The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1974 is in a desperate situation

When the sword swallowed into a lot of virtual and no attributes, Zhang Bin once again, this sword flew out, he grabbed it, and he was gently in the crocodile.


The skin of the crocodile is broken, and the sword is deeply inserted.

"My God, I am so sharp to this way? No, wrong, this is the magical use of virtual inability, the sword is on the crocodile, starting a special virtual and no differentness, reducing the defensive power of the crocodile skin, then Easy to get into. "Zhang Bin's heart picked up.

He pulled out the sword and went finely with a hot eye.

The secret is also communicated with the instrument.

It turned out that this sword name is a virtual god sword. It used to be the magical treasure of the virtual month. Although it is just a Chinese product, it is a very rare, magical, can kill the enemy that is terrible.

If it is used to start with virtual, it is more horrible.

"It's cool, I have a very powerful base card."

Zhang Bin said in his heart.

He immediately peeled the crocodile skin.

Refining a helmet.

His mind, the armor is in his body.

It looks very mighty.

"Master, the situation is not wonderful, Feng Qing is coming."

Ma Ru Fei came in and said something nervously.

"Feng Wei, that is stupid?"

Zhang Bin's face is also serious, this is what he did not expect.

He immediately rushed out.

Sure enough.

Feng Yi has 295 subordinates, and there is also three prinions on the north rainy day.

Obviously, all the way to here, he also lost 5 subordinates.

"Feng Yan, Huang Jing fruit is what I found first, belonging to me, please go to the left."

It is cold and cold in the north rain.

"Ha ha ha ..." Feng Wei sent a laughter, pointed out, Zhang Bin, "Beyu, I want to leave, I must give me this baba, I want to be, otherwise, Huang Jinggui It is a copy of the person. "

"How do you talk about?"

The face of the face of the rainy day flashed the color.

That is not, Zhang Bin, and the other party.

He sits on the mountain watching.

"That is of course. The big emperor of my east is going to talk, can you talk?"

The wind said proudly.

"Two little sisters, you hand out this person."

In the rainy day, I used the ice cold gaze to look at the silver screen princess and the Northern Snow Princess.

"Two brother, do you dream?"

The rhinoceric character appeared in the hands of the Northern Snow Princess.

Silring screen princess is the same.

And the hands of the Phoenix Princess also appeared a hot fire.


Zhang Bin shouted, "prepare a war."

A sharp magic weapon has appeared in the hands of the team members, and their body is also a powerful percentage and momentum.

"In this case, our cooperation cancels, you can go."

The north rain is dark and dark, saying faintly.

"Blocking my death ..."

Zhang Bin's hands appeared in the hands of the gods, and she was slowly moving with her team.

At this moment, he really wants to kill Feng Dynasty.

But I am a little worried, I have a horrible shock ability, and I have seen a flaw in the north rain.

"Beyu, it is better to join hands, do you have three prinions? You account for a big cheap, because I can help you kill two princess." Feng Yu said, "We use the bottom card, I use two Fire characters, consumes Fenghuang fire characters and killing Zhang Bin, and you use two swords, consume two princess's swords. Then we can easily kill them. Don't even need to pay for it. "

"How do he know that I have two swords?"

Beings and rainy days were died in the heart, but they did not have any hesitation, the voice replied: "Well, I promise you."

He wanted to kill two princess and worried that Zhang Bin's team had three cards.

I didn't dare to get started.

Now there is such a good opportunity, he certainly will not let go.

The most important thing is to use two bottom cards, and he has a life-saving base card.

After all, he is one of the two emperors and is one of the most optimistic candidates of the Arctic Xianmine.

Of course, not only one base card.

"Not good, they seem to join hands ..."

Zhang Bin suddenly felt an unprecedented crisis.

At this moment, even if he has endless wisdom, there is no good countermeasure.

There is no time to think about it at all.

It is not too late to drill into the ground.

He only came and shouted: "Fast, spread out ..."

All players are scattered in horror.

The horrible attack is coming.

"Death ..."

Feng Yan smiled and took out two fire characters, a picture of Zhang Bin, a way to Phoenix.

In an instant, the two inquiry will become two huge fireballs, with the murder of the sky to the Phoenix and Zhang Bin.

The horrible pressure is taken out, and the horrible gas machine is also firmly locked in them.

They can't even do it.

"Zhang Bin ..."

The phoenix is ​​frightened, and the mouth is also a screaming.

But she immediately calmed down because she thought Zhang Bin had a soul.

He won't fall!

She flew out of her hand, turned out, turned into a horrible fireball, bombarding the fireball shot.

"Bang ..."

A loud noise of the sky.

The flame explosion is crazy.

Nearby people fly away.

The iron six luck is not good, and the flame is splashing on the body, and suddenly it is screaming into ashes.

And another fire-made flame ball is also wrapped in Zhang Bin in an instant.

"Virtual and noise, close eyes are fake, cold ice energy, zoom can be lost, do not die, three gods to start ..." Zhang Bin felt a strong death crisis, fully starting abilities , Then he found that he could move. He didn't hesitate, directly rolled over, and he fell in the lake.

This is a horrible cold ice lake, which can be frozen everything.

Perhaps you can extinguish the flame.

"You also die."

I also smiled in the north rainy days.

It has become two sharp swords, and the princess and Silver screen princess are ignorant.

They didn't dare to kill the princess of the country, and they were afraid of causing the soul guardian, then they were miserable.

"Zhang Bin ..."

The Northern Snow Princess and the Silver Screen Princess have been scared by such a change, making a fierce to the extreme voice.

But they still have an energy to take out the sword.

The sword is really horrible, and it has become a sharp pole, and the sword is ray.

The swords of the two swords of the other side are together.

I sent an earth-shattering voice.

The sharp swords have taken a few gullies.

There are a few unlucky ghosts directly by the sword into pieces, and even the soul is also killed.

The fairy emperor is made, it is even more incredible.

"Kill ... give the big brother ..."

Frog female, three teasings, Li Taqing, Tian Guangjin, there are three princess, and all players are angry, and they will kill enemies.

The speed of swallowing is faster, the mouth is open.

The most terrible phagocity can be displayed, and the power has skyrockery under the promotion of the abilities.

When I suddenly had a lot of enemies, I couldn't stand my body and rolled over.

I was swallowed in the blink of a dozen.

"Kill them, one will not stay."

Feng Yu and his north rain smiled and shouted.

Kill everyone with many masters.

There is only 25 people left, although it is very powerful, but where can I pay nearly six hundred super powerful masters?

So, they will be in jeopardy!

(It's another six chapters to send, please vote for support ...)

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