The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1980 Thriller North Snow Princess

"Very good, from today, you are the big husband of the Phoenix Princess." Zhang Bin stretched out and said.

Hold Zhang Bin's hand, also said: "The cooperation is happy. You can rest assured, I will definitely help the Phoenix Princess, because I don't want to live."

Her handle held the handle in Zhang Bin and Phoenix. As long as Zhang Bin can't live, she can't live.

Not promised that is a fool.

In this way, Zhang Bin helped the Phoenix to receive a big counselor.

The wisdom of this major, Zhang Bin is also very satisfied, you can think of the crocodile skin, people who cross the cold lake, can you not be?

"The four sorrows, I will give it to you in the future. I will teach them."

Zhang Bin took the first order.

In fact, it is to look at the wisdom of the , is there any ability to let four women who have been loyal to Fengli.

"Yes, the son."


Zhang Bin also entered the space container in the rainy day, and the same approach took a lot of wisdom.

The only difference is that he did not let Zhido far-flung the princess or Silver screen princess, but loyal to Zhang Bin.

Of course, smart is safe.

After all, Zhang Bin is not an emperor.

This requires him to keep him with a longer time.

As for the four maids in the north rainy day, Zhang Bin gave it green beans and let her find a way to take them.

And there is no doubt that these four mates are very obedient.

If you can return to the battle, enjoy some of their massage and massage, and it is also very comfortable.

At this moment, Zhang Bin is lying in the bath.

Enjoy the massage and massage of green beans.

His eyes closed, the body relaxed, the brain turned quickly.

And he also felt the danger of meditation.

This time he escaped in his death, almost willing to follow.

Then he angered two emperors.

The consequences are of course very serious.

If the processing is not good, there are a lot of trouble in the future, and it may even bring the top disaster.

However, so good opportunities at the time, if you don't grasp, let them escape.

That will have two super horrible enemies in the future.

Therefore, in that case, it is killing.

"The time of competition is inevitably, because all the crime must be cultivated to the realm of Xianmi, many old emperors will explore the ban on the sea." Zhang Bin put it in the heart, "So, even if you can take North Snow Princess and Phoenix helps into the emperor, it is not safe, because the old emperor may pay attention to yourself, they may take the hand at any time. The strength is the key to the life, and it is basically enough. If my strength is not strong, this is not strong, this is not strong, this Once, it was fallen, and it may even be swallowed and will be killed. "

Thinking of this, Zhang Bin's brow is deeply put in, it is not easy to improve strength, it is not easy, and cultivation is not possible to step by step. This is still quenching holes, the masters they face are not very powerful. If they are outside, the masters of Xianjun are chasing themselves, they can't even flee them, they may have a top disaster.

The trouble is that you can't do it if you want a low key.

After all, I have already caught the vortex of the crime.

Moreover, I have to rescue Lexia as soon as possible.

I have to go to Yaochi, but it is my woman ...

"It seems that it is necessary to work hard to repair the strength quickly, in order to have the power of far superharmonics to save. However, inside and outside double repair, etc. cultivation to Yuan Baby, will land horror It may not be able to achieve it. "Zhang Bin thought here, his eyes suddenly lit up, the mind is also full of inspiration, yes, the fairyland is not robbery, because the space and earth in the fairy are very stable, you have no threat This world, the world will not pay attention to me, I don't have to be robbed even if I cultivate the inherstance to the Yuan Baby.

In this case, what is worried?

However, in case the robbery?

It must also be prevented.

So, you must get more magical treasures, such as cow's fairy, such as healing medicinal herbs.

It is also necessary to work hard to cultivate many of themselves, for example, do not die.

It is also possible to spend horror.

Thinking of this, Zhang Bin has decided to make a determination. In the quenching hole, it is necessary to cultivate the internal power law, cultivate to Yuan Yingwang or higher realm, must become super powerful.

Otherwise, any emperor uses the bottom sign.

He can't do it.

Northern Snow Princess is also a remotely discussion on her space container and her large-scale map.

She said that everything happened, said: "I don't know, did he not make mistakes? I also feel that he is very blame. I don't know how to comfort him?"


The picture is remotely pumping a breath, muttered in his mouth, "This time, it is so dangerous? You almost have a whole army? This time, he did wrong. He is too small to see the second emperor, he thinks yourself Everything, actually cooperate with the tiger, and the north rainy day, the result is that he has been anti-alleled, but his strain ability is very strong, it comes to the way to escape, jump into the cold lake, and I still have to defeat the victory, let them kill them all . But the sequelae is quite. If you calculate it, it is likely that you have passed the matter. Your Majesty is also very likely to save Feng Feng. I see, he is not a self-blame, but worrying, worrying two emperors he."

"What should I do?"

Northern Snow Princess is a bit panicked.

"In a hundred years, Your Majesty will not threaten him. However, it is hard to say after a hundred years." The picture is long, "said there is no way to solve this crisis."

"This way, Zhang Bin is not dead?"

The face of Northern Snow Princess has changed, and Zhang Bin has such a genius, she can't be missing.

If he dies, then she will have a left right arm.

"He will certainly come to the way." Figure remote is said, "Well, the situation may not go to the worst point, because the north rainy days are very talented, but there is also the same genius as the big emperor, as long as you are two There is no false, and you may not care, and you will not cross the empty space for the second emperor, and it may not even go. Because his soul imaginary shadow saw the second emperor was falling in the cold lake, he was eaten by the crocodile. He almost I have already known the fact. "

"There is a possibility of this kind of possibilities, but what he killed, it is the most optimistic candidate of the East Emperor Emperor." The Northern Snow Princess said, "So, the East Emperor is likely to be able to calculate everything, and then deal with Zhang Bin."

"That's better, Zhang Bin did not dare to go to the East Korean demon, can only help you."

The picture is long and sneer.

The face of the Northern Snow Princess has floated the color, and there is such a benefit?

However, she is very worried, of course, is worried that the East Emperor's Emperor will now kill Zhang Bin.

As far as the terrorist strength of the East Emperor, it is possible to enter the hardening hole at any time!

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