The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1882, two Zhang Bin, life and death


Zhang Bin shouted, the sword in his hand was on the other's sword.

Zoom elimination, Shenlioba, edemon, three gods. At the same time.

Today, his zoom resistance can increase 30 times power.

Therefore, this sword has increased by 60 times under the action of three gods.

Plus his skills, the sharpness is much better than before.

The base has a great improvement.

Therefore, his power of this sword is nearly 100 times before crossing.

He must have a whole, because this time his merits Jinjin can't play power, after all, there is only one hundred merits Jinlong.


A loud noise.

The trial of the trial in the hand of the giant bomb is high-orte.

Zhang Bin also retreats after continuously, both hands are stabbing.

This sword, two people no peers.

For more than a thousand years, Zhang Bin is also powerful.

It is also a power to encounter a big horror.

The giant body was furious, and the sword in his hand shot thousands of lights, and once again with the murderous murder.

"Time hysteresis ..."

Zhang Bin smiled coldly, and the time is active.

The speed of the sword of the giant body is slowed down.

Zhang Bin is flying, and the sword in his hands is suddenly hit on the neck of the giant body.


The neck breaks, the hill is so big, the head is flying in the air.

The huge body is also on the ground.

Then collapse, and chemically became a full-day ray, dissipated air.

" ..."

Zhang Bin's right hand quickly explored, and grabbed the sword of the trial like lightning.

However, he grabbed an empty.

The sword of the trial crashed, and it was chemically made a bit of golden rays and dissipated the air.

It seems that there is no existence.

"Evil door."

Zhang Bin has a creepy feel.

For this inexplicable horror space, he still understands not much.

He continued to guard, waiting for a more horrible attack.

" ..."

Suddenly, the clear footsteps sounded from the darkness of the front.

Then, a corpse is wrapped in the stress and momentum of the sky.

There is no generator, but it doesn't matter to Zhang Bin, there is no difference.

Even, in his hands, he also took an exact same rust.

The only difference is that the eyes of the body are sluggish.

Idrew a rotten odor.

"How is this possible? Is this really the body after I die?"

Zhang Bin's face changed, his hand sweated.

The body stepped by step to Zhang Bin, and the sword in his hand was crazy.

Sword breaks the sky!

The sword has skyrocketed, the sword is blasted, and the eyes are eye-catching, and the murder is full.

Zhang Bin's heart is horrified, the body actually masters his sword?

But he finally experienced countless dangers, and it was still more than a thousand years, and the heart was determined.

There is no delay, and it is also a sword.

It is also the sword breaks the sky.

And there is a zoom resistance, improve the power.


The double sword intersects, the sparks are splashing.


Zhang Bin felt that a terrible force came from, he actually stabilized the body, and he continued to retreat. The tiger has crackled off, and the clothes are under the attack of the sword, broken.

The body did not have a good job, but it was very far behind him.

However, the body of the body is extremely rushing up again, and Zhang Bin launched a crazy to the ultimate attack.

Even, shake the body, turned into three six arms, two swords.

Even the charm kill, horror.

Zhang Bin has also become three-headed and six arms, showing the star sword law, and the three axes.

Many of the magics.

However, he can't resist it.

Decided in the section.

Because he was shocked by such a strange thing, it was difficult to play all the strength, and the body mastered all the attacks and magic of Zhang Bin, and there was no feelings and emotions, and they were of course extremely horrible.

"This is really my body, it is difficult to say, will I fall in this horror space?"

Zhang Bin worked hard to block the attack of the body, while shocked in his heart.


Perhaps because of the spirit, Zhang Bin has a sword, and there is a bloody in the lower abdomen.

The body is crazy and attacking Zhang Bin.

"Can't go on this, I want to cheer up, otherwise, I really want to die here."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, he was quickly healing, while fully attacking.

The sword broke out, and the ax was crazy.

Time is outbreak, and it is virtually unreportable.

Space imprisonment, sun real light.

Destroy the magic light, three gods, zoom can, merits Jinjin ...

But it is also just a flat hand, because the body has also mastered these gods and killings, and there is a same merits goldprint.

After two hours, Zhang Bin has been scarred, and Zhang Bin has been scared.

The body is also the same.

However, the two men have become more and more bloody.

According to this situation, Zhang Bin and this body are the same as the end.

At this time, Zhang Bin understood that why so many days of passing the time and space encountered a big horror, because the luck is not good, it will encounter the body as the same strength as yourself, master all the secrets, just like the mirror Do you fight? Can you still fall?

"Tiandi Lingbao, bombardment ..."

Zhang Bin once again took out the bottom card.

Many belongings belong to his heavens and Lingbao fly out and attacked the body.

However, the mouth of the body opened, the same world Lingbao flew out, and Zhang Bin's heaven and earth spirit killed together.

"How is this possible? Even the heaven and earth spirit treasure is the same?"

Zhang Bin was stupid.

Inspiring, he also released a lot of elves that belong to him and helped him fight.

But there is still no use, because the body also releases the same elves.

"This nightmares? Or mirror? But if it is a mirror, how is it not me? But my body?" Zhang Bin was a horrible.

The body is not any emotion, Icy is like iron, crazy attack, but it is not afraid.

"Dangdang ..."

"Ah ..."

The magic weapon bombards each other, Zhang Bin made a miserable call from time to time.

It is also unable to save the defeat.

Because he found a very bad situation, the body injury did not affect the power. However, you will be injured and the war will fall. If you encounter another master, maybe he still has a healing time, but his opponent is equal to another one, he has no treatment.

The fight is still continuing.

The attack of the body is like the wind and the wind, sharp horror.

Killing Zhang Bin sweat, the flesh, the flesh, screaming.

It seems that death is waiting for him in front.

It seems that he is destined to fall today.

"How to do?"

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart.

The color of his face floated on the face.

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