Thirty children of the Employe's Emperor are in front of age.

The first thing is the big emperor, Bei Yuntian, with more than 3,000 guards on the front.

On the second, the second emperor North rainy day, also with nearly three thousand guards.

The third is the third emperor, the north misty day, with more than 2,000 guards.

The big emperor and the second emperor are 79 Dantian.

The three emperors 78 Dantian.

Their three people are the greatest, and the strength is also terrible.

It is a popular person selected to capture the reserve.

The strength of the team is weak.

Guard is basically more than 1,000 and a few hundred.

And the last countdown, the Northern Snow Princess, only took 107 guards.

The last silver screen princess is even more miserable, she took 60 guards.

"Iron one, a lot, see how many people they have entered."

Northern Snow Princess said seriously.

"Yes, princess."

Zhang Bin promised, and his eyes were also projected to the back of the big emperor of Shimen.

The right box of Bei Yuntian is on the door.


A loud noise.

Spark splash.

The door broke a gap.

North Yun Tian flashed.

But the door immediately closed.

His guards are also a punch, bombarded stone door.

If the power is reached, the door will open.

If the power does not reach, the door will not open.

So, it is not that every guard can stand.

More than 3,000 guards, only three hundred people bloom their door, rushing in.

The guard who didn't bombarded the door is of course a sloppy, and retreat quickly.

"Three hundred people, one tenth of ratio."

Zhang Bin muttered, but his face is a bit unheatched.

If you follow this ratio, the guards of Northern Snow Princess can only enter ten people or even less.

And the power of the big emperor, it is a few times.

You know, you can enter the super genius, there are terrible potential, not the weak.

Soon, the second emperor and the third emperor also took people into it.

The proportion of their belongings is reduced, reaching the point of ten to one.

So, only more than two hundred and more than one hundredguides can enter.

The next emperor and princess are also the same.

Most of them have only dozens of people, or even more than ten people.

Soon, I turned into the King of the North Snow.

However, Northern Snow Princess did not enter, she and Zhang Bin were standing in the end.

Many iron guards are advanced.

However, the situation is extremely beautiful, 99 guards, only five bombards.

It is iron two, iron three, iron four, iron five, iron six.

Northern Snow Princess's body is shot, and his face has become very ugly.

So someone, there is a fart, can you save?

The Arctic Xian Di, who is watching there, is also very bad, and the heart is very disappointed with the Northern Snow Princess, and the white-handed 79 Dantian, the powerful combat power, but the ability is extremely lacking, 99 Tie Wei is only 5 people, and after the last time, she went to the world, but did not capture Hongfeng fan, and took away from the genus of the Tiandao.

At this moment, he basically excluded North Snow Princess, not suitable for the Crown Reserve.

"The princess, don't worry, and what I brought."

Zhang Bin said comfort.

"Your person comes from all directions, how could it might blow?" Northern Snow Princess said, "It seems that we can only go in seven people, but the big brother has 300 people, strength is our more than forty times. what."

"Go fast, don't let the princess desperate."

Zhang Bin looked at the six belongings that belong to himself, and the sound was lowered.

"Give me."

Ma Rufei is one of the Malaysia, showing the power, zooming in the door, and bombarded the door.


The door is open.

He entered him.

"The door opened? Go in?"

The eyes of Northern Snow Princess have been widened, and the face is full of not bonus.

The iron guards that have not been able to go in are all surprised to the extreme.


Chen Chao Yue rushed up and gently opened the door and rushed in.

"It's awkward? Is it again?"

Northern Snow Princess and many iron guards stunned.

Rotary, Zhang Navy, Tian Guangjin, Li Taiqing, they also blew the door and rushed in.

They have got the body of the super genius, and they are considered to be the talents of Xianwang.

And they learned a lot of cattle cultivation methods because of Zhang Bin, who followed the adventures.

Even Zhang Bin has a feeling of cultivation, and will teach them immediately.

There is no reservation.

Can they not be strong?

If the Northern Snow Princess has cultivated the genus, there can be a lot of powerful belongings.

How can I only have five people in the district to enter.

Unfortunately, the Northern Snow Princess is impossible to teach the magical exercises of the Arctic Xianmie.

The rest of the emperor and princess are the same.

The magical inheritance must be confidential.

"How can it be?"

The eyes of the Northern Snow Princess are almost dropped.

Her face is filled with confused and doubts. Is it good to have a person in the people who come from the world? This is a ridiculous?

"Princess, I went in."

Zhang Bin also did not delay. He blew the stone door easily and went in.

In other words, seven people have entered it.

"Hey, the original master is behind, 107 people, actually go in 12, this proportion is very high, not bad. Just now I judge too early. North Snow is still very powerful."

The face of the Arctic Emperor floated a gratified smile.

"Too good, the father changed my impression."

Northern Snow Princess looked back and saw a smile on the face of Arctic Emperor. She suddenly had a big joy. She didn't have any delays. She broke the stone door and rushed in.

Zhang Bin and other 12 people are waiting for her.

"Iron one, you are really my lucky star."

The Northern Snow Princess shouted excitedly.

"let's go."

Zhang Bin is not surprised, with everyone began to climb the mountain, and went to quenching hole.

There is a small road in front of you, and many of the royal owners will take people in front.

Soon, the last silver screen princess also took people into it.

She is very miserable, there is only three three people.

In addition, she is only four.

So, she cried and walked in the end.

In fact, Zhang Bin's face is very bad.

Because the people of the Eastern Lemon have passed another door.

There are more than three hundred entangles in Fengsi.

The rest is more than two hundred, more than 100, dozens, more than a dozen.

However, the genus of Phoenix has entered three, plus bow long civil war, is four.

There is only five in total.

This strength is really different.

How can Zhang Bin can be optimistic?

However, the phoenix is ​​very excited, because the bow is inserted, and she also saw Zhang Bin and three teasings, this strength is not bad.

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