The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1918 Wisdom

A minister stepped out step, shouting in power: "Princess, the swan can be very precious, at least 18 of the soldiers in the early days of Fairy Night, our strength can be strong. This is a waste, it is simply The crime is very evil. And the iron is proud, the bold bag is heavy, and it must be heavy. "

"Master, he is called a regular, and the deputy of Beiku City is one of the important mating of the princess."

The rabbit said in Zhang Bin's mind.

"Iron one, do you have anything to say?"

Northern Snow Princess looked at Zhang Bin, did not ask.

She also felt that Zhang Bin became more and more unscrupulous. It is very good to talk about things. Is it good for him? Only let him arrogate?

"Princess, the deputy owner is the filing of me, please princess to see the autumn."

Zhang Bin still does not panic.

"Which? Let me see the autumn?"

Northern Snow Princess is really angry, the crisp chest is undulating, and it will not come out.

The rules are ruined, and they are roaring: "I am telling the truth, where is it?"

"Then I ask you, how can I waste two swans?"

Zhang Bin said coldly.

"You picked two rosewats, I ate one with two. Isn't it a waste?"

There is a rules.

"You don't talk so much. Only those who have no reason will roar in the court." Zhang Bin said, "You just said that two swams can cultivate soldiers in the 18 fairy realm, the meaning of the words, it is possible to refine 18 Tian Tian Dan, right? "


There is a ribbon that is heated. This bastard actually said that he roared in the court?

"Then just refining 18 Tian Xian Dan is not a waste?"

Zhang Bin said.

"Not bad."

The party has a decree and smile.

Zhang Bin's hand has a jade bottle, faintly said, "This is the Tianxian Dan I refining, there are not many, a total of 18 granules, I took a piece, breaking through the early days of Xian Shi There is still 17 capsules. "

He also opened the jade bottle and photographed 17 Dan.

The party has a stupid eye, and the rest is also awkward.

I can't speak for a long time.

This bastard is so bull, but I actually refine the two furnaces of Tianxian Dan?

However, he did biting two days of fairy fruit.

If they know, Zhang Bin uses two days of fairy fruit, refining three furnaces Tianxian Dan, but also more shocking.

However, how can Zhang Bin may take all the refilled medicinal herbs?

He also cultivates yourself.

"Princess, please accept the fairy Dan."

Zhang Bin put Dan medicine into the jade bottle, sent it to the princess, and he said angrily: "Princess, the party has a contempt, the evidence is conclusive, please punish him."

Northern Snow Princess is now stunned, she has never seen Zhang Bin like people.

In this case, it can be turned over in such a case, and it is also a bite.

It is to know that there is a foundation, but the smartest perspective is weak.

I have eaten a dumb loss in this bastard?

This bastard seems to be very bad, is there more wisdom?

Is there a potential to do

The rest of the civil and military ministers are also stunned, some people even smiled.

They saw that they had a rules and in the hands of a iron guard.

Don't this be the best interpretation of the ditch?

Is there a rule?

Their all of them projected on a regular body.

The square is also a confidence, and then it is furious, it is turned into a humble iron.

Yourself, but one of the most valid of the princess. If you can't compress this iron today, you are not a big joke?

When his eyes turned, he smiled and said: "Princess, although Iron is made of two furnaces, Tianxian Dan, but also waste, I don't contraction."

"Appreciate further details?"

The Northern Snow Princess projected the eyes to the side of the side.

She clearly understands that the part has begun to fight.

The harmony of wisdom is also beginning.

"Iron Yi took a certain fairyan, it was wasted! Because Tianxian Dan is taking it to the peak of the immortal, it breaks through the fairyland." Square has a strong straightness, "this will make the princess Xian Shi. So, you must re-punish the iron one, free to waste the princess of the princess. "

"It's good, the square is a rule, the wisdom is fruitful."

Many civil education ministers are cheering in your heart.

Even North Snow Princess is secretly admired.

They all look at Zhang Bin with mercy. This bastard is completely provoking people who should not provoke, absolutely returning.

"Princess, the deputy owner has rules the rules, the thoughts are rigid, and it is unbearable." Zhang Bin sighed.

Everyone is stupid.

The eyes of the Northern Snow Princess are also wide.

An iron guard in the district dared to say this in the Chamber of Commendation?

Is this what his identity can be said?

"Good biliary." The party has a rule of anger, drink, "bid things, if you don't say a convincing reason, I will not have to do with you."

"Of course, there is a reason to convincing." Zhang Bin said, "I asked you, just, I just said that I wasted a day of fairyan, the meaning of the words, the mid-metropolitan monk is far less than a fairy In the early days of the premier. Isn't it right? In your heart, the monk who determined the early monks in the early days of the fairyman was much stronger than the mid-immortal monk. Right? "

The face has become serious, because he understands Zhang Bin's intention, and he also heard that Zhang Bin once defeated the truth of silver, so he organized a speech and said: " I am judged by a person's comprehensive ability. Not only the fighting power. "

"What you mean is that the comprehensive ability of Xianshi must be higher than the integrated intelligence of the immortal?"

Zhang Bin asked faintly.

"Not bad."

There is no hesitant, proudly drinking this time.

He believes that he does not have any vulnerabilities.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Bin is a scream of a contempt.

"Could you think that I am not right?"

Square, there is a grateful laugh, which is also a trap for Zhang Bin.

If Zhang Bin is right, then he is not stunned from Zhang Bin.

An iron guard in the district, dare to challenge the wisdom and authority of the counsel? It's just that I don't know how to live.

"You are not right."

Zhang Bin's face floated on a laughing expression.

Fang has a total of almost vomiting blood, this bastard is very bad, but it is not full, but it is a bit trouble, but he still has no panic, and asking: "I wish you sure?"

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