The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1870 Sun God Mon

"Hey ..."

Zhang Bin's nature is also unable to resist, start breaking.

But Zhang Bin did not panic, even, his face floated a touch of smile.

However, he closes his eyes.

In an instant, under the action of virtual or different, the power of the sun is reduced.

He continued.

Anyway, this road, he has been deeply remembered in his mind.


The sun is getting more and more horrible, crazy burns Zhang Bin.

But how can you hurt Zhang Bin?

Just just put Zhang Bin's hair into ashes.

Zhang Bin quickly walked to the front of the house, and gently pushed.

The door is closed.

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible ..."

The yarn made a big shout, anger to the extreme, and depressed and ugly.

So many magic people are falling on that road.

However, in front of this teenager, only cultivated to the flying misery, can actually pass naturally, enter the hut?

Isn't it to say, can this teenager get the inheritance of the sun?

The hut is like a normal hut, about dozens of square meters.

Set a piece of sun monument, there is a gold futon before the monument.

Don't have anything.

Zhang Bin stood quietly, and glared at the sun monument.

The fonts and patterns were burned on the monument.

It seems to contain the heavens and the earth.

It also exudes a vast momentum.

However, Zhang Bin does not know a word.

"Don't this, this is the inheritance of the sun, is also follow-up?"

Zhang Bin's face is full of doubts, sitting on the bus on the futon.


Zhang Bin has a surprised voice, because he feels that there seems to have a hard object below the futon.

He immediately moved the futon, and glanced at his eyes, there is something.

That is a small jade.

Zhang Bin's heart is big, his mental force will be taken immediately, read the content inside.

This jade is a lot of a monk named Sun Zhenjun.

The sun is the head of the sun, and the sun door is his founding.

And this solar handkerchief is he got from the taboo of a fairy world, can't be mysterious.

Even him, don't know what the sun is refining.

There is a mysterious space in the sun handkerchief. There is such a hut among the space, and there is such a sun monument.

The above description contains the mystery of the Flame and the ultimate extreme.

Before the sun, I got the sun's handkerchief, just a lowest level of cactus, just cultivated to the middle of the immortal.

However, after getting the sun handkerchief, he tried to enlighten the mystery of the inscription every day.

It is also a sharp step, and only the 100 million years will cultivate Xianjun.

In the Fairy Wars, he settled the sweat work.

I got countless merits.

After that he created the sun door.

However, what he comprehension is just a nine cow.

And this kind of jade is a lot of mystery and cultivation experience.

As for the sun's handkerchief, it is not explained in the universe.

Zhang Bin's face revealed a strange smile.

I didn't get cultivation immediately.

Instead, I took a jade out of the hut.

He came to the Yangizan, looking at him with the same eyes like the dead.

"What do you want?"

The yolk's face is filled with fear.

"Say, what is going on in the sun? I said all the secrets you know."

Zhang Bin Yang's jade is simple. "There are many contents in this, if you dare to lying, I will know it immediately. Then I will erase your memory, completely kill you."

The yarn is still afraid, and I don't dare to conceal, and I started to tell.

The fairyland and the magic world often have a battle, just like a meat grinder, keep inactivating the truth and cactus.

Many fairy demon have risen in the war and quickly become powerful.

Then I did a big official or got it.

And the sun is really such a cactus.

With the horrible sun, the sun is real, he kills how much the virtue is killed in the war.

Goted the ground, founded the sun door.

Due to too many killing, the big people who were devilied by the devil were staring.

The Justian Devil sent a master of ten magic levels such as the yarn.

It has been mixed into the fairyland and sneaked into the sun door.

Sudden attack, killing the sun is killing.

I took the sun handkerchief.

However, they have only 5 people left, and five magic will die in the sun.

The five people did not immediately put the sun hand to the Justiant Devil, but a detailed study.

As a result, they have entered the space of the sun.

However, a terrorist array is arranged.

He touched the array, the body was destroyed by the sun, the soul was imprisoned, and the rest of the magic was falling on the road in front of the hut.

As for how the Sun Hand Pass, he doesn't know.

"Shaby, do you dare to lie to me?"

Zhang Bin's face floated the disdain, "It seems that you are actually not tired."

"I didn't lie to you, it is the truth."

The sun is really a face.

"If you have a few stupids, can you enter the space of the sun?" Zhang Bin said with a cold smile, "Is the sun really lure you into it? Then there is a horror war in this. The sun is really inside. The array is broken, and you will also prison you. "

"No, no, it's really not."

The yarn is grievances, "It's really we studied the secret law of entering, and then entered this space, falling into the trap, talented."

"It's really laughing." Zhang Bin did not be angry, "said that it is embarrassing," There is no learning of the sun, but it is impossible to enter this space. However, you don't know anything about the sun. You only know a little fur, that is to let the sun really kill it. So, you have no way to teach me how to put the sun in the magic weapon, let me feel it. And you say four magic It is also a big joke on the road in front of the hut. "

Donned, Zhang Bin said: "The road will go in, will explode horrible flames. If you die, how can another person can enter? So, the sun is really in this space, secretly controlled Array, waiting for them to go to the small way, let the flames break out. "

"You have reasonable."

Yangizu said, "Maybe we have got up the sun's true king, he did not kill us, but sneaked into the space of the sun, and then took the initiative to let the palace appeared, lure us to enter, kill the rest of the magic kill, then I am imprisoned here. But we didn't know. "

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