The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1936 Monster

"Hey ..."

The terrorist war has occurred on the ground.

A mouse, a big monster, rushed from all directions.

Crazy attacked everyone.

Everyone tried to dance the magic weapon, and rigid to the gods and worked hard.

But it can't resist.

They have a dense maritime scar.

This horrible monster's paw is sharp, and even the armor can't resist.

"Ah ..."

Everyone sent a scream, and their faces were also filled with fear.


Zhang Bin is very angry, the mind is always moving, and the gravity is active.

Under the increase of zooming abilities, the power has skyrocketed.

Many monsters have dropped, and the offensive is also one of them.

However, more monsters swarmed, the mountains are wild, horrible.

"We have quickly saved." Phoenix shouted, "Go to the foot of the mountain."

Zhang Bin is a heart-minded mind, and everyone will receive all of their own dragon pools.

Then he sink into the ground as a ghost.

Many monsters are also very powerful, all sinking into the earth, crazy, chasing Zhang Bin.

However, Zhang Bin drilled into the rock.

Numerous monsters are in a hurry, but it is not a way.

Because they can't go.

When I returned to the underground cave, Zhang Bin took out all the people.

Everyone is also a soft, and there is a breath.

They are all tired.

The monster just now is terrible, the speed is like lightning, and the paw is hard and sharp.

If it is not arranged, they can't resist it.

In fact, I will know if they meet the monsters Zhang Bin.

Because the swallowing is the soul of Zhang Bin, it is equal to another body of Zhang Bin.

It is precisely because of swallowing the heavens, he can always know everything, and dare to sneak into the affair.

Otherwise, he will let them return to the mountain, only to explore.

"Is this deep underground? Is the rock?"

Northern Snow Princess, Phoenix, Silver Screen Princess, their three faces full of shock, watching Zhang Bin like monsters, do not understand how he entered here.

This ability is too big.

With this ability, it is much safe.

Only Zhang Bin's subordinate, it is not surprised.

They know that Zhang Bin has a magical black American, that is the real .

"It is indeed the depths of the ground, we should be safe. We are cultivating here for a while." Zhang Bin said, "Don't waste time. We have to go deeper place to be more powerful. We are less, The only way is to enhance personal strength, with a stop ten. Even if you have the possibility of life. "

"The other people should also encounter the horrible monsters, they may die almost."

Ma Rufei said.

"How is it possible?" Zhang Bin glared at Ma Rufei, "They are very powerful, and I am almost the strength, and they are in the space container. They will not be dragged, ready to retreat to the mountains Even can join hands to deal with the monster. "

"Yes, they are absolutely safe. They have a very powerful base card." Northern Snow Princess smiled, "I didn't come out when I haven't arrived in the most dangerous time."

Phoenix and Silver Screen Princess are also toddled.

They are an emperor, the status is very expensive, and there are many treasures.

However, the base card is used out, there is no, so I will not use it.

If the princess of them is, it is falling in the monster mouth, that is, a big joke.

"The water of this lake is genius, which can improve our power. You can take some."

Zhang Bin smiled, although the parties, although there are three princess, there is a basement, and the strength is also a lot. His pressure is not so big. It will definitely.

Everyone excitedly, and the bee rushed to the lakeside, took out the container and installed some water.

Drink the big mouth.

The magical thing happened, and the scars on them healed with the speed visible to the naked eye.

The power is also slowly improved.

"God, this is bloody jade roller, very precious genius."

Phoenix said surprised.

"So many blood jade rollers, our strength can be greatly improved."

Everyone is happy.

"What is that? So how much vast blood?"

Silver screen princess pointed to the vine drifting on the lake, said surprised.

Everyone projected the doubtful gaze to Zhang Bin's body.

Their heart is bright, and Zhang Bin makes these vines.

I don't know what he did?

Then everyone started taking the water in the lake and started cultivating.

Phoenix took out a space magic, and made a look in Zhang Bin.

Zhang Bin got the god meeting.

He also took out the four fairy tower and went in.

But he immediately showed stealth, no sound.

With the Phoenix entered the Phoenix's space magic weapon.

Waiting for Zhang Bin to release stealth.

Phoenix sent a lot of shouts: "Bin brother ..."

Put into Zhang Bin's arms.

Zhang Bin also hugged the phoenix tightly, and breathed her incense in her body.

The face is full of love and gentleness.

"I thought you didn't see you again. I didn't think of it. I just met so soon." Phoenix looked up and looked at Zhang Bin, "Do you know what? So let your Yang soul fly to the demon world , I have found me? "

"I really don't know if you are the little princess of the east. If you know, where will I have a pain? You don't know, see you into the sun, I will have no love ... I can only say, this is God, God we can be together. "Zhang Bin looked at this glamorous woman with an obedified gaze, and said affectionately.

"kiss Me……"

Phoenix issued a look forward to the sound, her beauty is also closed, and the pretty face has floated the gorgeous red lotus.

The red lips who want to drop it are also pushed slightly, and they are tip.

Zhang Binton is a sturdy, and he does not hesitate to kiss it again ...

Phoenix began to be enthusiastic and enthusiastic.

A beautiful to the extreme feeling is also in their hearts.

They kissed affectionately, and the red is lingering.

It seems that they have to put the thoughts in the heart, the tenderness in the heart, and use this way to completely vent it.

They forgot everything.

There is only one other party in my heart.

I kissed it for a long time, they were reluctant to stop.

"Bin brother, I just want to be with you, I don't want to do princess, I will go with you in the future? No matter where you are, I follow you."

Phoenix said affectionately.

Such a hot affection, almost did not melt Zhang Bin.

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