The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1943 is vinegar

Zhang Bin, of course, is disappointed with the princess of Hanlian.

He was originally thought that the princess of Hanlian would bring people to save.

However, the other party did not, he was standing on the top of the mountain.

The heart of this princess is too cold.

His a good feeling of her is not.

He deeply saw the princess of Han Lian, from the other person's eyes, he saw a deep apology and desire.

Suddenly, he understood the other's mind.

He also understands the other's approach, but does not mean that he can accept such a behavior.

"Swallowing the sky ..."

Zhang Bin's body shakes, suddenly grows up to dozens of meters.

It became a big man, three arm six arms. The three mouths suddenly opened, and they were crazy.

"Hey ..."

Three huge vortices appeared.

Crazy rotation, issued the power of swallowing the heavens and the earth, covering 360 degrees.

The role is on all the sucked beasts.

"... ..."

Numerous skin is crazy, screaming, screaming, quickly narrowing, collecting three huge rivers, flocked into Zhang Bin's mouth, swallowed by Zhang Bin, falling in his stomach, in his stomach Under the corrosion of the horrible gastric juice, it is slowly formed into a liquid.

All the absorbing beasts have no ability to attack.

They are in the mouth of Zhang Bin.

The former servants were sucked.

It is also a body that is caffed by the absorbed beast being killed by them.

This scene is too spectacular and too shocking.

Northern Snow Princess, Silver Screen Princess, Phoenix, and many members who don't know Zhang Bin's strength is completely stupid.

Looking at Zhang Bin, watching Zhang Bin, just like a horrible to the ultimate monster.

The cold lotus princess standing on the top of the mountain is also stunned, and she is all dumbfounded.

Such as falling.

Is it so horrible to swallow an existence, really a monk that cultivates the middle of the immortal to the middle stage of the immortal?

How can he?

What is he calendar?

They don't know, Zhang Bin is a magical power to swallow the world, and it is the most complete devocate magic. Because he combined with Mint Emperor.

Most importantly, he also showed a scaling energy to improve the power.

It has increased more than 50 times.

During this time, his strength is developing very quickly, not only in the gravity and intangible flames, the internal success of the law is also very fast, and the body potential is rapidly developed.

The phagocytosis and zoom can be high.

Salgous of these power can still be done.

Otherwise, even if it is swallowed, it is also possible to deal with so many absorbent beast.

After all, there is no Zhang Binqiang, which is swallowing.

The reason why Zhang Bin did not show the exhortation, which is to let everyone swine and kill, stimulate potential, and quickly stronger.

In addition, he is to see the react of the lotion princess.

Just a few minutes, the suiled beast full of the big valley was swallowed by Zhang Bin, and I couldn't see it.

Among the mountain cracks, there is no sucking beast to run out.

This is obviously dying, they will not do it.

They are also wisdom.

Zhang Bin stopped to swallowing, shake the body, narrowing to the original height.

"Iron one, you are so powerful."

Three princess could not control the excitement in your heart, and puff it into Zhang Binhuai.

Now Zhang Bin is three-headed and six arms. They are so convenient, one person occupies a embrace, and does not interfere.

Zhang Bin's face flew out a faint red cloud.

Body is tall chestnown.

Because the three printers are all of themselves, and the aroma is packed.

Plus armor is broken, and clothes are also broken.

The skin is connected, too tempting.

Let him be a bit awkward.

His three hands have also graded their small waist.

Hold them in the chest.

"Master, it is so happy."

"One arrow three carved."

"I admire the master of the master to five."

"It's a romantic seed, and you will not stop until the fairy."

"Too much, I am your father-in-law."

Three teasings, Li Taiqing and Tian Guangjin are in his heart.

In fact, their faces are full of envy.

Many members quickly removed, they were envious, and they were also very embarrassed.

If you look more, they may go crazy.


The princess of the cold lotus looked at the top of the mountain is finally awake, watching the Northern Snow Princess and Silver Screen Princess, and she can't hate it.

White princess, actually embracing it at the same time?

Just a father's face.

At this moment, her heart is also regretted, and regrets make such a decision.

In the future, she will take Zhang Bin again, it is very difficult.

Moreover, the two princesa have no good feelings for her.

This business is losing.

She glanced at the depth of her life.

Yuan Xian is also a depression and wrogging, sighing in his heart: "Square is in people, have a thing. This can't blame me."

Three princess finally woke up, almost simultaneously escaped from Zhang Bin's embrace.

Then they are angry with each other.

Like three buckets.

"We depart."

Zhang Bin is also a bit helpless. What is this three princess?

Do you have such a hand?

He took the public, but he was a pen to go straight to the biggest crack.

"where are we going?"

Everyone is awkward, isn't it going to climb? How to drill into cracks?

Do you go to the old nest of the beast to catch the beast?

However, the speed of the absorbing beast is so fast, so flexible, how can you catch it?

However, now they are all convinced of Zhang Bin, of course, did not have any objection.

Of course, swallowing is the final.

In fact, Zhang Bin has been in front, after swallowing the sky.

Zhang Bin didn't want to see anyone falling.

They have fewer people, and there is a lot of losses.

And he is the captain, and there is a responsibility to protect anyone's safety.

Of course, when the Northern Snow Princess and the Silver Screen Princess left, it didn't look at the princess of the cold lotus on the top of the mountain. Obviously it is very angry.

However, they did not break the big.

"This is very good."

Zhang Bin secretly praised and appreciated their reaction.

"In the crack? What do they want? Do you deliberate us?"

Hanlian princess muttered muttered, and he felt a deep loss.

Because she can't follow it.

It is too dangerous inside, and if there are countless skin beasts, it will be very miserable.

And since it can't follow, I have to take Zhang Bin, it is hard.

"Princess, there must be an opportunity in the future."

The patriarchal face floated on the face, he must make up for his mistakes.

"Walk, let's go, quickly go to the mountain, rest on the hill."

The princess of Hanlian is below.

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