The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1981 Renovation

"Princess, if you are really in everything, you have to deal with Zhang Bin, as long as you and Phoenix are safe to protect him, Your Majesty and the East Emperor will not kill him. Prerequisite is, you have to be strong, The forces are also strong, so that you are optimistic. "The picture is long, and the worries of the Northern Snow Princess are comfortable.

Northern Snow Princess said, "Now I got 25 genius somaties, I let the qualified Tie Wei's soul into, plus iron two, iron three, iron four and Zhang Bin and other seven people, There are 35 days of genius, the forces are improved. Now I understand why Zhang Bin has to make my forces within a hundred years to the first, he is to give me a decree. However, the silver screen princess has 25 under, the phoenix is ​​more cool, there are 51 powerful belongings. "

She said this is because the soul is in the body, I can get out of the space container and will not be excluded by the quenching hole.

"Princess, you continue to prevent the silver screen princess, as long as she didn't do Zhang Bin's woman, there is nothing to worry. Most of her will not be more than you. As for the phoenix, I don't worry, there is no competitive relationship." The picture is long.

Zhang Bin got out of the space container.

Then he found that the cave is already a team of 113 people.

Morale is high.

They all cultivate.

Zhang Bin also practiced the knees.

The focus of cultivation is the internal practice method and many emperors.

Of course, when he practice, he is also trying to practice.

There is yellow crystal fruit and cultivate it.

His time to increase in rapid.

Originally, the Song Moon God obtained from the month of the month was not subsequent.

However, this time I seized a lot of magical skills, which had time practice, it was able to cultivate into the realm of Xianwang.

Therefore, Zhang Bin also did not have follow-up to practice.

A month is fast.

They are also cultivated to the peak and adjust to the best state.

They are ready.

The Northern Snow Princess is a bit unhearted, please ask Zhang Bin to the space container, and the distance is a remote discussion.

"Iron one, how do you plan to do in the future?"

The picture is long first, vigorously exaggerated Zhang Bin, and asked seriously.

"In the future, we will see our treasure, improve the strength." Zhang Bin said, "Do not fight with the powerful squad, believe that between many small teams will kill each other, we will buy them under the subordinates, enhance our forces."

"To the right, now the three printers have no horror. It can't be deterrent. So, we can't fight." The picture is happy.

"They don't know that we have no big card. So, we can still deterrence." Zhang Bin said, "Three princess can make a fake card, confused them. In addition, the number of people now 113, not weak, even The most powerful team, may not dare to fight with us. So, we have safely safe. "


This time I discuss, the picture is very satisfied, and the mouth is cracking to the back.

Because Zhang Bin finally started with him, his great martial arts finally used it.

"Red Beans, Bathing Bath ..."

Northern Snow Princess is also very happy and has such an order.

The red bean is shy, and the shame is pulled with Zhang Bin to enter the bathroom.

Zhang Bin has not been intimate with red beans for a long time, so he has not refused.

When I entered the bathroom, Zhang Bin hugged red beans.

Red kissed her.

"Gong ..."

Red beans are very emotional, and Zhang Bin is hot.

And the Northern Snow Princess is to continue to discuss the distance.

"Mr. Figure, Iron one seems to be adjusted, he became confident, and it is more mature. Do he want to have a crisis after a hundred years?" North Snow Princess said excitedly.

"He really thinks about the crisis of a hundred years. It is our efforts to assist the princess, enhance the power and strength of the princess, and that the princess will protect him. And this is the only way." "Congratulations on the princess, I got a best talent."

" ... ..."

Northern Snow Princess issued a smuggling like a silver bell.

They want to be wrong, although Zhang Bin is like the same as they guess, try to assist the King of the King, but he has not pressed the bet on her body.

He still has a top card, that is, the soul.

That is the biggest chip of the life.

He is still repairing, and it is also the most powerful means of life.

The more difficult to repair the repair, the more difficult it is to pay, and it is more difficult.

Then he returned the room.

"Princess, but also to continue to work hard, I see him also like Xiangmeou, let the Xiangxou clothes next time ... Also, you must continue to hint him, let him know that you also like him, it is possible to marry Give him. "The light of the remote range shots the light of wisdom." His best defenament method is to marry you, only to do it, even the Arctic demon emperor does not dare to kill him easily. Don't think He is now dangerous, and he must be attached to him. When he quenching, he left you, and it is deeply hidden. It is also possible to save. "

"I know."

Northern Snow Princess nodded seriously.

Zhang Bin came out of the bathroom, then he found that I didn't know when the picture had left.

The Northern Snow Princess dressed as the beautiful beauty, greeted with a intoxicist.

She grabbed Zhang Bin's neck, said that she said: "Iron, I can't, so, no matter what kind of situation, I will protect you, and die with you."

The red beans that came out of Zhang Bin came down and shamefully, and it was slightly headed, and did not dare to see such a scene.

Zhang Bin was attracted by the hot love words of the North Snow, and the eyes were shot, and the breath was put into her beautiful and beautiful face. The breathing became rushing.

His hands raised, grabbed her little waist.

Gently a force, the Northern Snow Princess is in his arms.

The Northern Snow Princess is secretly awful, this bastard is so big?

Do you dare to hold her?

Is it too fire?

She quickly struggled out, and it was.

"There are too many components of the play, I will not be confused by you."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, but his mouth was sincerely speaking.

It seems that he is a princess who wants to marry the princess of North Snow.

They went out.

Once again.

I walked into the snow.

Three months later, they walked to the central area of ​​the cold ice.

"The Cold Snowland center area has ice cave, there may be super treasures, everyone gave me a spirit, looking for ice cave." Zhang Bin ordered.

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