The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1917 breaks through the middle of the immortality


Tianxian Dan's medicinal power is magically to the extreme. In the stomach of Zhang Bin, I will issue a sound like thunder. The singular hot flow is also in the air, integrated into Zhang Bin's muscle cells, and even entered the moon. , Is absorbed by his soul.

When Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin fell into a unparalleled realm.

He appeared countless illusion, inspiration is like a sea tide, and a wave appears again.

His sentiment is like a broken bamboo.

He can clearly induct the intangible lines in the fairy void.

He used to be induced before.

So he can't fly.

At this moment, he felt the same as two wings.

His body slowly floats, just like there is no gravity.

"Hey ..."

The true gas of the space attribute is also crazy.

Other innocents are also circulating quickly under Zhang Bin's guidance.

I don't know how long it is cycled.

There is a heat flow slowly infiltrated into the meridians, and the initiative is integrated.

His arrogance immediately happened, the quality became higher, more pure.

"Hey ..."

The bottleneck of the space attribute work is clearly broken.

The true gas is also as if it breaks through an invisible level, and it is crazy to rotate and shrink.

His body seems to wake up, began to swallow the fairy gas, processing the spatial properties.


His somatload became a black hole, and the mids of the midst of the midst of the mortgage were quickly swallowed.

Zhang Bin's heart, many princess gave a fairy, fell on the ground, then quickly crushed, and became a strong cultivation, and was swallowed by Zhang Bin's body.

"Hey ..."

The bottleneck of wood attribute exercises is also broken.

The bottleneck of more attribute exercises begins to break.

Soil properties, unsatisfied properties, unwanted properties, time properties, optical properties ...

It took about three days, in addition to the exercise of fate attributes and estimates attributes, the rest of the skills broke through a bottleneck and cultivated to the middle of the camary.

Zhang Bin opened his eyes, and the face floated on his face.

At this moment, he felt that he was an immortal.

I have a preliminary fit with this world, there is a feeling in all one.

He walked out of the cultivation room.

What surprised him is that mung beans will wait outside the door.

After seeing Zhang Bin's closed custom, she said coldly: "The princess lets you see her."

After that, she walked.

A pair is very exciting to see Zhang Bin.

"Sure enough, it is not sweet." Zhang Bin lamented in his heart, "I have to think about it to give her back to the princess. It is best to change the red bean. That is perfect."

Soon, Zhang Bin went to the Chamber of Deputies.

Here is the place where the princess calls the seal of cultural power and dealing with the event.

General Tie Wei is not qualified to enter the council.

Only the iron guard talents can.

But there is no qualification for procedures, and can only stand behind the princess.

All the guards are Silver Guard.

See Zhang Bin, there are a weird expression on the face of more than a dozen silver and Wei.

Silver one hundred even smiled and said: "Iron one, this time, you must not be vertical, believe?"

"It is estimated that it is to be expelled."

"It is also possible to die ..."


The remaining silver guards also looked at Zhang Bin with the same eyes as the dead, and the sound of the heart is happy.

"Less nonsense, go to report."

Zhang Bin did not have any nervous, faintly said.

As if he didn't hear these silver guards.

Silver one hundred sneered and went in and reported it, and Zhang Bin got allowed and went in.

The council is very solemn.

Northern Snow Princess sat on the stage, it looked glamorous and extremely powerful.

Silver one and gold are standing behind her.

Dozens of civil and military ministers stand together in both sides.

The quantity of the thirties each other.

One thing is extraordinary.

Zhang Bin is very interested in these people because he knows that these people are the princess's team, and they are absolutely ill, Bei Xue Gong mainly won the Crown Reserve, and will depend on the fairy emperor.

If the wisdom of these people, strong force is strong, then you can get a thing.

On the contrary, it is not possible, and the King of the King of Snow will be completely traged.

Finally, Zhang Bin's eyes fell on the face of the left and right heads.

The status of these two is definitely the highest, and it is also the most important person.

Left first is a middle-aged cactus, the forehead is wide, the eyes are flexible, and the perseverance.

It is obviously a wisdom and personality person.

The right one is also a middle-aged cactus, tall, embarrassing, and a breath of a tall blood.

His eyes are cold, the nose is like a hawk.

Wearing a military uniform.

It is obviously an general.

"The owner, the name of the left, the name is the distance. It is the chief counselor of the Northern Snow. It used to teach the princess's knowledge. Although it is only cultivated to the middle of the fairy, it is a lot." The voice of the rabbit sounded in Zhang Bin. Among the brain, "The right of the one named the eagle is the highest general of the North Snow Army, and it is one of the people who are most valued by the princess."

During this time, rabbit also searched a lot of information from

"The picture is still not bad, but the eagle has seems unsatisfactory, I am not very satisfied."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

The rabbit is thoroughly speechless, and you are not the princess's husband, you are not very satisfied?

Many civil and military ministers are also brought to Zhang Bin's body.

Many people's faces have floated a contempt.

For a guard who cultivates the middle of the cactus, where will they look in their eyes?

And Iron Wei, for the Lord of North Snow, is not very important, just use talents used to cultivate, in order to change, Tie Wei is the idle person, anyway, anyway, For the Northern Snow Princess of the wealth, it is not a problem that some idlers are not.

"I have seen the princess once."

Zhang Bin held the boxing ceremony.

The Northern Snow Princess is swaying, saying faintly: "Iron one, you picked two rockies from the medicine garden, and bite a swan on the spot, do you have such a thing?"

"Yes. The taste of the rude is very good, I like it very much."

Zhang Bin did not hesitate.

Northern Snow Princess is almost unsatisfactory.

Originally, she also hoped that Zhang Bin can find a suitable reason, she rubbed it with Zhang Bin.

However, now this bastard says this, how do she protect him?

Many civil and military ministers have also been stunned. Look at Zhang Bin like the monster, and I don't understand that a Tiewei in the district will dare to say this to the Directors in the Directors.

The remote map is remotely projected onto Zhang Bin's face, and it seems to see Zhang Bin's heart.

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