The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1947 of the wisdom of the big

Northern Snow Princess is seriously said: "Yes, I can't believe it, this is too amazing. The strength of Iron is far more than our estimate, his wisdom will challenge my imagination again. I am worried It is, he likes the phoenix, they hand in hand, affectionate. Even if I try to hint him, he also likes him, he has the possibility of chasing me, but I am still afraid that he is in the phoenix. "

"Slow slowly, this is a bit weird."

The remote eyebrows are deeply pushed. "He entered the quenching hole, immediately and the Phoenix Union. Phoenix has a very powerful swallowing, master the horror, the devilion of the world? And the iron is also equipped with incomparably horrible horror Evangenes? Plus him so quickly and the Phoenix Princess affection, hand in hand? This may not be coincidental. "

"Isn't it coincident?"

The face of the princess of North Snow became pale.

"I suspect it is not a coincidence." The picture is long, "I suspect that Iron and Phoenix people know before, what do they have."

"This is impossible." North Snow Princess stood up and kept going to go, a pair of extreme anxious.

Now she felt the magical and wisdom of Zhang Bin, he is a talent of super cow, and the importance of such talents, even more than the long-distance map.

Therefore, she has already determined that iron has been a key figure that she seized the crime.

If she doesn't have iron one, it is difficult to win the reserve success.

And once she seized the rule of the Royal Reserve, she couldn't even live.

In other words, iron is related to her life and death, it is crucial.

"The minister has heard that the phoenix is ​​the smallest princess, but the heavens are very high, so the East Emperor has special care to her, let her return to the earth in all the world. It has lived more than 20 In the year, it was returned to the demon world. "The picture is remote," And Zhang Bin also comes from all directions, and it is the same time. The possibility of both of them is very likely, even, they are the possibility of couples, not No."


Northern Snow Princess heard here, it is already a bit cold, and his face has become more white, and the body keeps thrilling, because the analysis of the image is reasonable, combined with the fact that she sees, this possibility too big.

Otherwise, how can Zhang Bin may have no reason to have no reason?

Otherwise, how can the phoenix have a good feeling of Zhang Bin so quickly?

Otherwise, how can they two like it so soon, and the eyebrows go?

"The minister is speculative, that is swallowed, once is Zhang Bin's mount in all directions, and Zhang Bin is on the talents of the swallowing, and I know that he is a must-beaten energy, so they both Mastered the emborto of terror. Since the swallowing is a demon, it will fly a demon world, and I have found the Phoenix. After entering the quenching hole together. "Figure remote.

"This bastard, this bastard, actually lie to me, actually lie to me ..."

Northern Snow Princess is almost cry, heartache is like a hang.

"Princess, you are calm. This is just a speculation, not necessarily the fact." The picture is long, "and he didn't lie to you, because he didn't say that he didn't know the phoenix before, and did not say a Phoenix."

"This is not a deception, it is also a kind of deception. Lost me so good to him."

The Northern Snow Princess said that he was tempered.

"Princess, if the truth is the same as the minister, it is the same fact, he and the phoenix have sex, maybe a couple. This has no way to change, we must face this fact, not complain and angry." .

"Don't I watch him in the arms of the phoenix, I can only go to the embrace of the phoenix."

Northern Snow Princess said.

"Princess, you should be fortunate, Zhang Bin is not associated with the princess of the silver screen or your additional brothers and sisters, not to tempate them, but the phoenix, the phoenix will not compete with you, she is the Royal Reserve of the competition, Zhang Bin is the most Helping her of the Royal Decoration of the East Demon States, there is not much impact on you. "The picture of the two eyes shot the light of wisdom.

"But, I lost him, then I am so miserable." Northern Snow Princess said, "My strength is big."

"Why not tell you? You can still get his help. He will still support you." The picture is remote.


Northern Snow Princess's eyes lit up the rays of hope.

"From his point, he has a fatal shortcomings. It is much more love. It will not be enemies." The picture is long, "as long as the princess, you don't eat vinegar, not angry. Better, he will continue Help you, although there are so many you look forward to, but it is also a great help. "

"How can you get this conclusion?"

Northern Snow Princess is a bit daughter.

"He enters the hardening hole. Is it true to protect you? Is it worked hard to protect the weight silver screen princess? Is it a love for any one?" The picture is long asked seriously.


The Northern Snow Princess Answed.

"He didn't let any players fall, he tried to make you strong. He is very respectful to you. He has a small smart, indicating that he is responsible, there is sympathy. He is not willing to see you fall. For him, you can see that he is a person. The conclusion is given. "The remote is said," The princess, continues to work hard to him, let him feel your grace. He is also embarrassed. Leaving, you have to wait for you to compete into the reinforcement. "Figure remote is here, the eyebrows are slightly, add to:" However, in the future, you can choose, may have a problem, the treatment is not good, he is really I will walk. But why not be your enemy. This is the problem to face in the future, and then find a way. "


Northern Snow Princess nodded.

The face is still worried.

"In fact, I have a plan, you can let the princess live together. He will always be your boost. But this plan is favorable. To weigh himself."

"what's the plan?"

The eyes of the princess of North Snow lit again.

"That is what you have become his woman as soon as possible. Then he naturally can help you. Pay everything is not there." The picture is long, "But the princess can not choose in the future, and Your Majesty may disappoint you. And there is a little one that may be a fairy king. There are a lot of drawbacks. Whether it is worth it, it needs to be measured. "

"This is not, it is absolutely not." Northern Snow Princess shook his head, "Although the iron is strong, although the wisdom is outstanding, although the genius. But how can his help? How can his help? I still continue to work hard to Schien, let him I can't leave me. Let him continue to help me. Strive to the crisis in the quenching hole. After waiting for the quenching hole, his role is not so big. If he is because of my choice, I have to leave. I, it is also something that can't be a way. However, we tried to retain him. Strive to leave him and continue to help me. "

"Princess, this is the best way." The picture is long, "how much, I have to remind you, don't let the Silver screen princess have too much contact, if the Silver Screen Princess suddenly became his woman, then You will completely lose him. Remember, prevent silver screens, not Phoenix. "

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