The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1866 Chapter Virtual War

After a long time, the yarn recovered calm.

His eyes were also projected onto Zhang Bin's body, muttered muttered: "I hope that my feelings have no mistakes, I hope that his Tianfu is not absolutely me. Otherwise, I have to revenge."

"It turned out to be won."

Zhang Bin laughed in his heart. "I have to see how you escape from the house."

He still does not move, waiting for the abilities of the three gods to restore.

The yarn is also closed, it seems to be cultivated.

After ten days of foot, the yolk opened his eyes.

The eyes were once again projected on Zhang Bin's body, and the mouth was also muttered: "God bless, the capital is good."

"Nima, can you hurry? Laozi is not tired."

Zhang Bin broke into the heart.

"Divide the Secrets, I will win the heart."

The yolk shouted, and his body made a rich to the extreme darkness.

The real light of the sun is resistant, can't shine to him.

Then, only listen to the sound.

His chest cracks, the heart of the soul fly out.

Flying out with a rich to the extreme darkness, lightning.

" ..."

The sun is shining and shines on the heart.

Send an incomparable horror.

The heart is quickly narrowed and reduced.


The heart is also a violent scream, making people creepy.

Finally, the heart has spent the area where the sun is shrouded.

But it is shrinking to only one pertish rice is so big.

Flying to Zhang Bin like lightning, you will be able to drill into Zhang Bin's temple.

Zhang Bin suddenly moved, his mouth opened, crazy.


A huge black hole appeared, madly rotated.

The power of swallowing the world is also appearing, and it acts on the heart.

"Ah ... you are not dead?"

The heart suddenly turned into a small person with the yang liza, just only the fist is so big, I sent a bad shout.

However, Zhang Bin certainly didn't answer him, showing space time, and imprisoned soul, let it escape.

In the blink of an eye, this soul was swallowed in Zhang Bin.

Falling into his gastric liquid.

The horrible gastric fluid began to corrupted this soul.

"Ah ... you find it."

This little soul made a very angry shout, and his body has a strange soul.

Resist the corrosion of the horrible gastric juice.

There is also a sharp magic ax in your hands.

Of course, it is also condensed with the energy of the soul.

He was crazy to cut.

But this is the boundless sea, and I can't attack Zhang Bin's stomach wall.


The sea set off the waves of the sky and was madly rotated.

Pack this soul and make him difficult to move quickly.

"Dark Tiandi ..."

The yarn is crazy.

The little soul broke the darkness of the sky. When the moment, Zhang Bin's stomach became dark.

Even the knowledge cannot be sensed.

Almost at the same time, the little soul disappears like a ghost, thoroughly integrating into the darkness.

It disappeared without a trace.

It seems that there has never been the same.

"Good guy, really is a powerful magic."

Zhang Bin secretly shocked, but he did not panic, it smiled, his mouth was also muttered: "The virtual is no different, blink is true, close your eyes is empty. Darkness, no longer exist."

His eyes closed.

Magical things happened.

The darkness in the stomach is gone, it becomes very bright.

The little soul naturally exposed.

It is panicked to stand on the sea in the sea, and his face is full of fear, "Who are you? How can you master such a powerful virtual?"

After 14 years of cultivation, Zhang Bin took the virtuous muanqong to the late stage, and he had long been cultivated and unrelenting. Today, the first time I used to use virtual and different, deal with powerful moons.

And the virtual noisy does not let Zhang Bin are disappointed. Sure enough, it will make each other's abilities, which is no longer existed, which is so horrible.

Mastering such a variety of abilities, you will be a lot of money in the future, and it is safe.

I have a big horror.

"Hahaha ..."

Zhang Bin laughed, "Yangizu, now I know my power? I still don't die?"

"Zhang Bin, you can't kill me, I am not destroyed. Today, I must kill your soul and win your body." The yang lifette yelled.

"Death ..."

Zhang Bin shouted with a smile, his mind, the horrible gravity started, and countless abilities were also started.

The sea is rotated, and the small soul of the yarn is once again entered the sea, and it is crazy, causing.

Now Zhang Bin's stagnant wall has evolved to four levels, and it is transforming five levels.

The secreted gastric fluid is of course very horrible.


The yolk made a big shouting, crazy struggling.

However, how can you struggle?

However, the soul of his body is extremely powerful, it really has a very powerful inert property.

Amazing of Zhang Bin's attackers.

How can I melt?


Zhang Bin is also secretly praised, the yarn is a magic, only a little bit of soul energy, also has an informal property.

The more powerful rhamnial energy is more horrible.

It is not easy to kill yourself.

His mind, his soul goes to the stomach, suspended in the void.

He wants to use his own soul to kill each other.

"Zhang Bin, you, this Shaby, Laozi is waiting for your trick, you actually come to death."

The yolk made a smile, suddenly broke out, and a strange breath was burst.

Easily resist the horror gravity.

As the same arrow, I took it out, with the murder of the sky, and slammed an ax to Zhang Bin's head.

Zhang Bin's soul floated the cold laugh.

Two eyes suddenly.

Two blood-red light is taken out.

Destroy the magic light, zooming energy, three gods.

Twenty times power!

Wink on the head of the yarn.


The horrible voice sounded.

The head of the soul of the yarn is instantaneous, and the soul crashed quickly.

The mouth is also a scream.

But this guy is really powerful.

Still don't die, or the ax in the hand is on the head of Zhang Bin's soul.

"Zoom can, three gods, virtual noise, close eyes are fake."

Zhang Bin's soul of the soul closed.

The ax of Zhang Bin's soul is broken, and the power of attack is also unlining instantly.

There is no hurt to Zhang Bin's soul.


The screams of the ridges have made a scream, "It is impossible, it is absolutely impossible. How can a mortal in your district? How can I cultivate such a horrible virtuality?"

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