The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1855 Chapter Zhen Zombies

"who are you?"

Zhang Bin was darkly vigilant and asked curiously.

He had already seen it clearly, which seems to be a perfect zombie, and there is no place to rot.

The zombie did not speak, but stepped out step out, the right hand took the murder of the sky to catch Zhang Bin's face.


The sound is scream, the space collapses.


The momentum is even more horrible.

"court death."

Zhang Bin is angry, and the ax is on the nails of the zombie.


A loud sound, spark splash.

Zhang Bin felt a huge incredible master.

He flew in the air and flew at least a few hundred kilometers to steady body.

But he found that his right hand's tiger fell, the arm was thrown.

Even, there is an evil infraunction invading body, let his body become numb, a little controlled.

Instead, the zombie is a step without refund.

Easy to the extreme.

"Truth Zombie?"

Zhang Bin's face is full of not dare to confuse the color.

He is really stupid, shocked.

If it is not intertwined with the magic, he is invaded by the magic of the evil, he doesn't know the characteristics of the evil spirits of the true devil.

This zombie is the same as the characteristics of the magic.

Obviously it is true.

How can this be?

I have passed the time and space, I have encountered the true magic zombies?

Don't this be the big horror of snow like smoke?

" ..."

The true magic zombie swayed the body, the more distant space, appeared in front of Zhang Bin.

ZHANG Bin launched an attack like a windshield.

"Kill kill ..."

Zhang Bin shakes the body, turns into three six arms, and has a lot of magics.

Zoom elimination, time abilities, spatial abilities, artificial abilities, corrosion abilities, dead abilities ...

Crazy and killing this true magazine.

"Dangdang ..."

The nails and magic weapons bombarded each other, issued a sound like a firecracker.

The spark is also splash, making the dark space become bright.

Even if Zhang Bin is all the monopolism, it is still not possible to occupy the wind.

Instead, the festival has been defeated, sweating.

There are also many scars in the body.

What is more terrible is that this true magazine body is hard to the extreme, even if he is from Zhang Bin's magic weapon, it is not damaged, even a trace is not left.

The body is much harder than the body of the old magic.

Obviously, this zombie is stronger than the magic bond.

It is possible to practice to the Rubiki.

Just, after the zombies, the force has dropped a lot, which is much weaker than the magic.

However, it is still enough to deal with Zhang Bin.

"Kill kill ..."

Zhang Bin continued to fight blood, fierce extreme.

But it is still to resist the attack of zombies.

He continued to defend.

He is more embarrassed, knowing, hard practice for one year, letting his time law fly, the rest of the abilities are also huge, especially zoom.

Now he can zoom four times, and almost four times all the magics can be scaled.

But I can't resist the attack of this true magic zombie.

At this moment, Zhang Bin wanted to use his most powerful tricks.

That maybe you can kill this true magic zombie.

But who knows there is any true magic zombie?

"Demon, come out ..."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, and he wanted to take the devil from his central Dantian.

But let him be horrified, it can't do it.

I have no way to take the devil.

It seems that the secret is the same.


Zhang Bin can't dodge, and the nails of the true magic zombie caught a deep wound on his body.

He issued a painful scream.

More horrible is, evil is invading, let his body numb.

"Canada, digestion ..."

Zhang Bin retired after continuous, shouting in his heart.

His phagocytosis and digestive abilities are also thoroughly launched, devour and refine the evil spirits of the true magic zombies.

But his speed is also affected.

The true magic zombie is more crazy, and several wounds have been caught in his body again.

More evil is invasive.

Let him recover.

If you look at this trend, he will die.

This is very horrible, it is very horrible.


Zhang Bin greeted, the right hand suddenly grasped merits Jinjin, crazy, squatting in the nails of the true magic zombie.


A loud noise.

Jin Guang broke, black light was filled.

The true magic zombies have been roared more than a dozen meters.

But it is not afraid of death, and once again crazy.

With a murder of the sky.


Zhang Bin is also completely angry, dancing with Golden Print, and will be born with the true devil zombies.

Gong Dejin print is really a magical ability, much is much more powerful than the rest of the magic.

On the true magic zombies, the true devil zombies must be screamed, and there are many black fogs in the body.

However, Zhang Bin is even more miserable, caught many wounds by the true magic zombies, and some wounds can be seen.

Fortunately, he cultivated many magical skills and recovered very fast.

Can support it.

Otherwise, he has already fallen.

This truth is too powerful, although it is not a magic support, but the strength is not the initial stage of the monster, it should be the mid-term.

Now Zhang Bin may be able to defeat the true devil in the early days of the magic, but it is very difficult to defeat the mid-term.

"Break the moon double sword, kill ..."

"Sword breaks the sky, kill ..."

"Open the nine ax, be smashed ..."

"Gongde Jinjin, ..."

Zhang Bin shouted in crazy, showing all of the monopolism and tricks.

"Dangdang ..."

The moon double sword is on the moon palace of the true magic zombie.

Can't break the other party's moon.

The rest of the attack is also difficult to hit the true magic zombie.

"Destroy the magic light ..."

Zhang Bin shouted.

Destroying the magic light is taken out, just under the magical ability of zooming abilities, it has increased four times power.

Instantly bombard two months palace in the true magic zombies.

" ..."

The moon palace of the true magic zombie made a broken voice.

However, there is no soul among the moon, empty.

The true magic zombies continue to attack, and the soul of Zhang Bin is not careless.

"How is it possible? How can I attack without a soul?"

Zhang Bin was shocked to the extreme, the creepy.

He has no way to explain the strange phenomenon of such terror.

If it is another monk, it may be desperate.

Because the zombie knife gun does not enter, there is no soul.

I can only attack you, you attack him.

It is inevitably a dead road.

"Three gods stretched, zooming, swords broke through the sky ..."

Zhang Bin did not dare to delay, and the sword in his hand came out.

The sword has skyrocketed, and the swords will take a million feet.

With a rich to the ultimate death, embarrassed on the nails of the true magic zombie.

Show three gods and zoom can now improve the power of 8 times now.

The sharp sharpness of the sword has also improved eight times!

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