The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1919, you can only strike

"It seems that the deputy owner encounters an opponent. This little iron guard cannot be underestimated. It seems very not simple." Most of the civil and military ministers are in the heart, and the face is also surprised.

The Northern Snow Princess is also a little accident, just looks at Zhang Bin with a singular look, looking forward to him to have more exciting performance.

"I deeply believe that four today's Xianmi also have a lot of Xianwang, when they have just cultivated to the realm of the fairy, most people's comprehensive combatization is more than Xianzhi." Zhang Bin said, " Is not it?"

"This one……"

The party has depressed depressed, he has a heart to refute, but not dare.

After all, once it is refuted, it is equal to a small look, and any one can be affordable.

But he is a super powerful counseler. The brain is flexible and said: "You don't distort the theme, today we are talking about the problem of you waste Dan medicine. No matter how you say, you are also wasting a fairyan. This is a heavy penalty "

"Although I don't get it, I take a day of Xian Dan to break through the middle stage of the immortal, but the comprehensive ability exceeds the immortal of the early days of the fairy. What is the waste? I only have the rigid immortal, I will commit a confrogation. Experience mistakes. "Zhang Bin said faintly," I see, you can only play, can't do something big. "

Everyone is stunned, I can't believe my ear, I am going to blow the eyelid in such a case? Say his comprehensive ability exceeds the immortal in the early days of the fairyland? Do you still dare to attack? Said that there is a regular basis to make a big matter, can't do anything?

The square has not been angry, showing the color of the laughter, "Princess, the iron is very high, and the prince will tell the minister to test the comprehensive strength of the iron one? If you don't reach the early days of the fairy, how to punish ? "

Northern Snow Princess is a little hesitant. She doesn't want to pay attention to Zhang Bin. Zhang Bin is the truly fairy king, and it seems that the wisdom is extraordinary, but it is worth cultivating, but Zhang Bin is proud, but she is a little headache.

"Princess, promise him, this can also prove my point of view. However, if my comprehensive ability exceeds the general fairy, he has to apologize to me." Zhang Bin said.

In his current realm, it is almost impossible to get the princess.

However, if you can make a regular basis, you can make a regular city.

That case may not be the same.

"Square deputy, you test the iron one."

Northern Snow Princess agreed.

Since Zhang Bin himself is willing to accept the test, can she disagree?

This has several benefits.

You can take a look at Zhang Bin's true potential.

If the test proves that Zhang Bin's comprehensive strength is not as good as the early immortal of the fairy, it can be hitted him.

It will also be convergent in the estimate of the personality.

"Iron is miserable."

"This iron falls in a rule, and it is necessary to take off the skin without dead."

"Take a penalty, it may be to pay in prison."


Many cultural and military ministers are embarrassed in their hearts.

Square, there is a good expression, he looked at Zhang Bin like the dead, said that all the cactors know that the most important feature of the early days of the fairyland is that it can fly, Only by mastering the flying skills is the real cactus, you can go out to perform the task can you complete a lot of special work. I asked you, can you fly? "

All the face of all the civil and military ministers also revealed the color of the game, and he looked at Zhang Bin as an idiot.

I dared to say that my comprehensive strength reached a fairy.

How do you die this?

"Breast, this knows how my counsel is? You dare to question his wisdom, can you still have a bitter?" North Snow Princess is also looking at Zhang Bin with mercy, in his heart.

Bathing a lot of desirable eyes, Zhang Bin did not panic, faintly said: "I certainly be able to fly. Is this nothing?"

"Ha ha……"

The party has ruled a clear laugh. "You dare to lying in front of the princess and Wenwu Baiguan?"

"Oh ..." Zhang Bin is also a clear, "Do you dare to smear me under the public?"

"You ..." Fang has a troire, "Then you fly together?"

"Try it will try." Zhang Bin said, the space is in an instant, and his body rose to the sky, it is a few meters from the ground.

Everyone, including Northern Snow Princess is completely dumbfounded, and the face is full of colors.

An immortal in the district is cultivating to the middle of the cactus, can you fly?

How can this be?

"It's impossible! It is absolutely impossible!"

The party has a stupid eye. He wiped his eyes and wiped his eyes. He looked at it. He didn't bother to yell, as if he saw the ghost during the day.

"Oh ..." Zhang Bin smiled coldly, "said that you are rigid, you don't believe it? The fact is that the empiricalism is not necessarily right. Many things, it seems impossible, but if we work hard, It is possible. Now, have you admitted? "

"I didn't lose."

The square is calm down, and I am sneer. "What is it flying here, that is, hanging in the air, the real flying, you can instantly."

"Could you still want to make the fairy in the early days of the immortal and the speed and flexibility of the flying?"

Zhang Bin looked at the other party in the same man, and said.

"Yes, this is one of my comprehensive strength. There is no contrast, how can I get the right result?" The square is very shameless, the face is also very thick, "Princess, please move the battlefriend, today I It is necessary to test the strength of the iron one, maybe, he is not a super genius. "

"It is clear that it is necessary to repair the iron, but it is said to be so crown. The square is also too abdominal black."

Many cultural and military ministers are embarrassed in their hearts.

And their faces have also floated the color, of course, is the mercy of Zhang Bin.

Although the North Snow collar is wide, it is a cactus because of life.

The immortal is basically universal.

There is no child, all of the adult cactus.

It is also easy to manage.

Therefore, the big Bei Snow collar doesn't have much thing to handle.

All officials are very leisure.

If it is not to help the North Snow Princess to compete for the land, it will be more leisure.

So, today, because of the iron one picked two rude things. Everyone is not impatient, it is interested in, it is fun.

Soon, the Northern Snow Princess and Wenwu Baiguan went to the training martial art.

This is a sealed space, which is very wide.

A great defensive array is arranged.

Even very powerful cactors are in front of it, it is also possible.

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