"Intercourse, I said we two single-handed? You dare me?"

Zhang Bin also stopped, standing in the distance and said.

"Come, come over, I haven't eaten it yet." Swallowing the sky is also whispering.


The magic is almost crazy, and it has sent horrible to the extreme roar.

He actually rushed out of one arrow.

When I got a few steps, I came to Zhang Bin.

The magic ax in the hand is crazy to see Zhang Bin.

"It's good."

Zhang Bin did not fear, danced the ax, sword and the opponent's fight.

"Dangdang ..."

The magic weapon bombards each other, the sound is shocked, splashes.

The two actually killed difficulties, no decimation.

Really, it will be good, chess is good.

"It is impossible, absolutely impossible, such a small cactus in a realm of the district, can you so powerful?"

The magic of the magic did not bother to yell in his heart.

He showed a variety of horror.

Wrap the horrific murder crazy attack.

He burst into excellence in the extreme black light, so that he became a darkness behind him, and the black reached out and did not see five fingers.

And Zhang Bin also showed almost all of the magics.

He also burst into excellent golden light, let him become a golden world.

Dark and rays are riding.

Oath vowed.

The two killed his eyes.

Sin Magic print is also flying out.

200,000 sin, the evil dragon, bursting rich, such as the substantive black light and death.

Gongde Jinjin also flew out from Zhang Bin's Indian points.

It also has 200,000 merits Jinlong.

"The power of the heavens and the earth, the same, kill."

The magic is crazy, and the dark brings together in his magic weapon, and the power skyrocket does not know how many times.

The sealing of the sins is also empty, and it is collected into his body.

His people are as bulging as the air balloons.

It looks horrible to the extreme.


"The strength of the heavens and the earth, collection, zoom can be activated, started."

Zhang Bin is also an application card.

Although he did not seal, the power of collected world is not as good as the opponent's sin.

But he has zooming energy, there is internal power.

Scales dozens of war.

It is not less than the other party.

So, they are still quite, killing eyes are red.

"Go to attack him, kill them all."

The magic of the magic feels that it is difficult to win immediately, and the eyes are turned, just smile.


40 real demon rushed out, this time they do prepared to deal with the swallowing phagocytosis.

"Three princess, frog female, three teasing, Tian Guangjin, Li Taiqing, attack, the rest of the people."

Zhang Bin's voice also sounded.


Ten top masters rushed out of the murderous murder.

A walking of the bee to kill 40 true demon.

Phoenix instantly became a horrible to the extreme flame.

Blood red flame bear burning, released a red heat.

Burning the world.

This is a Phoenix real fire.

It is a real emperor.

Northern Snow Princess and Silver Screen Princess is wrapped in ice cold to the ultimate white snow, and countless cold ice arrows are also exploded.

Crazy is shot on a lot of virtue.

The frog woman is also very strong, the tongue is a sharp knife, and it is arracted by cross.

In an instant, two of the truths became two trips.

Ma Rufei became a huge magic cattle, wrapped in ice cold murderous, scaling energy, and the power of power was started.

Padd his horn crazy into the truth of the truth.

Chen Chao Yue, Zhang Haijun, Li Taqing, Tian Guangjin, is also a very fierce.

Or show the virtual or different canal, or to show the sun's real fire, or to show the moon double sword, or to show the nine ax.

There is also a swallowing and continuing to swallow the exhort energy, caravanically swallow.

His feet is also chemically formed into sharp knives, rapidly.

"Ah, ah ..."

The scream of screaming, many of the true demon continuously fell, death, swallowed the swallowing.

Just one moment, there were more than a dozen of the true demon being killed.

The rest is also the defeat, and you can't resist it.

This ten people are too powerful, three of them have three printers.

The rest is all the talents of the fairy king.

And the frog woman can also be said to be the Jian Di.

Where is the 40 real magic to district?

"Refact ..."

The devil is full of cold, I want to help, but I will be entangled by Zhang Bin dead, and I don't open it.

His speed is even more than Yah.

He can only get such a helpless command.

They launched a special secret law, which is the secret law of harm the body.

The speed suddenly improved, like the funeral dog fled to the distance.


How can Zhang Bin will let them go.

I am crazy, he started speed and zoom.

The rapid chasing it up, and a few demon was killed in a breath.


Because the virtue of living is far away.

"I won't let you go, wait for a while, I will kill you all, eat all."

The devil sent a shout like a wolf.

Angent resentment to the extreme.

Because, now he has only 20 guards.

Sixty true demon is all killed, and the loss is here.

However, they did not even kill any cactus.

This is simply unprecedented fiasco.

These twenty people's squad, it is not a weak, but it is a bad dragon.

"The next time I encounter you, it is your period. Now you work hard, I will take you again." Zhang Bin shouted.

The more powerful, and after he killed the other party, the better the benefits were also.

So this is really his heart.

"Hahaha ... we have won."

"A group of earth chicken tiles, uncomfortable."

"Kill kill ... all the magic is all done."


Three teasings are shouting in madness.

The rest of the people are also cheering, excited.

At this moment, they raised their eyebrows.

Their confidence has increased, and the fear before entering is also swept away.

"Iron one, you are so powerful."

The Phoenix Princess rushed over with a strong fragrance, and Zhang Bin hugged together.

Zhang Bin donated soft jade and humilifies, and he was full.

An unprecedented love and satisfaction is also a heart.

At the earth, he likes the phoenix, and the Phoenix also likes him.

However, because of the horror flames in the phoenix.

Blocking them, let them have any intimate contact.

They want to be intimate, they are impossible, they can only think about it in my heart.

However, now come to the fairy, but it has achieved this wish.

He finally hugged with the Phoenix.

"Don't face, that is my iron one, he is mine."

The Northern Snow Princess is an urgent ruil, depressed.

The heart is also a big concern, and I will not attract it by the Phoenix. I have to go to the phoenix?

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