Silver screen princess is also negotiating with her spatial container.

That is an old cactus, whitening beard, and the clothes wearing a patch.

It seems that it is poor and destitute.

It is a very unhappy cactus.

He is a poor.

Tiantian is very bad, just cultivate into the late stage.

"Mr. Poor, I have a very important thing to negotiate." The princess of the silver screen said seriously. "Please give me a good idea, it is related to my life and death."

"Princess, you have great enwelling me, rescue me from prisons, otherwise, I have already been dead." Poor Hundreds said, "In spell, my life and death is to contact the princess. Do your best to help you. "

"Mr. Poor, how high can I compete into the ruins?" Silver screen princess said, "You tell the truth, don't have any lies."

"How is the possibility?" The poor face has a bitter laugh, "the princess, you have the least year old, the talented is not the highest, only 76 Dantian area. Almost no one is willing to go. Your belongs are The fairy, the fairy, is a cacto. There is no powerful Xianwang. Xianjun is willing to support you, even, you will not give you a choice. Competition into the ruins of the Imperial Reserve unlimited Zero. Everything I do now, in fact, I want you to save, don't fall in the competition. But this is also very difficult. "

The face of the princess of the silver screen became pale, and the body was shaking.

After a while, she calmed down, and she shoted the rays of hope, "said Mr. Figure. I am indeed in a desirable, it is very difficult. But now I have discovered a super talent, It's too much to force it, it's too powerful. If I can't live with him, let him help me wholeheartedly. So, I have the possibility of reversing the Qiankun. Today, I just want you to think of a good way, let him become my people."

"Oh ..." The poor is a bitter smile, "Princess, where there is such a person in the world? You must be wrong."

"Mr.", you listen to his deeds first, then you will follow it? "

Silver screen princess said stubborn.

"Well, the princess, you said, the old minister was listening."

Poorly said.


The silver screen princess began to tell, from the first time I saw Zhang Bin, she accused Zhang Bin's things began to talk, all the way to find the original stone, Zhang Bin showed the strength of terror, and then sucking so much Soading the blood of my medullary, she asked: "Mr. Poor, what do you think Zhang Bin?"

The poor, I have been in a sluggish, just like the nightmare.

There is no response for a long time.

"Mr. Mr., Mr. Poor, I ask you?"

Silver screen princess said.

The poorer is awake, the eyes are big enough to lose the limit, and they will look at the silver screen and ask: "Princess, you are sure that there is no lying? Do you have not thought about it?"

"Of course, it is true, it's all I saw."

Silver screen princess said seriously.

"Hey ..." The poor, "This is a kind of enchanting, super magical enchanting. This person is terrible, wisdom terrible, terrible, terrible ability, strength, he seems to exceed any one Emperor. This is the real imperial emperor. "

"I think so." Silring Princess said, "I have to add one, he is wide as the sea, I am blaming him, but he is not worth it, I will put it in his arms. I apologize to him, he said that he didn't care about it at all. He also said that he would strive to protect me, let me live, I hope I can live happily in the future. "

"Princess, if you can really come to live, let him die, you can really turn it up. You can also turn it out until you can save. There is such a person to plan, what is hard to spend?" Excited.

"However, he is the people of the Northern Snow, and he is still a couple of love, it is a couple in love. How can I go to him?" Silver screen princess said.

The poorer finally recovered calm, and his a little turbid eyes shot the light of the wisdom.

After a while, he slowly said: "Since can't stand, you will bundle him with you. Then he is the princess you."

"How to say?"

Silver screen princess is looking forward to ask.

"Turn him into a princess, you said," The poor, "said the only way of life," is also the only way to break. "

"Can this go?"

The eyes of the princess of the silver screen lit up the light of the hustle and hopes.

"Can, be able to say" "He said that he said," Although he is the Tiewei commander of Northern Snow. However, the Northern Snow Princess is very good because of the talented capital. So, Your Majesty will give her to her This time, it is estimated that she will choose to choose a fairy king. She can give iron one is a beautiful woman and Tianwei Dishbao, promise high officials. It is impossible to turn the iron. Her husband. And the princess, you are a poor two white, and you will not be very good at you, you won't give you a choice, because it will be tired of horses, causing greater killing. In this case, you can boldly pay, become his woman, he It has become your husband, he tied you together. And on his character, it is a passionate seed, and more love, the ability is strong. Naturally, help you, even if you can't let you The competition is successful, but there must be a way to let you save ... The so-called light is not afraid of wearing shoes. Jedi survive, you can achieve your own. "

"I think so too." Silver screen princess said, "100 years, so long, I don't believe in chance, even if the north Snow sister strictly guards the death, there must be a chance. But I am still a little worried, worry Phoenix Princess, she seems to have been successful, then he will help the Phoenix or help me? He can't turn it into two people. "

"Princess, you don't have to pay attention to him and phoenix, don't worry, Phoenix will not compete with you. If you and Phoenix have become his woman. Because your situation is most dangerous, he will give you priority Poor.

"Yes, Phoenix's tacit is very good, very good to the East Emperor. And she is so powerful, much better than my situation. He will always stay helping me." Silver screen princess excited Said.

However, the silver screen princess quickly worriedly, muttered muttered: "That one, Bei Xuejie will eventually hate me, this is not what I want to see."

"Princess, this is something that can't be worn, can you still have a hand?" The poorer is finished, and he can't say: "If you can compete into an emperor, be kind to her."

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