The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1932 Who is born?

Northern Snow Princess and Silver Screen Princess in the distance are dumbfounded, and the face is full of colors.

All players are also dumbfounded, shocking, I can't believe my eyes.

Zhang Bin actually powerful to this way?

One person blocks 81 super powerful demon?

And it has killed more than a dozen?

How is this possible?

Phoenix is ​​also eye-catching, and the eyes have sufficient to limit.

At this time, she understood that Zhang Bin is not only the genius of the earth, but also the genius of the fairyland. He is not only in the earth, but it is not weak in the fairy.

What makes her speechless thing is that she has always been able to see the eyes, which is so horrible and powerful?

Do you dare to swallow such a powerful?

Not afraid of the true devil into its stomach, kill him?


Zhang Bin is crazy, and the speed is raised to the limit.

Various magics are also upgraded to the limit.

The fierce is extremely, and one of the true demon is lying down, and he is killed by him.

There are countless merits of Jin Guang, and in the past, he has poured into his inquiry points and gathered into his merits goldprint.

Many merits Jinlong are rapidly condensed.

These true demon are geniuses, they are very strong, they have got a lot of sins.

Any one is condensed out thousands of sin.

Therefore, killing one, Zhang Bin will condense thousands of merits Jinlong.

The more merged merits Jinlong, the more power to the heavens and the earth.

His war is also rapidly improved.

It is really more stronger.

"It turned out that after coming to the fairy, it was so easy to get merit this. Poor me, the past is still so sad, nearly 10,000 merits Jinlong."

Zhang Bin slaughtered in the heart and shouted in his heart.

"Union, the mighty, the leader is invincible, kill kill ..."

Three teasings, frog women, Li Taqing, Tian Guangjin is boiling, shouting crazy.

Rotary, Northern Snow Princess, Silver Screen Princess, Phoenix Princess, and the rest of the people, also excited to be extremely excited, crazy, this is like this.

The sound is shocked, and the momentum is too strong.

At this moment, Zhang Bin used him strong and brave and conquered them.

It also laid Zhang Bin's absolute leadership position in this group.

"I gather together."

The magic is almost crazy, and the crazy shouts.

Many of the virtues that have not yet dead, they quickly escaped to him and constitute a whole.

It also constitutes a special big array.

However, 81 real devils, only 61 left now.

It is such a short while, I was killed by Zhang Bin.

This is the true devil of twenty super genius.

It's not a Chinese cabbage, it is the hardship of the magic.

But just entered the quenching hole, it was fallen.

This business is really a lot.

Is this the best interpretation of stealing chicken?

Zhang Bin also stopped, he stood in the distance of dozens of meters. Smiling and said: "Come, come to attack us?"

"who are you?"

The monster's face is full of anger, asked in evil.

"I am a unknown, you don't have to ask."

Zhang Bin said faintly.

"Who is that ? Why is it mastered to swallow the earth?"

The devil pointed to the swallowing of Zhang Bin, and he was angry.

"That is his talent, there is no relationship with your swallowing."

Zhang Bin said faintly, "Come. We are single. Do you dare?"

"Swallowing the earth!"

The magic is in a hurry, and his mouth suddenly opened, and Zhang Bin and swallowed him crazy.


A huge black hole appeared.

Crazy rotation.

It is also an emergence of terror to the extreme strength, and the role is on Zhang Bin and swallowing the heavens.

"Ah ..."

Zhang Bin and swallowing a big shout at the same time.

Their body is also stable, and it seems to be swallowed in.

"On, kill him ..."

On one side of the magic, it is unparalleled, and it is secretly ordered.

This is equal to the use of Zhang Bin and swallowing the heavens just to deal with Zhang Bin and swallowing.

And this is indeed a terrible attack, and the power of being swallowed is swallowed forward, it is difficult to act, it is difficult to play the war.

Where can I resist many masters?

"Kill kill ..."

Many real devils shouted in madness, killing Zhang Bin and swallowing the sky like lightning.

"The iron is dangerous, the bow is also dangerous, what should I do?"

Phoenix, Northern Snow Princess, Silver Screen Princess's face has changed, and cold sweat is flowing out.

"Don't worry, they will not have anything. Instead, it is true, it will be very miserable."

Ma Rufei said with a smile.

He followed Zhang Bin Dong Zhu Ji, of course, knowing how Zhang Bin is.

It is estimated that it will count.

Sure enough.

Zhang Bin and the eyes of the swallowed eyes suddenly blinked.

Virtual, zooming is started.

In an instant, the phagocytical force acting on them will crash, and the dissipation is almost.

Then swallow the mouth of the mouth, once again, the horror can then apply the threat of the horror.

The true devil that is madly swallowed.

And Zhang Bin is fiercely.

The ax and sword in the hands are crazy.


Sword breaks the sky.

Open the nine ax.

The devil is rushing to fall in the same way as cutting wheat.

"Ah ..."

The scream of the scream is also ringing.

Many of the researcreed virtue turned over to swallow the mouth and swallowed.

"Come back ..."

The magic scared liver and gentle, and the madness rushed up.

And many of the virtues are also returning quickly.

They are all super powerful and have magical powers.

Basically, they all resist the swallowing of the swallowing.

So most still escape.

However, their number is 20.

In other words, it is such an instant, and there are twenty powerful demon to be killed by Zhang Bin and swallowing.

The magic is only 41 people left.

Their strength is reduced half.

The devil is stupid, shocked, and you can't say it.

The true demon that is still alive is also a shocked, and the face is filled with fear.

To be honest, many of them come from the army, participate in countless fairy war.

However, they never have to fight such a vessel, and they were killed by the other fairy a demon.

And the other party is no loss.

Northern Snow Princess, Silver Screen Princess, Phoenix is ​​once again stunned, as if you dream.

How is this iron?

I actually use the other party's mistake, and I killed twenty people?

There is such a character, this time I entered the quenching hole, what is worried?

"Hahaha, the captain is mighty ..."

"Captain's invincible ..."

"The bow is long civil and military, you are too powerful ..."


Three princess, three teasing, frog women, Tian Guangjin, Li Taqing, and all players shouted crazy.

Their face is also full of fanatics.

(Six chapters sent, please vote, continue to six more !!! Also, the number of chapters is as much as before.)

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