The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1927 Arctic Emperor

"What is waiting for death? Under my help, you must live, and you have to board the demon emperor. At that time, the woman is a demon emperor." The bow is excited, "this is What is faceful? "

"Go to you, who said to be your own woman?"

Phoenix is ​​shy, and the bow is white.

At this moment, she can't wait to see Zhang Bin.

Looking forward to his reunion.

I look forward to a red embracing hug.

That is her biggest wish in all directions.

I thought that I could see Zhang Bin in the quenching hole. She was an innocent, and the voice said: "Well, this time, I must enter the hardening hole."

"This is right, let us work together to change your own destiny."

The bow is said.

At this moment, his heart is also full of joy, can encounter people in the demon world, and still Phoenix.

In all directions, he watched her into the sun, equals that she sent it.

But he can't force, that pain and sorrow, let him endure.

Now have the opportunity to make up, how happy this is?

Three days have passed.

Northern Snow Princess, Zhang Bin, with one hundred iron guards, and Ma Ru Fei, Chen Chao, Zhang Navy, frog female, Tian Guangjin, Li Taishi started, first transferred to the Palace of Emperor Palace.

Of course, there is a space magic weapon in the body of Northern Snow, and the maids and counsel are installed.

So, in the quenching hole, she can also enter the space magic weapon and enjoy the waiter.

However, the maid cannot come out from the space magic weapon.

Zhang Bin also put the mung bean with a green bean, let her stay in the fourth fairy tower.

To enter the quenching hole for a hundred years, then a beautiful maid, he does not bring it, he is a bit unassay.

And the rest of the emperor, the princess also came to the emperor with the guard.

They all have gathered on the wide training in the emperor.

Arctic Xianmi also appeared on the high platform of training the battlefront.

He grows tall, he is strong, it seems like a teenager, there is no smile old.

However, he exudes a natural majesty, making people creepy.

He looked at thirty emperor and princess, he said, "This time, not only you, there is a devil world, the demon world, the people in the world, is very strong and genius. Especially the people of the devil, then It is your death. If you can't work together, you will rush to the enemy, then you may not live back. I don't want to see the situation. And, I don't have the same strength. I can save you from time and space. How can you save a few more than to save a limited. So, if you fall, it means that it will always fall. "

Everyone's face has become serious, and even someone floates the bean sweat.

"You can also choose to quit." Arctic Xian Di said, "Once you have exited, you don't participate in the Crown Reserve competition, you can continue to live freely on the ground, do a happy fairy. Someone wants to quit?"

Everyone is still a firm, no one exits.

The Polar Emperor's face has been gratifying, and it is said: "In this case, can you work together to fight against a strong enemy?"


Everyone shouted.

"I know, some people have some people who are in mind, some think about the conspiracy trick, deal with their brothers and sisters." Arctic Xian Di said coldly, "But there is such a thoughtful person, the result will be traged. Go to you, remember, now your enemy is from the outside world, the magic must kill you to get merit, the demon repair must kill you to grab the treasure. I still tell you, I don't enter the hardening Cave, but you can clearly know everything, you can evaluate your place to ... I take a break in place, you will negotiate it. "

Many emperors will take the space magic weapon and place it on the ground.

They entered them with their own people.

"Mr. Figure, iron one, you have analyzed, what is the meaning of the father's words?"

I entered the space magic weapon, and the Northern Snow princessed couldn't wait to ask.

The image is long, can't enter the quenching hole, but the princess is in the space magic weapon, which is to deal with any crisis in the quenching hole.

"Iron one, you should say it first."

The picture is remotely looking at Zhang Bin with a singular look.

Obviously, he is taking the wisdom of Zhang Bin.

"Your meaning is very simple. You can use a sentence to summarize, that is, first save the enemy, and then compete for the reserve." Zhang Bin said, "To save the enemy, the best way is to unite the enemy, if you enter Since the loss, such a person will lose the qualifications of the competition. If it is in the later, the enemy is not enough to threaten everyone, and the appropriate competition is allowed. "

"Mr. Figure, what do you think?"

The Northern Snow Princess asked again.

"I am right, I don't have to add it."

The picture is long, smiling.

Northern Snow Princess glanced at Zhang Bin with a singular look, only to say: "So, now we discuss, enter the action plan of the quenching hole."


It's so fast for an hour.

They have a space magic.

Then enter the transfer array.

The Arctic Xian Di is also entitled.

White light flashes.

They have no shadow.

And the situation in the East Emmale country is basically the same.

After the East Emperor Dynasty, I started to take a break.

Phoenix Princess and Bow Changwen Wenwu took 20 guards and walked into the transfer array and passed the past.

However, the face of the big emperor is full of smirk, and the eyes are all the light of the poison.

Obviously, he is very unhappy, the Phoenix Princess participates in the reservoir competition.

The transfer array before the quenching hole has passed many monks.

Then they gathered in the empty band before the quenching hole.

The geographical field in front of Cuigu Cave is arranged.

That is a lot of emperor demon emperors.

Only the master of the immortal level can open the array.

People entered the quenching hole.

Therefore, ordinary fairy ghosts cannot be entered.

This is the heel of resources.

Zhang Bin looked at other emperors, princess people.

After all, the other person is likely to be enemies.

For this time, Zhang Bin is extremely attached to and cautious.

The pressure is also very huge.

Because he is not only to lead the team of the King of Snow, he will help the phoenix to deal with the enemy, insist on the end, live.

However, the enemy is too much too much, but there is almost no helping hand.

How hard is this?

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