Soon, Zhang Bin hit a lot of secrets.

This lake is extremely horrible, although it is not ice, but it is a cold cold.

If you dare to enter it, you will be freeze immediately, absolutely impossible to have a living.

It is said that even the fairy can freeze.

More horrible is that there is a horrible monster in the lake.

Even if there is no freeze, it will be eaten by the monster.

And the gravity here is very powerful. If you use a bundle, it will condense the rope fly over, and you can't do it.

It will fall into the lake by the horrible gravity.

Then you will sink into the lake.

Therefore, it can only extends the energy in the past.

But it is also equivalent to tough.

The north rain now is now a rope with the soul energy. To extend the past, tie it on the tree of the island, then take the rope to the past, picking Huang Jing.

"This lake is deep?"

Zhang Bin asked curiously.

"It should be deep, the monster is huge, you can flood the monster." The other party answered, his face was full of fear, "We have three companions have been eaten by the monster, you have to be careful, Don't be swallowed by a monster. "

"It seems that it is not easy to get the yellow crystal."

How can the three princess's face change, so dangerous place?

Even if the bridge is set, it is also dangerous.

Because the monster may suddenly attacked.

"We haven't eaten a good time for a long time, we can't eat a monster."

Zhang Bin said with a smile.

He said that it will do it, mind, and use bundling energy and metal abilities to construct a chain.

Then tied a peeled snow.

Slowly put it in the lake.

"I rely, our master is going fishing."

Three invasive and the rest of the players are also excited, rushing to see the lively.

The northern rainy day is a weird, watching Zhang Bin like the monster, do not understand how he dares to fish monsters? How long is his brain?

It is also stunned in the northern rainy day of condense the soul energy rope.

Then his eyes lit up, if there is a way to kill the monsters in the lake, it is easy to pass, it will be much more safe.

Therefore, he has not stopped, but in secret attention and expectation, look forward to Zhang Bin can catch a few monsters.

Sure enough.

The lake suddenly explored a head, and slammed the snow.

"Give me ..."

Zhang Bin shouted, his dynamic and scaling power suddenly launched.

Crazy one pulls.

This monster flew out of the lake.

It is a few meters long crocodile monsters.

It is obviously very powerful to exude the sharp pressure and momentum that is extremely terrible.

"Hey ..."

The crocodile's mouth suddenly closed, and sharp teeth bite on the chain.

The chain is as broken as tofu.

However, a thorn purple thunder broke out from Zhang Bin's hands, under the promotion of the abilities, the power rose, blinking, spread to the mouth of the crocodile.


The crocodile sent a shackles.

This current appears in the mouth and is a super horrible current.

It is also supportable.

Still thrown.

"Give me it."

The frog woman suddenly shouted, her tongue flew out, worn the crocodile, and dragged it on the shore.

The cooperation with Zhang Bin is simply wonderful.


A loud noise, the crocodile is squatting on the ground.

But there is still no death, crawl crawling, rushing to Zhang Bin, spurting the snow white ice arrow, swaying the sky and shot to Zhang Binfu female and three princess.

"court death."

Zhang Bin smiled coldly, he became three-headed six arm, and there were three ax in his hand.

Crazy dance, block all the ice arrows.

Then jumped high high, and smashed an ax on the head of the crocodile.


A loud sound, sound shock.

Crocodile falls in the ground.

But it is still a living.

The skin is also intact.

It can be seen that it is amazing.


Three princess frog female Zhang Bin is angry, and the crocodile is attacked.

I bombard their magic as a rainpoint.

Zhang Bin also secretly showed a strong ability to scales and three gods.

Only the crocodile's brain broke and completely killed this crocodile.

"Good powerful monster, if it enters the lake, it is definitely a dead road."

Everyone is in my heart.

Zhang Bin dragged the monster to one side and started peeling.

What is shock is that this crocodile skin is tough.

The low-level fairy is even can't be caught, and the skin is caught.

"I can't eat meat, it is a pity."

Three teases flowed in saliva, sigh.

Three printers are also very depressed.

Only Zhang Bin, that is an excitement and surprise, and his eyes shot a hot radiant.

Just put it on this crocodile, how can I move?

Because, he has obtained the way to fall on the skin of this crocodile.

And the skin of this crocodile is also a super good refiner material, and the value is incomparable.

"This time, developed."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, but his face has floated the color of thinking.

How can we break the crocodile skin, peel the skin down?

He drilled into the tent, and there was a rusty sword in his hand.

This is why he has encountered a big horror from the time of life.

I have never been refined.

That is because his mental strength is not strong.

It may also be related to his soul pureness, and his soul is too much.

However, now he cultivates the future of the cactus, and he also cultivated into a ghost.

Most importantly, he took the magical powerful soul soul, let his soul become pure, almost no impurities.

Perhaps you can refine this kind of rust.

Zhang Bin's mental strength swarming, rapidly penetrating into the rust.

His face immediately revealed.

In the past, his mental power could not be entered and was completely blocked.

It is also as if it is a psychitary particle, it can't enter a small hole.

However, it can be entered now.

In an instant, the rust sword lit up the white light, exudes a super sharp breath.

" ..."

Switch, this sword is rapidly vibrating.

Finally, I turned into a white light, and I entered Zhang Bin's virtual Dantian.

Survive him quickly.

"My God, this sword is actually virtual property?"

Zhang Bin was secretly shocked, and his face was also showing ecstasy.

Such treasures are absolutely worth elevating, and it is also very powerful!

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