The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1869 Terrorist Trap, Sun Real Fire

"Good, good, this soul is still a bit safe."

Zhang Bin muttered, his face was also full of satisfactory colors.

Now he clearly understands that the soul of the soul is easy to break the moon palace, and the soul of the enemy.

However, for the soul of killing the enemy, it is far less than the moon.

If the soul cone and the moon double sword are combined, the power will be a lot.

He tried it immediately.

Start transforming his moon double sword.

In fact, connect the head of the moon double sword and the tail of the soul cone.

The smashing double sword can follow the soul of the enemy with the soul of the soul and pass the soul of the soul, and the enemy's memory is issued.

With just a half day, he has finished the transformation.

He smashed the moon and the soul cone and the soul cone were connected together. It looks a bit like an arrow.

He also tested the power of the attack.

It is really very powerful.

The ridge lizard fell to the mildew, because he is Zhang Bin's test object.

Being Zhang Bin attacked again and again.

He continued to make a scream, just like killing pigs.

"In the future, it is called the moon double arrow." Zhang Bin was satisfied in his heart, "I have a powerful bottom sign."

Then he said again: "Solar lizard, I feel that your value is not big, I still send you to the road."


The yolk is the gas, what kind of bastard is.

It may be really miserable.


Zhang Bin did not say, and once again shot a soul of the magic, slamming on the head of the yarn.

"Ah ..." The yak made a more scream, "I have valuable, valuable, don't attack me ..."

"Why didn't I see where your value is?"

Zhang Bin said with a smile.

"I know that the inheritance of the Sun Gate has been arranged by me. Special array is hidden ..."

Yanggui is afraid that Zhang Bin continues to attack, and quickly tell the inheritance of the sun door.

"I will go see, if you lie to me, or if there is no value in the inheritance of the sun, you will wait for the gray to fly." Zhang Bin kills.

He went to him.

Soon, he went to a special place, according to the righteousness of the yarn, broke an array.

Suddenly the scenery changed, a hut appeared in front of him.

It looks a bit shabby.

A cobblestone path is also an emergence, and it has been extended to the front of the house.

There is a touch of golden rays from the hunger, and wrapped a mysterious breath.

Zhang Bin boldly stepped out and fell on the pebble road.


The array started, from the ground, an incomparable golden flame, with a dead breath.

In an instant, I wrap Zhang Bin and cracked crazy.

More terror is that there is a magical change in space. It has become a solid, and the grants of horror have also appeared, and the role is on Zhang Bin's body.

Anyway, let Zhang Bin can't fly, can't escape.

I can't connect backwards.

It can only withstand the burning of the golden flame.

"Hey ... Zhang Bin, you, this sand ratio, dare to and me, it is simply unknowing life."

The yarn is of course the secret use of the secret, and he issued an incomparable smirk.

It seems that he has seen that Zhang Bin has been under the horrible sun real attack to become a beautiful scene of the powder.

It is indeed the genre of the inheritance of the sun door.

Two billion years ago, he sneaked into the solar door to grab the treasure with many masters.

I grabbed the Sun Handa from the hands of the sun.

After that he and many masters entered the mystery of the sun.

Several powerful masters, all die on the pebble road.

The horrible sun is really fired into ashes.

You know, his strong friends are the realm of the magic, and they have learned the sun's merits.

Refining is more profound than Zhang Bin.

They all can't resist, Zhang Bin can still die?

Of course, there is the invisible array and the horrible sun real fire array is not he arranged.

It is the sun tricks.

The purpose is to get the inheritance by the enemy.

However, the next moment, the chin, the sun lizard, almost dropped.

Because Zhang Bin is safe and innocent, bathed with the sun's sun, step forward.

And he is still walking, muttering in his mouth: "What is the flame? It seems very powerful. Waiting for the way to collect some."

"How is this possible? How is it? The magic monkey can't resist, I can't resist it. He didn't even afraid of the sun's real fire?" The yarn shouted in his heart, his face was full, not a letter.

He didn't know that Zhang Bin has been cultivating the treasure of the treasure, is to cultivate the body as a magic weapon, and his body is also a super powerful magic weapon, and since he enrolled the sun to arrange the tower in the magic weapon Secrets, of course, the sun is also arranged in their skin and many organs.

The sun is very horrible, but it is difficult to break the sun, it is difficult to threaten him.

Moreover, Zhang Bin also found a secret.

That is that the sun can absorb the sun's real fire, and then combined with his sun, transforming into a special energy, confronting the horror flame.

"Could this, this is a trap?"

Zhang Bin muttered, and there was a sword that arranged the sun.

The flame is crazy.

The horrible thing happened.

The sword is slowly melted, and the sun is slowly collapsed.

Finally, it is thoroughly formed into a liquid.

"I rely on, this flame is so horrible, even the magic treasure that is arranged in the sun does not resist?"

Zhang Bin was united.

At this time, he truly understood that this road is the road to killing.

As long as stepped, it will become ashes.

However, the solar nature of his own table has been supported by the sun, but it can fight the sun's real fire.

"If I don't cultivate the treasure god, I didn't put the sun to arrange in the meter." Today, will I fall? "Zhang Bin asked.

"Non-muanmun, close your eyes is false."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, his eyes closed.

The magical thing happened, although there is also a horrible sun to be burned on him.

Power is much reduced.

"Zoom can be ..."

Zhang Bin shouted again, and the power of virtuality is 10 times.

The power of the flame is again reduced.

As if it becomes a normal flame.

"Do not die, no old power is started ..."

Zhang Bin continued to do test and inspected his defense.

A attack on the sun's real fire.

After a long time, he continued.

Why do you want to do this?

Of course, we are worried that the power of the sun is more horrible.

You can destroy the solar character on him.

He must be prepared.

Sure enough, there is no expectation, the more it is close to the hut, the more horrible.

It's simply destroying everything.

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