The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1880 is difficult, huge harvest

Zhang Bin continued to unite his mental strength, act on the gap of cardiac cells, not allowing the cell's gap, but also wants to narrow the gap of the cells.

Otherwise, there will be doubt today.

"Ah ... give me off ..."

Zhang Bin's body has completely collapsed, turned into a bunch of meat.

Just only have a heart, meridians, moon, and Dantian.

In front of the threat of death, Zhang Bin's potential broke out.

Percussion quickly agglomerate, the cracks of cardiac cells have begun to slowly shrink.

The black thunder released is also smaller.

Let Zhang Bin have a chance to breathe.

The true gas is madly rotating, and the golden Dan is bursting.

Crazy repair the body.

More collapsed cells flow out of the real gas, and there are more and more flowing.

Not only collects the meridians, but also repairs nearby cells.

However, it is only the case where the situation is not deteriorated.

The crisis has not been released.

"Master ..."

Three teasings, Yang Xiong, frog female, A Xiu, Wu Zetian, all frightened, and made a horror shout.

Tears are also swaying.

Why can't they understand that Zhang Bin has been encountered?

Is it a fire into the magic?

But will not be so horrible to walk into the magic?

How strong Zhang Bin is? The body is hard, the dragon body is great, and it is more powerful than the fairy.

It turned out to collapse into a broken meat?

How can this be?

Don't say they, even the magic face is also revealing, the body is keeping chestnown.

Obviously, Zhang Bin's horror is far from her estimate.


Zhang Bin's heart in all cells, or a horrible thunder.

The black Thunder also continued to come out and spread on Zhang Bin's body.

To completely destroy Zhang Bin's body,

The time gradually passed.

Soon I have been ten days.

Thunder is still not destroyed.

Zhang Bin's somatogenic minced meat is also dark, but it is slowly combined.

It became a humanoid.

The situation is developing in a good direction.

Everyone has also secretly grows up.

Put down your concerns.

Thunder is gradually low.

Zhang Bin's face has floated a touch of jague, because more cells have begun to release the true gas, the gas collection into the meridians, then transported into Dan Tian, ​​more and more in Dantian.

Jin Dan once again rotated, started to swallow the infurism.

Obviously, Jin Dan is still not thoroughly formed.

It also needs to be swallowed up.

Zhang Bin's mental strength has become a lot of power, and the gap is slowly reduced in the cells of the cardiac. The release of the Thunder is also less.

However, Zhang Bin did not let the gap all closed.

Because this black Thunder has a magical ability, you can activate the cells in his body to make cells produce intact. Not only can hear, but also let King Dan out.

After another five days.

Zhang Bin's Jin Dan finally swallowed enough innocent, stopped rotation, stopped being swallowed, becoming so big, released a faint golden light, shining Yao Dan, also spread, let the body shower in Jinguang .

All injuries have healed quickly, no sequelae.

Then Jin Dan's light became bleak, and it was quiet.

Heart cells are no longer a thunder, and the gap is also inexplicably closed.

It seems that it is a dream.

Zhang Bin opened his eyes, and the two varies were taken out.

Cold people.

"Husband ... You scared me."

A Xiu, the frog woman rushed into Zhang Bin to hold the fire like a moth.

"Master, what is going on?"

Three teasings, Yang Xiong, also surrounded, surprised.

"Don't worry, I have spent a special day robbery." Zhang Bin comforted them, "How can I get an accident? That is absolutely impossible."

In fact, he all secretly is secretly afraid, inside and outside the double repair, it really is dangerous.

This day, it is too much to rob much than the magic internal repair.

It is simply to fight people.

Don't give people a chance to live.

Inspiring, Zhang Bin started taking detailed testing and testing the changes in its own strength.

Soon, the result came out.

His body's defense has a powerful ability.

Psychotropic is very strong.

The strength has also been doubled.

There is no change in the rest, and there is no change in the Universities.

Zhang Bin has picked up, and the internal repair is actually not borrowing any external force to develop the potential of the body, breaking a limit, let the body have magical changes, any cell can become an celestial body, can even have countless creatures . This kind of cultivation is very difficult and needs too much difficult.

The exulture is the beginning is also the potential of stimulating the body, but it is the aura and treasure of the universe to excite, even, the gas is also transformed with the Hongmeng gas and aura of the outside universe. That powerful to a certain point, the power of the body arrived in the limit, the war has also arrived in the bottleneck, so it began to adjust the power of the heavens and the earth to enhance the war.

Once cultivated to the flying promotion, flying in the fairy, the body is developed to the limit.

It must be made to comprehend a lot of abilities, collect the strength of the universe, to nourish the body, not aging, and get a long life, of course, can also improve the power.

"Zhang Bin, you still don't cultivate the practice in the future."

The devil pulled Zhang Bin to one side, said seriously, "Tian robbery is too horrible, this is the weakest golden Dan Tian robbery, that is more powerful, and the sky robbery, the flying sky will be more horrible. "

"It is really awesome. Inner and external double repair, this road is too difficult." Zhang Bin said seriously, "But, it can make me quickly."

"Don't you want to continue cultivation?"

The devil is stunned.

"Anyway, it is also idle, slowly cultivation. My progress is very slow. It is estimated that it is necessary for thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years. Maybe it will come to deal with terrorist robbery. Zhang Bin said.

"I suggest you, or abandoned the external trisss, the special repair law. Then there will be no horror. It will not be too dangerous."

Magic said.

"That is absolutely not good." Zhang Bin shakes his head into a cargo drum. "I don't know how to repair it. I have to cultivate it to the flying misery. I am almost impossible. I have been dead. Is it possible to fly to the fairy Go. "

"After flying, it can be discarded."

Magic said.

"The result is still the same, the internal repair does not absorb the treasure cultivation of the universe. In the fairy boundary, the internal repair can not be long? The life is limited? Can you break through the bottleneck, or fall." Zhang Bin said, "What is in the fairy, There is no powerful strength, the possibility of being killed. The external repair is definitely unsolved. The only way is the inside and outside the double repair, the external repair will get a long life. The internal repair is slow, solidly cultivate, hit Basis, maybe it is possible to practice step by step. Of course, it may stay in a bottleneck and can't break through. "

"You are also right, then continue inside and outside the double repair. Don't hurry to break through the bottleneck. It is best to press it, don't break through." The devil gave a while, only said.

Zhang Bin nodded, he is not a fool, knowing that it is so horrible, of course, will not break through the baking world, this is the true gas, it is used to refine.

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