The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1856 Terror


The nail is broken, then sharp swords are on the neck of zombies.


The neck is also broken.

The head of the zombie fly high, no blood shot.

Only a rich black fog comes out of the head and the body.

" ..."

Zhang Bin's left hand suddenly explored, and he grabbed the bots' head.

Because he suddenly felt a touch of life fluctuations, it passed from the depths of the zombie's mind.

The eyes of the zombie head open, and the face floats on the face.

The mouth is also roaring: "It's so biliary, I dare to hurt me Mens?"

"Neach, who?"

Zhang Bin's face is full of doubts. "Why didn't I heard it?"

"The fifth of the magic world is ranked fifth Ma Meng, have you heard it?"

The zombie head is evil.

"Head ... Devil's monster, Tianjiao list fifth?"

Zhang Bin poured a cold, he did not have to go to the devil, but he didn't have to go through the fairy world, but he also knows that the devil is certainly unlimited, the Tianjiao countless, can rank the fifth in the magic world of the devil, What kind of power will it be?

It can defeat this zombies because of the three gods.

And this person is just a zombie.

If it is born, it will be more powerful.

Then, even if you have a three gods, you may not be able to defeat him.

He immediately said, "How did you become a zombie?"


Mumen's face suddenly changed, and it is full of fear, muttered in his mouth. "I have fallen, falling, genius, I have fallen ... Repentable can't pass through ..."

More black mist came out of his head.

His life is getting thinner and weak.

"Hey, how do you die?"

Zhang Bin was in the heart of the big, and his head was swaying.

Unfortunately, Ma Meng's life is instantaneous.

The head is also completely rotted, and it has become a powder.

During the darkness, no trace.

Even his body is also rapidly collapsed, and it has become a powder.

Flying in the air and chemically became a boundless darkness.

"Evil door."

Zhang Bin's body has spawned, once again there is a creepy feel.

" ..."

There is also a footsteps that is coming from Zhang Bin's back.

Zhang Binfei quickly turned.

Then he saw that a woman was wearing a broken clothes, holding a rusty sword in his hand, and his face came over, showing rich to the ultimate death atmosphere.

Let Zhang Bin regrettable, this woman is really a peerless person.

Wu Haoyuan like a cloud, it is good to explode.

The five senses are exquisite, the skin is better than white.

Even if the clothes are broken, it still comes to a rich and extremely noble temperament.

"This is a fairy zombie, and it is also a sword, is it a fairy?"

Zhang Bin's face became paleble, and the cold sweat was jealous.

Since the road to practice, he has encountered numerous times of danger, and he has encountered many powerful existence, but he has spent danger and kills the enemy.

He has never panicked.

However, today, he is really a little hair.

This kills a zombie, and it is another zombie.

If a better, how do you deal with it?

This is so horrible to cross the time and space?

A Xiu's estimate may not be accurate.

The fairy zombie looked at Zhang Bin and lifted the sword in the hand.

The momentum of the world is revealed from her body.

The horrible hurricane also appeared, madly rotated.


The sword lights is like a ground, and the void is broken.

The speed is too fast.

Zhang Bin has no time.

"Time hysteresis, kill ..."

Zhang Bin pressed the panic in his heart, the ax and the sword were on the other's sword.

" ... ..."

The broken sound sounded.

Zhang Bin's sword and ax are all broken, just like tofu.

Zhang Bin is thoroughly dumbfounded, knowing that these swords and ax are the magical refining.

With an endless character, but actually can't attacked this rusty attack?

What kind of treasure is this rusty?

Is it so sharp to?

"Gongde Jinjin, I blocked me ..."

Zhang Bin shouted, and the merits in the hands became bigger, and the sword on the other party continued to cut down.


A horror giant rang, spark splash.

Gong Dejin is not broken, only a faint trace.

However, Zhang Bin did he felt a horrible to the extreme power.

His wrist bones have a crack, and people go to fly like a sharding.

The five senses flow out of blood.

And the fairy zombie is only one step, it has stabilized the body.

Obviously, this fairy zombie is really a lot more than the zombie just.

The most horrible thing is that she also has sharp swords.

" ..."

When the fairy zombie stepped out, he has been chasing Zhang Bin.

The sword in the hand is crazy.

I launched a fierce attack on Zhang Bin.


Zhang Bin is awkward, and the dynamic Gold print is trying to resist.

But I can't afford it at all.

Just a moment, in danger, there is a desperate situation.

He shows all the abilities, but there is not much used.

The abilities of the fairy are much smoldering than him, and the time is not as good as Zhang Bin.

Perhaps use the three gods to act as a fairy zombie.

Unfortunately, Zhang Bin has made three gods to strengthen and have not recovered yet. Is it unable to show it again.

", attack ..."

Zhang Bin used the last powerful bottom sign.


The magical hair on Zhang Bin's head suddenly became bigger, and the head was stabbed to the head of the fairy zombie.

The fairy zombie is indifferent, the sword in the hands is in the hair.

Zhang Bin's heart put it.

I am afraid that the umers can't resist it, and the consequences do not dare to hope.


A quiped sound sounded.

Spark splash.

Ume people are very magical, there is no break.

"Tie it ..."

Zhang Bin's heart is big, and the darkness of terrorism is displayed.

Command the umersman tied to the body of the zombie.

But the horrible thing happened.

Fairy zombies are like illusory, and there is no existence.

Ume people can't bundle it.

The fairy zombies came out easily and once again launched a crazy attack on Zhang Bin.

"Dangdang ..."

Zhang Bin quickly used merits gold, and the scalp was pulled off.

", bundle ..."

Zhang Bin retired after continuously and shouted.

" ..."

The Meishen immediately bundled up, but did not bundle the zombies, but bundled in the sword, and wrapped around another circle.

Toading the rusty sword into a scorpion.

The fairy zombie will be a bit trouble, the sword in the hand is tied, and the past is also harm Zhang Bin.

And Zhang Bin is still pulling hard and let her sword law do not open.

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