The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 188, the magical power of the fourth God

"You finally broke through the internal power law to Jin Dan, and the robbery is so horrible, but the harvest is also very big." Magic said, "You carefully understand, try to develop heart cells, then you can make hearts It is a very powerful gray and black Thunder. It is also a very powerful base card. Also, your cells have endured horror, inspiring potential, as long as you continue to practice, you can make more cells to breed the arrogance, then you The war will also improve. The speed of cultivation will also speed up. "

"Hey, if I really master the Thunder of the universe, attack the enemy, how horror will it be?" Zhang Bin is also a special expectation.

He sent a detailed and cultivated a month.

Finally, I have mastered the secret law that makes the heart out of the gray Thunder.

As for the black Thunder, I can't master it.

Magic said, that is because Zhang Bin's body is not too strong, you can't afford to bombard your black Thunder, you can't master it.

Reproduction for thousands of years, it is estimated that you can master it.

"The tacit in repair is not very good, and it is slow to practice."

Zhang Bin sighed darkly.

However, he is still very happy, because the gray Thunder is also extremely horrible, far exceeds two colors of robust thunder, regardless of Zhang Bin's most powerful base card.

"The soul of fleeing with gray Thunder, maybe you can hit him."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

His evil laughed into the space of the sun handkerchief.

Come to the sun.

He looked at the yolk with ice cold, and said, "Today, what do you have to teach me?"

The yolk's face is filled with desperate and grievances, and the mouth is also drinking: "Zhang Bin, I have no to teach you, there is nothing to change my own life. You have to kill. But I will kill. However, I Tell you, I have used the secret to contact my grandfather, he knows my situation. He will give me a revenge sooner or later. Of course, if you can put me out, there is no matter what is going. "

"You still have such a powerful ability, can you contact your grandfather?"

Zhang Bin's face revealed the color, he certainly did not believe in the opponent's ghost.

"Hey ... You can don't believe." Yangiziang is cold and said, "But this is the truth, because you enter and go out many times, reveal the channel, I really contact my grandfather. You will wait until you are. You can't kill me, because I have the soul to stay in the devil, the main soul is dead, the soul will be resurrected, condense the body. I will find you later sooner. You said, do you still have a possibility? "

"Then I will give you a chance of resurrection."

Zhang Bin smiled and said that the horrible sun real light and destroyed magic light were taken under the eyes of the eye. Under the role of zooming, he raised several dozens of power, slamming on the head of the yarn.

"Ah ... I will definitely revenge, you will wait for me."

The yarn is crazy.

But the sound is gradually low, it is getting weaker.

After three days, his memory was completely erased, no sound.

Zhang Bin swallowed his soul into it, digested with gastric fluid, and wiped the residual memory.

Then let your soul will swallow all.


The fourth God of the Soul is quickly rotating, and all the energy of all the soul is slowly entered.

Then God suddenly shook, and the light became bleak.

Returning to the truth, thoroughly formed.

"Great, I finally cultivated the fourth God."

Zhang Bin's face showed an excited, excited to the extreme.

The yolk is really a magic, and it is a super powerful magic, cultivated to the peak of the devil.

Therefore, the soul energy is superior and supermunge.

Although his soul was attacked by the sun, he was attacked for twenty-billion years, but because of the magical unsteady. Still don't die, most of the soul energy retains.

Now it is cheaper Zhang Bin.

Let Zhang Bin practice the fourth God.

He took out the talents, read it. I will understand the special ability of the fourth God.

"Tianmao Shield, condense ..."

Zhang Bin shouted, and the fourth God broke out the energy of uncomfortable soul, quickly gathered together, compressed into a rectangular shield, exudes an uncomfortable breath.

The special ability of the fourth God is not an attack, but a defense.

The Tiandou Shield, indestructible, can resist the soul attack incomparable terror.

It is also difficult to break the destruction of thirty times power.

So, with the Sky Shield, the soul is much safe.

"Now, I can go back, even if you encounter a big horror, there should be the ability to save life."

Zhang Bin muttered.

The reason why the squeezed yarn is to be turned off, it is to force his own soul, repair the fourth God, and have a top card.

As for the yolk, is there a soul, is it resurrected, he doesn't think about it.

Now he is double repair inside and outside, and the other party must pay everything to him, almost impossible.

So don't worry at all.

He didn't delay, took out the machine and put the people into the central Dantian.

Then he started the time machine and wandered the time point returned to the departure.

The time the machine has burst into a white ray, and it is rapidly rotating.

Then I suddenly disappeared.

And Zhang Bin also felt a flower, on time and space transform, appeared in a dark world.

The breath of death is extravalent.

"I rely on, I'm going back, I have encountered a big horror?"

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, his face flied.


The singular voice sounded.

The sky has become bright, just like suddenly igniting a lamp.

It looks extraordinary cool.

Then, a shadow appears, becomes more and more clear.

It turned out to be a high-like body.

Half of the body is Bai Yessen's bones, and there is a muscle.

But it is already rotted.

I can even see my locust.

The body of the body is tightly holding a sword.

The sword was actually the sword of the trial seen in Zhang Bin.

Distribute a murderous and cold breath that is extremely horrible.

The bodies highly raised the sword of the trial, and the dark paint eye hole is also tightly staring at Zhang Bin.

The momentum of the destruction of the earth is taken out.

People are shocked.

Zhang Bin felt that the strength of this body is much powerful than the two genius of the genius.

It is also much harder than the swords of separate trials.

Obviously, because Zhang Bin saved Wu Zetian.

However, this time, Zhang Bin did not fear.

Instead, his face is revealed, and his heart is moving. There is a rusty sword that is blindly sealed.

The bodies of the mountains suddenly broke out, and the sword in the hands was squatted with the murder of the sky.

Suddenly shake, space crashed.

Black light is filled, and it is dead.

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