The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1850, playing princess ass

"We are also friends, why can't you tell me in the same life. Even the name can not tell me? In the future, I can go to the fairy world, I can also ask your name, why not confident?"

Zhang Bin said.

"You tell me first, when is the princess of Yaochi?"

In the eyes of North Snow, the same light as the knife was shot, and it was projected onto Zhang Bin's face.

Let Zhang Bin secretly hit a cold battle.

"Yaochi Princess? Who is it? Who don't know?"

Zhang Bin's face has floated the color.

"Breast. Dare to lie to me?"

The fairy flashed, and a tear open of Zhang Bin's clothes.

Refers to the Yaochi pattern on Zhang Bin's back, and said, "Isn't this a princess of Yaochi? She will look at you? Is it really not thinking? Do you have anything?"

"Others, the woman is actually the princess?"

Zhang Bin played a cold in the spirit, and it was also a sweat of beans on the forehead.

In the past, he has been speculating, that time, he might be in the trap of others.

Therefore, it has taken a relationship with the beautiful beauty like Tianxian.

However, I know that the other party is the princess of the fairyland. He understands that it may not be a trap, but a coincidence, Yaochi Princess may be secretly played, and maybe it is to look for Hongfeng fan.

It may be that it has experienced the robbery, or it may be other reasons.

Her strength does not play.

But it is beautiful.

I met her in the water chamber before I couldn't resist her peerless.

Just awkward.

And if it is a trap, it is impossible to use the princess to be bait.

However, the woman is really Yaochi Princess?

Maybe the princess's maid?

"Yaochi Princess? She is your sister or a sister?"

Zhang Bin pressed down his heart and asked curiously.

"Hu said eight." The fairy glanced at Zhang Bin, "She is the little daughter of the Antarctic Xianmi. My name is Nanyao Pool. I am the daughter of the Arctic Xianmi, how can I be a sister?"

"How many immortals have you?"

Zhang Bin touched the forehead, it is a bit headache.

He is going to save Lei Xia, and Lexia is a scholar of the Antarctic Xianmine.

However, he also took a relationship with the Nanyao Pool of the Antarctic Xianmili.

This is a mess.

Too much trouble.

"You are not qualified to know the situation in the fairyland." The fairy panel faces face, and it is cold and cold. "You have a big courage, since Yaochi Princess people, I dare to play me? You said, how do you want to die?"

"I have no relationship with her."

Zhang Bin felt a breath of death, wrapped him, hurriedly said, "It is once, I am looking for Tiandi, I have encountered two women. They detected my Dantian, and then I didn't help but say it in me. I made a pattern on the back. "

This is half a half vacation.

At that time, Zhang Bin met the princess of Yaochi, he has not yet built.

Dantian is also no partition.

Although Yaochi explored his body, it failed to detect his genius to so.

"Explore your Dantian? Do you have a marker?"

When the fairy was stunned, the whirlwind was turned to Zhang Bin, and the right hand suddenly explored, and he was in the lower belly of Zhang Bin, and detained in detail.

Soon, she recovered her hand, and her face also floated the color. "There is only 60 Dantian area of ​​Dantian, and there is a great genius."

"My deception, confusion, big fate, and is very powerful, it is easy to deceive her."

Zhang Bin is secretly proud, but the face has been helpless, "I don't know what happened, since I don't have a gainful genius, why should she be a mark on me?"

"That is a monk." The fairy said coldly, "" Maybe it is to accept your guard. "


Zhang Bin, "Is she bad?"

"To shut up."

The fairy is anxious to go, and the face is full of angry and depressed.

"Can you help me cancel this mark?"

Zhang Bin shrugged and asked.

"You really want me to cancel this mark?" The fairy looked at Zhang Bin coldly. "Tell you, this imprint can make you struggle for hundreds of millions of years, in the future, after you go to the fairy, she can easily find you. To bring you a guard. The cultivation of resources, don't worry, "

"What is she saying is true or false?"

Zhang Bin was once, but the heart was a move. If you can use this imprint into the palace of the Antarctic Emperor, then maybe there will be a way to rescue Lexia.

This is simply a good place.

"Great rich bastard!"

When the fairy saw Zhang Bin, it was completely angry, and he hit a punch and played in Zhang Bin's chest.


A loud noise, Zhang Bin flew in the air, hit it on the wall.

Then fall as painting.

Lying on the ground, I can't climb it for a long time.

The bones are broken.

There is a crack in the internal organs.

"Good woman, actually murder."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, of course, would not say it.

Moreover, his heart is also bright, this fairy has been in hand.

Because she is super power, it is a rare genius in the fairy world.

Full a punch, you can definitely kill him.

Zhang Bin moved the gas and abnormal healing.

Don't say a word.

"Bastard, you said, you said, why do you want to be rich?"

The fairy rushed to Zhang Bin and shouted angrily.

"Princess, you are," Zhang Bin said, "I am your man, you are my woman. Your identity is not lower than Yaochi, how can I do her to guard?"


The fairy has been stunned, and Zhang Bin will be kicked.

However, Zhang Bin felt that this foot is trying to do.

Did not hurt him.

Obviously, the fairy is still very satisfied with him.

"Princess, how can you so rude to your husband?"

Zhang Bin looked up angry and said with depressed.

"shut up."

The fairy is angry, and the ground is broken by her.

After a long time, she took the anger, and the tone said: "If it is in the fairy world, you dare to say nonsense, soaster is the crime of the kill. Don't take your father, my guard, or Arctic Any immortal will kill you. "

"This is a fact."

Zhang Bin put an angry look, and said that he said, "Why do they kill me?"

"Ah ... I have to kill you."

The fairy is angry to the extreme, rushed over, and kept two feet on Zhang Bin.

Hey ...

The sound is continuous.

However, Zhang Bin's two hands were suddenly closed, and she hugged her two legs. He took advantage of it. He turned his fairy. He turned over and pressed it. On her ass. The mouth is also roaring: "Although you are a princess, I am your husband, only I teach your partner, understand?"

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