The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1867, Yangizu, thoroughly tragedy

Nothing is not unpredictable.

As long as it is much stronger than the other party, it is hard to work.

However, Zhang Bin in front of me is not high, and the virtual and no difference in the show is the extreme of terror.

This is simply subverting the cultivation rules!

The yarn is not known that Zhang Bin has two terrorist gods, one is to zoom alone, one is the three gods, so that his virtual unrenectable power has increased by twenty times.

If there is no power to improve, Zhang Bin absolutely can't stand the ax.

"I believe that your energy must be very pure, I am looking forward to."

Zhang Bin's soul of the soul opened, looked at the dying moons like the dead.

Why do he die? Of course, I have seen the soul of the yarn.

If he is crossing, he does not have such strength, and it does not dare to fight with such a strong soul.

However, in the past a hundred years, he did not know how many times.

There are many bottom cards.

In addition, how can you fear the district of prisoners?

"Mix, wait for my main soul to get rid of you, you must eat you."

The yolk made a big shouting, and the face was also filled with the color of the grievance.

He waited for soant to soant, finally waited for a chance to get stripped, but this opportunity did not catch, but a big loss? Loss the most pure soul energy?

"Death ..."

Zhang Bin smiled coldly, and the eyes were once again blamed.

This time, there is no three gods to strengthen, just show the zoom.

It has increased 10 times power.

However, it is also unborn.

Just now, the yarn has suffered two sullen magic lights, and it has suffered from hunting.

I can't live at all.


His head exploded.

The body is also exploding, and it has become a black fog with a full day.

In fact, it is the energy of the soul.

"... ..."

The sea in the sea swept the sea, and all the soul energy was swept in.

Start madly corrosion and digestion.

Zhang Bin can not dare to directly refine the soul energy of the yarn, that is, the soul of the inability.

If you can't erase memories, your soul may suffer.

This is different from the soul of the past, and although the Ze is still aunt, but it is revived, the soul is not recovered, it is very weak. Therefore, it is easy to refine. However, the soul of the soul in front of me is separated from the soul of the devil, super horror and powerful.

You know, even the horrible sun is unable to completely wipe his memory.

Can't kill it.

Instead, it is necessary to imprison him with a long years, and the horrible sun is relocating him.

Undoubtedly, the giant of the prisoner lizard is also very powerful, and it is also a Xianjun.

It may even be the fairy boundaries in the peak.

And if Zhang Bin is not cultivating the horror of the soul of the soul, it is specially destroyed the soul, and it has also improved twenty times power, and it is impossible to kill the soul of the yarn separated.

The horror resistance of the sea tumbling, corrosion, digestive abilities, deaths, killing energy, etc., all start, and strive to erase the memories of residual energy.

Gradually, the memory in all soul energy is wrapped.

Once again, it has become a heart, and only peanuts is so big.

Exudes a strange breath.


Zhang Bin is still not relieved, showing the soul of the soul, continuing to attack this heart.

Attack for three days.

The soul of his soul swallowed the energy into it.


The fourth God of the soul is crazy.

A strand will swallow all the soul energy.

For nearly a hundred years of cultivation, although Zhang Bin has not swallowed to more soul energy, his soul is also a lot, because practicing skills, it is also a strong soul.

And it is also a lot of pure.

It's not good to be swallowed, and I have to hard.

Therefore, we must work hard to engulf and absorb.

"Xianjun's soul energy is really pure, so that my soul is powerful. Unfortunately, to form the fourth God, need too much soul energy, I am difficult to practice in everything. But If you can swallow and refine the energy of all the soul of the yarn, maybe you can form the fourth God. However, the yang lizard will be more careful, I want to think about any good way? Zhang Bin put it in your heart.

His eyes opened, climbed from the ground.

Grandless eyes looking at the yarn.

The yolk has become sluggish, and the darkness is dissipated.

The sun's real fire seems to have a lot.

Zhang Bin felt that the speed of the soul of the yarn quickly accelerated a lot.

"Hello, dare to deceive me?"

The sunglet is open, shooting out the eyes of ice cold, projection on Zhang Bin's face.

"You said, if I refine a magic weapon that can resist the sun, attack you, will it take you?" Zhang Bin's face is full of play.

"You dream."

The yang boater is almost vomiting blood, how is your luck like this, I have encountered such a deceived pole, but also boldly, and also mastered a lot of terrorism and the stem of the card?

"let me try."

Zhang Bin laughed, he immediately refined.

I quickly refined a weird magic.

It is an iron tube and is empty.

Many solar characters are arranged on the surface.

He slowly explored the tube into the sun.

Didn't let Zhang Bin are disappointed, the pipe resists the horrible sun real light, and there is no melting.

Therefore, Zhang Bin continued to explore the pipe and point on the head of the yarn.

"Mix, what do you want to do?"

The yolk's face is full of horrified colors.

"Soul of the soul of the magic, zoom can, three gods. Give me a bomb."

Zhang Bin took the right eye to the pipe, the heart-minded heart, and the soul of the horror was exploded.

Flying out from the pipe, babard on the head of the yarn.


The horrible voice sounded, and the head of the yarn became popular.

Memory is slowly collapsed.


The yolk made a bad scream.

Just like killing pigs.

At this moment, he was extremely regret why Zhang Bin's doubtful questions, why do you want to tell Zhang Bin's solar compass? Can I be arranged in the magic weapon?

This is miserable, this babies are made out of the magic weapon, and the horror attack can be used by the sun.

Don't this, this is the so-called sky, or you can live, do you have to live?

Otherwise, Zhang Bin is strong, and it is also a realistic area of ​​the sun. It is not to attack him.

He is safe.

Just not getting out of trouble.

"How? Do you know that I am?" Zhang Bin's face was full of evil, "I want to erase your memory, it is very easy!"

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