The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1928 master gathered

Zhang Bin's face quickly exposed the color of surprised, because there was a huge discovery.

There are four great immortals in the fairyland, and there are more powerful fairy emperors in Taikoo.

However, there is only a person who has the Arctic Fairy.

The demon world is only only available in the East Emperor Emperor.

The Emperor has only one of the Antarctic Demoni.

The ghost circle has only the Western Ghost Emperor.

That is, only the genius of four countries is entitled.

"Princess, don't you come in other people?"

Zhang Bin couldn't help but ask.

"This time, there are more people entering people. So, a hundred years old. I entered the royal blood of the four countries." Northern Snow princescore said.

"That's great."

Zhang Bin has a darkness.

Even in four countries, each country basically has nearly 30 teams. How many people in each team are.

The situation is also more complicated.

However, there is still much more than the royal blood of all countries.

There is also a lot of dangers.

Otherwise, the four magic people teamed up with his team, and he was strong and it was hard to survive.

"Master, have you noticed? That is the Antarctic Emperor, he still has another title - Dawu Dempery." The voice of the rabbit sounded in Zhang Bin's mind.

"The Antarctic Emperor is the Demon Emperor?"

Zhang Bin's gaze immediately shot past.

That is a teenager who is burly, wearing an emperor, wearing a golden crown.

His eyes are all indifferent to Cangsheng.

A vast percentage and momentum is exuded, as if it is a too ancient beast, it's too horrific.

After his body, he stood tens of thousands of real devils.

Thirty teams, that is a whole, and their body has a cold murder, and their eyes flashed with bloodthirsty rays.

They are also brought about by the people of the Arctic Xianmili, just like the beast to see the prey.

Too much aggressive.

"I learned from the sky, but only the lowest version. This time, I wish you can learn the advanced version, ..."

Zhang Bin smiled and smiled.

However, he did not have any bad enemy, because he felt that the children of the Dynasty Demon Dynasty were very talented, very powerful, horrible.

It is absolutely will not be passionate, if you say strength, they will always exceed him.

Because they all cultivate to the peak of the truth, and after entering, it may be better to break through the fidelity, which will be more powerful.

Therefore, in the quenching hole, the only way is to use wisdom.

However, these emperor's princess is no one is a fool, and it has a super smart perspective.

For example, the scatter of the Northern Snow Princess is very popular, even Zhang Bin secretly admire.

If all the opponents have a distance of the scientific points, it will be very troublesome.

Zhang Bin also saw Phoenix, and Phoenix also saw Zhang Bin.

They look at each other and reached a tacit understanding.

The face is also exposed to the singular smile.

At this time, they can't say hello.

"The phoenix is ​​getting more and more beautiful, and it is more temperament. Too charming."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart and then he continued to observe fine.

The East Emperor is a beautiful, glamorous.

The pressure is like a sea, and people have secretly awesome.

Zhang Bin also secretly looked at the wind and his few thousand.

Of course, the Eastern Active Different teams he also gave a lot.

He has been secretly assessing the strength of the enemy.

After a while, Zhang Bin began to play the people brought by the West.

Then he laughed in a moon.

Because the West is not a soul, but the real person.

His children are all people.

Most of them are all soul.

"The owner, the ghost industry is a very special world." Rabbit explained that "most of the people of the ghost people come from all kinds, it is very powerful. After the flying, naturally, they can only continue to repair the soul. After all, They didn't have a new body because they lost their body. So they can only continue to succeed. However, they also have a way to breed offspring. Once cultivated to the ghost king, use ghosts Magic fairy medicine - pregnant lotus, you can give birth to the body, but their body is not too big, and there is no great defense ability. Once a war, they will be the soul, put the body. For them, the body is the house, the soul is the real body. "

"And since it has given birth to body, take special drugs, it can be pregnant. Born belong to his own blood. However, in such a descendant, it can only be repaired, the body is basically can't practice. There is not a good talent. However, the Tianranity of their soul is incomparable. So, the soul attack of the ghosts is unpaired. Their combat power is also very powerful, not small. Otherwise, the senior world is not May have a ghost. "

"It turns out that these ghosts have to prevent it."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, he felt that the situation was more complex.

To deal with enemies from other countries, we must also prevent the attack of other teams of fairyland.


Like thunder, the sound of the color is bursting.

The empty area in front suddenly emerged from the ground from the ground.

With a unstopable momentum slowly.

The ground is also vibrating, and there is stressful.

"This is the magical quenching mountain. Every hundred years will come out from the ground. For up to three hours, I will sink into the ground again, and I will appear after a hundred years ..."

Bunny searched a lot of information on Xian online, introduced Zhang Bin.

Finally, the quenching mountain is all coming out, towering clouds, and hustle.

In the middle of the mountain, there is also a hole that bursts green rays.

Obviously, that is, quenching hole.

"The array is open ..."

Almost at the same time, four emperors shouted.

Their body blasted a horrible to incredible percentage and momentum.

The Arctic Emperor took a white light.

The Antarctic Emperor's body took out the same black light.

The Eastern Emperor's body burst into red light.

The West Big Ghosts is burst into the strange gray rays.

These rays become four huge bridges, passing from the horrible array.

Extended to the foot of the mountain.

And the foot of the mountain, it is also four stone doors immediately.

Of course, it is tightly closed.

Everyone jumped on the bridge and rushed forward quickly.

They all cultivate into the cactus, the real devil, true demon, true ghost, almost all can't fly.

What's more, it is not enough to fly.

It is Zhang Bin, and there is no way to fly.

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