The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1942 Wars Absorbell

Zhang Bin did not fear, with everyone to go down the mountain.

Go to the valley below, prepare to climb the additional mountain.

With the deeper, gravity is also rapidly improved, and the invisible energy of invasion is also more and more.

Surplug in their body.

In fact, in the quenching their body, let them all the body becomes more powerful.

However, they can't afford it.

Most members of the members have become red, and they are a bit.

In this case, if you encounter a strong enemy or a powerful monster, it is dangerous.

"... ..."

Suddenly, the singular voice sounded.

Countless sucked beasts flooded from the cracks of several mountains.

Rushing to everyone with a murder of the sky.


Zhang Bin not only did not fear, but it was extremely excited.

His body turned a three-headed six arm, and the sharp fairy sword appeared in six hands.

Crazy stab.


The six sword turned into eight hundred swords.

The cold light is sparkling, like the mountain peak of a sword, covers the heavens and the earth, and covers countless suedesome beasts.

Hey, ...

Countless sucked is the beast, which falls like the rain.

"Swallowing the sky."

The swallowing is also roaring, rushing to another crack, mouth, crazyly swallowing.


A huge black hole appeared.

Crazy rotation, the power of terror is also there.

Countless sucked is to become a torrent, being swallowed in.


Three princess, frog female, also to the strongest attack before rushing to another four cracks.

Northern Snow Princess, Silver Screen Princess, is a horrible cold.

White fog broke out, crossed countless skin beasts into ice sculptures.

The phoenix is ​​used to use the horror flame of the flame, burst a huge fireball, and the crack is completely blocked.

Many sucking beasts were burned in the ground by flames, and the aroma of barbecue was issued.

The frog woman's attack is still using the tongue, and her tongue is flying out, like the silver roll, and counts countless suede beasts.

However, there are still a lot of absorbent beasts that rush through their blockbusters and attack everyone.

The rest quickly use the magic and magical attack and resist.

So, in the valley, an unprecedented mid war was built.

Absorbing the beast is more and more, how can you kill.

Soon, you will cover the valley.

Everyone can only bring back to back, and strive to resist.

But it is precarious.

"I can't stop, what should I do?"

Northern Snow Princess is very anxious and shouted.

"Adhere to, insist, stimulate your potential."

Zhang Bin shouted while he was attacking.

Looking carefully, he is not nervous, even, his eyes have floated a strange smile.

The princess of Hanlian finally took someone to the top of the mountain.

Of course, I saw it, the horror wars below.

"Princess, will we save them?"

A strongest guards recommend it.

Just now they were saved by Zhang Bin's group, there is no reason they are now standing.

"Don't worry, they have not dead."

The eyes of the princess of Cold Lotus stared at Zhang Bin and swallowed the heavens.

Her face is also filled with the color of appreciation.

Because Zhang Bin and the swallowing are too powerful, the massacre sucking the beast is the most.

Even three princes are a bit more than.

Such a horrible force, that is not a negligible.

"Princess, do you look at the one who is a demon? There is one meter, you can let the princess take them to take them to princess." Yuanzheng smiled and said.

He is the big conservation of the princess of Han Lian, because it only cultivates the peak of the immortal, and it is very good, so it is also possible to enter the hardening hole.

"Say it quickly?"

The face of the princess of Han Lotus exposed a surprise, can't wait to say.

"We don't want to save them so quickly, waiting for their people to die, it is best to save them, then we can only give princess. They have two super powerful, flattened Support to the end. "Yuan is deeply speaking.

"This is a little poisonous."

The face of the princess of Han Lotus slammed the color. but. She had to admit that this poison is very useful, very attractive, let her feel very moving.

"Princess, non-toxic, no husband, small non-gentleman. Two printers will compete with you later. They have such a great genius assistant. This is a great thing to say in one star."

"But the father said, he can know anything that happened this, do it, the father will not be unhappy? Will I lose the qualification of the competition?" Hanlian printed.

"Your Majesty is just letting you kill each other." Yuan is deeply confident, "You can not kill them, it is the desperation of themselves. And, you can do it, you can get two super geniuses. The foundation of the fairy, not only won't scold you, but it will be secretly appreciated. Your chance is increased. "

The princess of Han Lian is slowly nod, and in the heart: "Two sisters, not the six sisters forgiveness, nor is the heart of the heart, because I am born in the emperor's home. In order to mount the fairy emperor, it is destined to hand and foot. It is the best. This result is the best. Please don't blame the sister. However, the sister will give you a revenge. "

"Dangdang ..."

"Ah ..."

The horrible wars are still on the valley.

The sound is shocked, screams screaming.

Everyone broke, and there was a scar of dense magne.

They also sent a bad scream.

It is also hurt to swallow the heaven.

Even three princes are also scarred.

Even Zhang Bin's armor is broken.

Because the sucking beast is too much, they block several cracks.

However, there are more fine cracks and caves that are not blocked, countless succulent beasts.

With a murder of the sky, from the four sides of the squad.

They hop more than ten meters high, and the body is super flexible.

The paw is sharp, the teeth are also hard.

Because of the attack of horrible gravity and intangible flame, the body is not flexible.

It is difficult to avoid it.

Their speed is too much.

It seems that this is a must-have situation.

"Iron one, you want to think."

Northern Snow Princess shouted.

Although she has a very powerful base card, she can kill the beast in a large scale, but the number of absorbed beast is too much.

Still not to grasp the escape.

After all, now they have exhausted, tired and dying, and even the way is unstable.

"Hey ... then end."

Zhang Bin issued a deep sigh, and his face was full of disappointment.

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