The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1971 Terrorism Soul Guard

Everyone includes Zhang Bin, all discovered that he can't move.

I can't even move my finger, and I was completely banned.

Even, even Chu Fei can't move.

The horror is that the palm of the palm is rapid, and it covers everything.

Then you have to take it, you have to completely kill everyone.

"I rely on, the West polar ghosts actually arranged horrible secrets in Chu Yongges? Can you send such a horrible attack? Maybe any of the souls of the emperor, also put this ban. So, even if you can kill them, it is also to be killed by such a ban. "Zhang Bin shouted in his heart.

"The father, you can't kill me, I am your little son Chu Fei Cheng." Chu Fei's face was full of horror, shouted, "You can't kill me, I haven't need to do it, I And the second brother fights, he was killed by me ... "

The faint ghost emperor was stunned, and the eyes were also fixed in Chu Fei. The palm was also paused in the air.

After a while, the palm was taken again.

However, it has changed the direction, and it is shot on a large snow mountain.

"Bang ..."

The sky has a huge sound, and the snowy mountain collapsed completely, and it has become a fragment.

And it was deeply filled into the ground, a mountain, a mountain, a big mountain, instant.

The earth shakes and murizes.

Everyone stands unstable, and a butt is sitting on the ground.

Even Zhang Bin and Chu Fei are also the same.

Their face is filled with the color.

If this palm is on their head, where is they still live?

"Very good, this time trial has achieved a successful result. Great benefits have been obtained."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart.

Although this time is a cooperation with Chu Fei, he still has another purpose, that is, what kind of consequences are to kill the emperor.

Now he finally knows, and it can be put in the future.

And his shock can be a lot of light, as long as the mortar, it can kill another emperor.

However, you can't be too unscrupulous. Once you have killed too many emperors, revealing the horse feet.

The consequences are unimaginable.

Soon, the vain of the West pole ghosts quickly dissipated, and the palm was also crash.

It is not discontinued as a smog.

As for Chu Yongge's soul, it is also a thorough smoked under the burning of the horrible black flame.

Nothing is left.

No, there is a space ring left.

His horrible soul is also left.

Chu Fei Cheng immediately jumped up, rushed to pick up the spatial ring and soul.

This soul is somewhat, it is not possible because it is necessary to start the wisdom ghosts.

And his face is also a smile of victory, and there is also a power of the world.

He succeeded, with the help of Zhang Bin, kill Chu Yonggu.

Everything in Chu Yongge belongs to him.

250 of Chu Yongge turned to a fool, and his face was full of ridiculous and dared to confuse.

Obviously, the Chu Yonggu is on the wind, how did you suddenly fall?

Why didn't he start the soul?

What mystery and unknown facts are there?

"All you have heard, I am betting with the second brother, who has won, who is it. Now I won, the second brother lost, and the father will lose. The father will not save His, because he has failed in the competition. Now you are my belongings. Rest assured, I will be good to you, follow me, the future is big, the high official thickness is less ... "

"I have seen the main public."

This 250 people hesitated for a while, yet, all respectfully shouted.

The owner is already dead, only to recognize the emperor Chu Fei has become the main public.

Since he can kill Chu Yonggu, he can see his extraordinary.

It is likely that he is the future ghost emperor.

They are of course willing to follow him.

"Hahaha ..."

Chu Fei made an exciting laugh.

The heart is also a strong ecstasy.

In now, he still has a feeling of dreaming.

It's a bit less real.

"Chu Fei Cheng, remember, do not disclose our cooperation."

Zhang Bin horses a message, showing stealth than a stealth, and going forward.

"Bin brother, you can rest assured ... I am not a fool, how can I leak out? That others know that I use a conspiracy trick to kill the second brother, my position is uniform, he will not take me, The father is still very angry, I am not qualified to win the reserve. "Chu Fei said seriously.

Zhang Bin also didn't worry, because Chu Fei Cheng said the truth, unless he is a fool, or he wants to commit suicide, it will leak this Tianda secret.

The snow has been, and the cold is struggling.

Zhang Bin took his team in front.

Step by one footprint.

And Zhang Bin has long opened the door of the moon to open, so that the world's intangible flames and terrorism can invade.

Tuning his soul.

Can learn the West Pole, his soul can be quickly powerful.

This is really a big gain.

Of course, he has passed it to the frog female, Phoenix, and there are three teasing, Tian Guangjin, Li Taqing, and the central Dantian.

Everyone is cultivating.

Although there is no super magical medicinal medicine, it can only refine ordinary medicinal herbs.

But it is also possible to practice, their soul is slowly eliminating impurities, and the soul field has a gas soul energy, and their soul is in power.

"Iron one, Chu Fei Cheng? Where did he go?"

Northern Snow Princess finally couldn't help but compromise the sound.

"I originally had to take him into a road, I walked through the ambush of his second brother. But in the end he still refused. So, I will break up with him. Ghost know where he is going, and you know the bastard. What is the idea. "Zhang Bin said," But, I finally get rid of that kind of leather sugar, there is he mixed in our team, not a good thing. I don't want to mix the Western Ghost Country. "

"This is best, so best."

The Northern Snow Princess smiled like a flower.

As for her heart, it is of course a little doubt.

However, she will never say it.

Phoenix and silver screens are of course the same.

And both of them are also in favor of Zhang Bin, don't get more.

They accelerate the footsteps slightly.

In the snowflakes in the sky.

Gradually, they have a few hundred kilometers away.

I have encountered a few dangers, all were attacked by the horrible snow beast.

However, there are not many quantities, so it is also a thrilling.

Gravity is getting more and more horrible, and invisible flames are getting worse.

Everyone is a bit supported.

Only Zhang Binfu female three princess swallowing the heavens or not.

The fairy emperor, it is different.

Even three teasing fields are a bit unstead of Li Taiqing.

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