The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1944 Magic Benyuan Stone

The crack is very deep, and it is also very dark, and there is a lot of cars.

Evan a dangerous breath.

Only Zhang Bin, the big bold, dare to walk like this crack.

If it is someone else, I have turned down to go back.

In fact, Zhang Bin is not afraid of lost, and he is not afraid of any danger. He is a great man.

The most important thing is that he has the magical treasure of Ume Americans, and he can use it in the mountain.

Of course, the purpose of his entry is actually treasure hunt.

He deeply believes that no one dares to enter the place, it is a treasure.

Moreover, the beasts such as the beads are particularly special.

Moreover, maybe you can also catch the beast.

That is super good treasure.

Just now, he swallowed so much, and now it is slowly digestive.

It has become a strange medicine, integrating into his bones.

His bones become more robust, derived more complex array.

Moreover, new blood is started.

This new blood is more amazing and contains mysterious power.

Let his blood attribute abilities are rapidly improved.

His heart gets new blood nourishment, which has become more powerful, and beat more powerful.

The blood flows through the whole body, and the cells crazy absorbed the drug.

It has become more thriving, and the muscles are also rapidly derived from the singular array.

His strength has skyrocketed.

Defense capabilities are also improved.

Amazing is much better, because it also swallowed a lot of absorbent beasts.

Therefore, Zhang Bin looks forward to caught some of the absorbent beasts and uses to enhance the strength of the players, and use it to enhance the origins of everyone in the space container.

Then they have a lot more.

It will cultivate into the immortal in advance, you can live in the fairy world.

He doesn't want them to stay in the space container and his central Dantian in a lifetime.

Gradually, they went deep into a few hundred kilometers.

Zhang Bin's face floated the color of disappointment because he did see and heard the sound of the beast.

However, the absorbed beast does not attack them at all, but it is panicked.

A small crack is drilled, there is no shadow, it is difficult to catch the beast, it is difficult to get it.

"Captain, you are frightened by the absorbed beast, and they are impossible to send it."

Silver screen princess said.

"We still go out, you know how deep it in this day?"

Northern Snow Princess is also impatient, it is recommended.

This dark paint, is very uncomfortable.

It is a beautiful landscape outside.

Most importantly, this time is a phoenix first step, followed by Zhang Bin.

She noticed that Zhang Bin and Phoenix were close to it, and they were all together.

Let her have a great vigilance.

The princess of this demon is too long, it is simply tempting and seduce her Tiewei leaders and the coats in naked barely.

Yes, in her heart, I secretly secretly put Zhang Binheng as a big one.

And the same position is the same.

Such talents, how can she catch them die.

"Princess, don't worry, we are simply wearing mountains, this mountain is so tall, the trees are more and more secret, there is a more horrible beast and danger. They are not easy, maybe a lot of people may die. So, We can go to their front, then we don't want to be worried that it is hit, and cultivate the treasure hunt, it can be more powerful. "Zhang Bin said not far.

"If the crack does not pass to the opposite?"

Northern Snow Princess wants to ask this sentence, but I think that Zhang Bin can go to the horror ability of the rock to go to the quarters of the rock, she turned back.

Her scorpion is a bit dry, and there is a hot in my heart.

Zhang Bin's wisdom is super, and he is too powerful, too mysterious, he actually mastered the dephility of the horror.

I have never been revealed.

Maybe he still has a lot of magical abilities that have not been revealed.

She was eager to hold him tightly.

However, I don't know how to achieve my go.

Phoenix is ​​not awkward, but it can't help but hold Zhang Bin's left hand. Zhang Bin is also holding backhand.

Phoenix's heart felt a sweet, she even looking forward, this black paint crack will never have ended.


Of course, the Northern Snow Princess felt that she was very angry and dissatisfied with dissatisfaction.

However, the phoenix is ​​just like he heard, continue to do it.

Zhang Bin is also the same.

They are real couples, where will they care dissatisfaction in North Snow?

It is about two hundred kilometers away.

Cracks still have not ended.

In fact, this is not a crack, but a hole.

Well in-depth distance, more gravity, invisible flames are also more horrible.

Everyone has long supported, and a heavy breath is issued.

Suddenly, there was a red ray in front, faint approximately.

Zhang Bin's spirit is also a vibration, with everyone accelerated footsteps.

Soon, they came to the place where red light was issued.

Here is a wide cave.

There is an irregular stone platform in the central area of ​​the cave.

There are a lot of gaps like a sawtooth.

Red light is taken from this stone platform.

Let this cave become a blood red.

"God, the origin stone."

Phoenix made a shocking shout, her face is also full of ecstasy, and pulling Zhang Bin's cyclone.

The rest of the person is also a big force, all of them rushed over.

Grandless eyes and smash.

It is clear here.

There are some strange stones in the center area of ​​the platform.

Only glass beads are so large, exudes rich to the ultimate scent.

Red light is also taken.

However, because the ordinary stone occurs, the rays are not too bright.

"Benyuan stone, it is really the source stone, incredible, there is a native stone in the quenching hole?"

"Great, great, we found the original stone, even a piece of value is also worth the city."

The Northern Snow Princess and the Silver Screen Princess have emit excitement, and the color is also playing pretty face.

Let them look even more beautiful.

"What is the original stone?"

Zhang Bin asked in confused.

He watched too much books in the book of the princess. There were many books recorded genius treasures, magical treasures, but they did not have instructions for their own stones, so he was puzzled.

"Benyuan Stone is the most precious treasure in the fairyland. It is not an expensive value. As long as there is any piece, it will trigger a sensation. Because the origin stone can quickly enhance the human origin of the human, it will improve the tachips, even if the Tianhui is very poor, it can become Genius. "Phoenix said excitedly," However, the source of the original stone can only give people who are very poor, people with good capital, but it is not used. That is to say, if you get a local stone, you can cultivate A genius. This is too big for us. "

"Cultivate genius? Can you get a genius?"

Zhang Bin asked in a surprise.

"How can I upgrade to Xianjun."

Northern Snow Princess said excitedly.

"Only the talents of Xianjun? Is that kind of nothing?"

Zhang Bin is slightly disappointed.

"Xianjun is very powerful." Northern Snow Princess said, "Xianjun is only less than thirty Dantian. It is very rare in the fairyland. Can enter the quenchings of the monk, until the fairy Jun's talent. You have also seen it, and a big Arctic family. This time I entered how many people? I can't get 30,000. It is my big brother, he only hits three hundred such genius! "

(Six chapters sent, seeking tickets, and continue to explode six chapters tomorrow.)

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