The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1935 underground blood lake

The vines felt the horror of Zhang Bin and stopped attack.

Never returned to the ground.

Zhang Bin also gasped.

Just now he has used it.

It can be upgraded with zoom to increase dozens of power.

Otherwise, he can't resist it.

"Arrange the ball, rest, take the blood vine, improve the power."

Zhang Bin ordered.

Four beautiful women were arranged in the array, and they wished the vines. Sitting with a knee, while taking, while working, while being alert.

Of course, everyone in the space container is also taking vines and cultivally cultivated.

Zhang Bin didn't sit down, he stood like a mountain.

His face is full of alert.

However, he is also taking the bloody fumet, in fact, it is not taking, it is a quick sucking the juice flowing out of the vine, it is a light red liquid, aroma.

The juice of the vult vine is really a super magical fairy medicine.

In the abdomen, it has become a strange heat flow, incorporating blood, is delivered to any cell.

Cells have a singular change.

Be more thrive and powerful.

The power of is also produced.

Their power is rapidly improved.

It can resist the grants of terror.

After the refining is complete, the power of all their people has increased a lot.

Especially Zhang Bin and swallowing the heavens, it is very obvious.

After all, they both have a very powerful zoom.

The base of strength is increased, and there is a lot under the action of zooming.

It is easier to resist terrorism.

"All come out."

Zhang Bin has ordered, let everyone come out from the space container.

Let them fight against this horrible gravity and invisible flame.

Then they can make it strong quickly.

Because of taking a vine vine, their power is improved, but also can hold a while.

"It's a horrible place."

"It's a magical place."

"Is there a beautiful monster?"

Three invasons have begun to speak nonsense.

The face is filled with illness.

Their good color is native, and there is still no change in the fairy world.

"All alert, I go to the ground, let's get some vine vines."

Zhang Bin said.

"The underground is invert, the vampire has a magical ability, which is from the golden in the rock, and the rock is hard, it is difficult to deepen."

Northern Snow Princess is awkward.

"I have a self."

Zhang Bin said faintly.

"Husband, here is too dangerous, I suggest not to be separated." The frog woman said seriously, "Once you are not there, the powerful enemy will attack, and may have a horrible creature." That may have a heavy loss. "

Zhang Bin's brow got slightly, he looked at around.

Can't see any one.

However, in the distance, it also issued a tragic and loud noise.

Obviously there are other teams in front of the mountain, and there is a fight in the mountains.

Zhang Bin actually allows yourself to receive the dragon pool.

However, you will receive the Dragon Pool, they can't withstand terrorism and intangible flames.

It is not fast to be fast.

So, can't you do this.

He said: "I am going back quickly, there is a swallowing, there are so many masters, I should not."

Then he sink into the ground as a ghost.

Of course, he is showing soil and gold.

The underground is the red dirt.

There are also root of countless trees.

The depth is the light red rock.

Hard extreme.

Zhang Bin really can't show the sneak of the earth and gold.

"Ume people, attack."

Zhang Bin shouted, the black American people broke out and slammed on the rock.


It's easy to get it.

Zhang Bin became so much hafringed, followed by the beautiful people quickly dive.

He is convinced that there is a treasure in the depths of the rock.

This treasure is of course a vapor vine.

I diven approximately two hundred meters.

Sure enough, I entered a space.

In fact, it is a cave.

There is a bloody lake, countless vampire vines grow in the lake.

Any one has a bowl of mouth, exudes a strong pressure and suffocation.

" ..."

Perhaps I feel that Zhang Bin appeared, and many bovine vines took horrible to ultimate murder, exploded.

Like the endless shards.

Let Zhang Bin have hair numbers.

However, Zhang Bin's face is exposed to excitement and excitement.

His eyes also shot a hot radiant.

He doesn't hurly, the heart is moving, the congenital spirit tree and the pregnancy are flying out from the central Dantian.

The rapidly became big, and the green light of the green was burst.

The root of congenlined trees and pregnant flowers is also like countless arrows.

Bombed with many vines.

"Dangdang ..."

Just like the thousands of horses horses horses.

Roots and vines crazy attacks.

Sound shock, spark splash.

The vine is then entangled with the root.

Acacted each other into the other body, crazy phagotypes.

Although the vampire is strong and horrible, it is more horrible to congenital trees and pregnancy.

The root is deeply tied into the vines, and the juice is madly swallowed.

The vines wilted quickly.

The pregnancy flowers and congenital spirit trees become vibrant, and they grow up slowly.

The congenial spirit of the congenial leaf is also slowly evolved.

The root is also starting to give birth to more characters.

"Hey ... The quenching hole is really a good place. There is a great advantage for my cultivation. Otherwise, I have to be strong, I need too long time."

Zhang Bin laughed in his heart.

The congenlined tree and pregnant flowers continue to be crazy to swallow the nutrients of the blood vine, and more vines are quickly withered.

Then, all the vines retract quickly.

It has shrunk into a big ball.

In the central area of ​​the blood lake, .


The roots of pregnancy flowers and congenital spirit are chasing the past, taking into the big ball.

Continue to swallow the crane.

Soon, the nursery of vaginal vine is exhausted.

All withered.

"It's not dangerous. This is a very good place. You can do our security base."

Zhang Bin muttered, his face also floated.

This is the truth, and there is terrorism here, and there is also an incomparable invisible flame.

But the enemy is not going.

He walked to the lakeside and observed the water in detail.

The water here is scattered, and the strange medicine is also distributed.

It is obviously a supermodites.

He took a little lake water, taking it directly, and then his face showed a surprise color.

Because this water can improve the power.

"Great, it is so good."

Zhang Bin shouted.

"Master, I am full, I have to take time to absorb refining."

Pregnancy is shouting.

The congenlined tree also sent such an idea to Zhang Bin's mind.

Zhang Bin's heart-minded, put the pregnant flowers and the first Tianling Tree received the central Dantian.

Then his face suddenly changed, and the lightning is on the ground.

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