The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1972 Huang Jingzi

Zhang Bin is going to find a place to take a break.

The front is a special sound.

Zhang Bin's face floated the color, with everyone to carefully touch the past.

Then they saw the scenery of the incomparableist.

There is a wide lake in front of the earth.

This lake is very strange, there is no ice, or a blue water.

Even, the edge of the lake is still growing some fairy medicine.

There is a small island in the central area of ​​the lake, which is full of tall trees.

There is a tree, the branches are covered with yellow orange orange, and it is fragrance that is unbearable.

And on the snow on the lake, take a plurality of tents.

There are people in front of the tent.

A large-scale tent, sitting on a knee and a big man.

It is the second emperor of the Employea North Yield.

Look carefully, you can see a wire in his mouth.

Always extended out, floating on the lake, slowly moving toward the small island.

Obviously, he wants to pick the on the island.

"God, that is Huang Jing, thousands of years can be mature. This island has a yellow gray ripening? What a huge wealth is."

Silver screen princess shoutedly shouting.

Although she is the smallest princess of the Arctic, it is like reading books, I have seen countless books.

Therefore, she knows countless genius.

"God, it is really Huang Jing. If you can get it, it will really send a big wealth, and we can be a lot more." Northern Snow Princess is excited.

Even, the beauty of the phoenix is ​​also shot a hot radiant.

"Golden album, what is the treasure? What is the function?"

Zhang Bin's eyes watched the golden alfalfa on the island, curiously asked.

"Gold has a magical time attribute, after taking, can make people's time to improve a large trio." The Silver Screen Princess said in Zhang Bin's ear.

"Is it the same treasure?"

Zhang Bin's eyes lit up, and migmery looked at the beautiful face of the silver screen. At the end of his eyes, he found on her delicate red lips. It seems that he wanted to kiss.

The Silver screen princess smiled, if it was the same as the same place, it was beautiful.

She explained: "This is not a time-fashionable, but time fairy fruit. If it is time to take it, you can turn into a fairy ... More effective than time pronaneous fruit."

"Then we must get the yellow crystal on the island."

Zhang Bin muttered, his face was full of excitement and excitement.

He brought a number of elves to the fairy world.

Now they live in his central Dantian.

Among them, there is time elf little white horse.

They absorb the cultivation in his central Dantian, but it is still difficult to cultivate into a fairyland.

Need to use a long year.

However, there is now a golden alfalfa, which can make time elf small white horse evolve into a fairyland.

Zhang Bin is not excited and excited?

If the small white horse has become a fairyland, it is very powerful.

It can help him deal with super powerful enemies.

"You are around, here is the land of the second emperor."

250 masters drilled out from the tent, and blocking in front of Zhang Bin et al.

And the north rainy days came out of the tent.

His eyes fell on the face of the Northern Snow Princess and the Silver Screen Princess, said faintly: "Two sisters, you can go to such a deep place, and there is no loss. It is very good. However, still please detour , Huangjing on the island is mine. "

"Your? Koke. That is my big brother."

"There is no ability to pick it up to the eucalyptus.

"You? If you have a thing, you will pick it up?"

Three teasings shouted soon.

Although they wearing the iron guards of the North Snow Princess, they did not think of themselves as the princess of the North Snow, but Zhang Bin's people.

So, how can they care about each other?

"Good bile. Do you want to die?"

The face of the northern rainy day floated with a strong angry, and the body burst into the war and murderous.

"Do you want to fight? We do three princess, kill you like killing the dog, you have enough to use two cards." Ma said the tongue.

"Bei Xue, this is your subordinate?"

In the north rain, I watched the Northern Snow Princess with the eyes of the people.

"Two brother, you don't want to be angry, they are just straightforward. In fact, we have never thought about killing you." Northern Snow Princess said that "that is basically the same."

"You hurry, don't bother me to take treasure."

The anger in the heart of the heart is pressed in the north rain.

Because he really doesn't want to be desperate with the other person.

At least it is desperate now.

"We may wish to cooperate once? Take a loaf together, otherwise you will have this speed, there is no picking, more small teams come, but there are many powerful true magic squad, the number is much more. That It is a bloody battle, maybe you are going to fall here. "Zhang Bin stepped out and said faintly.

"And cooperate? Our captain's seems to kill this Shabi?"

Everyone is secretly laughing, and the face is full of weird expressions.

"As you are eligible, and I have a collaborate?"

The face of the northern rainy day is full of contempt.

"Even if we are not qualified, but also enhance your strength? Waiting for the real magic squad, they don't dare to attack us. After all, we have four emperors, there are terrorist cards, there are many Zhang Bin said.

"You have reasonable."

The face of the north rainy day has floated the color, "cooperation can be, but, you can only give you one hundred yellow crystals afterwards. And you will be responsible for the warning, block the true magic squad."

Three princess, three teasings, and all the players are secretly angry, and how they also have a thousand quantities on the tree, but they can only have 27 capsules, which is too bullying.

"Well, I am a captain, agree with your distribution plan, so that we can get 27 grasmons, and we can't get better than one piece." Zhang Bin said.

"Hey ... this is a fool, what is the captain?"

The north rain and his belongings smiled, and the face was also filled with weird expressions.

So they really cooperated.

Zhang Bin was alerted in the periphery, and it was arranged in a blade, a pair to strive to defense and block others.

And he came to the lake with three princess, while asking about the situation of the lake in the rainy day.

As for the north rainy day, it is of course still released, and slowly extends on the island.

However, it seems to be very effective.

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