The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1930 Claims Communication

"The bow is long civil and military, I didn't expect that you can really enter, the district is also entering, incredible." Phoenix's mood is good, one into the bows.

"Princess, I am the soul of your man, how can it be too bad."

The bower of the bow is ridiculed.

The phoenix is ​​ashamed, and the bow is white.

"Phoenix, is you related to your brothers and sisters? Can the emperor you can alliance?"

The bow is in front of the square, and asked the sound.

"Don't expect 15 brothers, he has already got out of great brother." Phoenix voice said, "We have no natural enemies in the true sense, and you will be able to kill themselves." They will become enemies. "

The phoenix is ​​of course the truth, the cultivation of the demon is very special, they are crazy refining, developing the potential of the body, and exciting the abilities.

It is not cultivating theory, and it is not repaired.

So, it is not like a cactus and the demon, it is a natural enemy.

They are there is no natural enemy.

However, the cultivation of the demon is to refine through the universe of the universe.

So, they are not internal to repair.

However, the demon is closest to internal development.

However, they cultivated to a certain point, that is, the potential of the body is developed to a certain level, and there is no way to reach the demon emperor.

"That situation is really tricky, waiting for us so like this ..."

The long civil and military sound said.

And Zhang Bin also launched a special arrangement. He said to the Northern Snow Princess: "Princess, you are pulling the silver screen princess? Now you go to talk to her, we merge into a team, sincere cooperation, until a hundred years later Alive. We promise that as long as she doesn't take the lead in attacking us, we will never attack her. "

"it is good."

Northern Snow Princess did not hesitate to promise.

She slowed down, and the silver screen princess had accelerated with three guards.

They have two embarrassments.

Then I became a team.

In this way, there are 17 people in their team.

Two princess, Zhang Bin is a super powerful master.

Strength is not too weak.

Zhang Bin did not let the King of the Snow Princess went to alliance with others.

Because the strength is different, it is very bad, if the other party suddenly attacked, it will lose weight.

Soon, they went to the quenching hole, and the fish was taken.

After all people enter, wait a while.

This mountain is slowly sinking into the earth.

They have come out and have been a hundred years.

Everyone enters it.

Just a face of blood, and asthorn.

Khan is also rapidly coming out.

Walking is also twisted, and even your hands can't lift it.

Because gravity is horrible to the extreme, there is no number of large mountains in their body.

More terror is that invisible energy invades their body, and has become a horrible high temperature, crazy burning their body.

Bones in the body become red.

Almost no one has the ability to attack others.

They are struggling to fight against this horror gravity and vicious intangible energy.

Even Zhang Bin is not very easy.

All teams are instinctively spread, not close to another team.

At this time, it is equal to it, whether it is a suicide, no matter whether it is a win or lose, it will inevitably lose the heavy loss, and it is inevitable from others to fisher.

"Northern Snow Princess, Silver Screen Princess, from now on, you must listen to my order, any decision to me can't have any questions. And I am the highest command of this team, we can spend the difficulties. Now, please appoint me For the captain. "Zhang Bin said seriously.

Two printers look at each other and have seen the color of the opponent's face.

Because they find that Zhang Bin is much easier than two of them.

It seems that it is necessary to adapt to the nest of this.

But how is this possible?

Does his talents and potential are better than them?

You must know that they are the daughter of the Arctic Xian Di, and the true emperor flows in the body.

However, they have no hesitation, and immediately appointed Zhang Bin as the captain, and anyone includes them to listen to the order from Zhang Bin.

"Come with me."

Zhang Bin did not have any delays, and he took the team to the Phoenix's team.

Phoenix's team is five people, and it is almost almost simultaneously with Zhang Bin's team.

Therefore, the distance is not far.

"What do you want to do?"

Phoenix is ​​equipped with a very nervous look, said.

"Let's join you ..."

Zhang Bin blinded his eyes on the phoenix.

"What is the mart of the iron, actually and such a weak team? This can't improve how big the battle, but it is a large enemy of the Many East". "

Northern Snow Princess and Silver Screen Princess's face changed, and he was relieved.

However, Zhang Bin did not pay attention to them, and soon, he quickly completed the Phoenix Agreement and reached a league.

Their teams are merged together.

There are twenty-two people.

"On the ground alert, arrange the ball, ready to defend the enemy's attack."

Zhang Bin also issued an inexplicable order.

Here, everyone saw it.

It's easy to eat when the masters of the devil are eaten.

Northern Snow Princess, Silver Screen Princess, and loyal to their guards are a bit hesitant.

However, the six belongings of Zhang Bin and the people of Phoenix did not hesitate to execute the order.

Because they believe in Zhang Bin's wisdom.

Soon, they arranged a badge and defensive array.

"All efforts to practice, break through breakthroughs, can be strong. As for the alert, hand it over to the bow and the long civil and military." Zhang Bin ordered.

"Iron one, you and me, why do you want to stay here?"

Northern Snow Princess couldn't help but ask.

"I didn't say it before? I can't question my order." Zhang Bin said coldly. "If you don't believe me, then our cooperation will come here, I will take me away. "

"I can believe him, you don't believe it?"

The Phoenix Princess saw the Northern Snow Princess, and started crazy, and took a special medicinal medicine, began to impact bottlenecks, she wants to break through the fairyland.

"Eighteen sister, although dangerous, but also saved time, we can break through."

Silver screen princess said.

Northern Snow Princess does not speak, and it is also to practice hard to start breakthrough.

Zhang Bin is also cultivating, but he is divided into one of the world to observe the world.

At the same time, it also induces the movement of the enemy.

This is a worldless world.

There is a round of red moon in the sky, projection dark red light.

Let this world become dark red ...

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