's face gradually floated, and the eyes were also exploded.

The sword of the right hand is slowly raised, and it seems to kill Zhang Bin.

However, her sword has not fallen.

Instead, let go.

After a while, she took the sword and seems to be determined to kill Zhang Bin.

However, her eyes are closed, there is tears flowing out.

Drink on Zhang Bin's face.

Obviously, killing Zhang Bin, she can't bear it.

"Water, water ..."

Zhang Bin has issued a painful voice, and his head is also lifted, and suddenly kisses the red lips who want to drop the beautiful drop of fairy.


The fairy issued a panic, and immediately got rid of the opening.

However, Zhang Bin's arm suddenly hugged her neck, crazy, succumbing to the cool liquid, this liquid can extinguish the magic fire in his body, how can he give up? The imperminbability of the power is started, and the zoom can be started.

The fairy actually can't get rid of it.

"Don't ..."

The fairy is more and more flustered, the sword in the hand is also a drop.

People are also like being taken away by people, fell to the ground.

Zhang Bin, of course, pressed on her and continued to kiss.

The fairy is completely falling, and the hands are tightly grabbed by Zhang Bin's tiger waist.

Started with enthusiasm to respond.

Finally, she even took the initiative to transport a singularity, I entered Zhang Bin's mouth, helping Zhang Bin extinguished the horrible magic.

Gradually, the magic fire in Zhang Bin was extinguished.

His gods also woken up slowly.

Finally, he opened his eyes.

Then he discovered that he was lying on the grass.

And that fairy sat on a white stone on the side of the stream.

Her face is filled with depression and wrogging.

It seems that it is very unhappy.

"Fairy Sister, what is you?" Zhang Bin jumped up, "Is it because I didn't get Hongmond fan? I think that insurance is the most important, I can take the Hong Kong fan in the future. If there is no life Everything is illusory.

The fairy is white and Zhang Bin, still did not say a word.

"Do I notice?"

Zhang Bin walked over and sat down on the fairy.

"Don't close me."

The fairy jumped up and sat farther.

"We all have a good time, it seems, it seems, I have kissed it, don't be embarrassed."

Zhang Bin said, "In the future, you are my woman."

"Betting, if you dare to say, I will beat you."

The fairy is almost vomiting blood, and the fantastic body is still thrilling.

"Okay, don't say it." Zhang Bin said, "What is your name? After I go to the fairyland, I will find you?"

"Bastard!" The fairy is really mad. "I warn you, if you dare to entangle me, I will really kill you. Even if I don't kill you, the father will kill you, just like killing one The same thing. "

"Father Emperor?" Zhang Bin, "The Arctic Xian Di is your dad?"


Fairy didn't speak, just a cold.

However, Zhang Bin is understanding that his guess may be correct.

The heart is also a big shock, the sky, it is the daughter of the Arctic Xianmi? The Director of the Arctic Emperor actually appeared in front of him? Is the Arctic Xian Di not afraid that his daughter is falling?

This is a horrible princess.

Although it is beautiful, if it is difficult to handle, it will also attract a big disaster.

"You must be a little bit of the Arctic Xianmie? So, he doesn't care about your life? Let you down to capture Hongfeng fan?" Zhang Bin asked if he couldn't help.

"You you are ..." Hu said eight. "

When the fairy is angry, she has never seen such a bold, such a mortal who has never seen it.

How is she existed?

That is the most love of the Arctic, the most talented daughter - North Snow, in the fairy, that is really Tianjiao.

It is also the fairy king to be paste and gas, any fairy, fairy, and cactors, they don't dare to look up in front of her.

However, this teenager is not careless, it seems, it is not cared for her father - Arctic Xian Di.

This is just ridiculous.

It's just that I don't know how to live.

However, her noble princess is biased by this branch kid, kiss.

The most depressed is that there is a mark of the princess of Yaochi on his back.

This bastard has also been involved with the princess of Yaochi.

"Isn't it right?"

Zhang Bin's face is the color of the face.

"Of course, it is not right." The fairy said that the father got the news, time is too urgent, and when the Hongfeng fan will be taken away by the true magic, it will let me down. And I will not fall. "

"That don't have to let you know the princess, just let a feeling with you almost a strong cactus?" Zhang Bin still is difficult to understand, "Is it really a thousand miles to meet? Are you destined to be my woman? "

"You ..." The fairy is really unzy, the peak of the towering sky is still undulating. "Do you think that the lower bound is so easy? It must be super powerful genius, and the realm is low, you can't break through the fairy. The fairy boundary, the ability to keep the life will not exceed hundreds of people. Time is so urgent, my father can only let me down. "

"It turns out."

Zhang Bin suddenly realized that he asked him: "My name is the emperor of the bow. What is your name? I haven't told me yet?"

"Hey ..." The fairy snorted, and the fierce said, "said not to entangle me. Are you doing not impatient?"

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