The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1982, cold ice giant

"Yes, the captain."

Many players respectfully promise.

Their face is also full of expectations.

To be strong, to break through the bottleneck, you must get a super good genius.

However, the cold ice is sea sea, the snow is covered with the sky, the line of sight is unclear, and it is not so easy to find the ice hole.

It can only be lucky.

They were looking for three days, and they still did not find anything.

"Fast, there seems to have a rich white fog, perhaps the ice cave is emitted."

A player pointed to the distance and shouted excitedly.

They rapidly walked.

I quickly entered the dense fog.

Sure enough, there is a ice hole.

About more than ten meters of diameter, white fog is taken from the ice cave.

The extremely dangerous breath is also exuded.


Zhang Bin surprised, shouting.

His voice just fell, a huge snow beast rushed out of the hole.

That is a snow, a few hundred meters long, and there is a few meters in diameter.

Dika scales, teeth sharpness.

Dispersing a horrific pressure and momentum.

Its mouth is open, and it suddenly spit out a rich to the ultimate cold.

I am overlying to Zhang Bin and others.

Wherever it is, the temperature is rapidly lowered.

Can be frozen everything.

The cold ice is one of the most powerful snow beasts of the cold ice.

Mastering is extremely horrible and solarble, and also mastering the poisonous power of terror.

"Fast ..."

Zhang Bin shouted.

Snooked in the same lightning.

Then, many players swarmed, crazy attacking the cold ice.


Li Taishi first slap in the back of the ice giant.

I sent a lot of breath and splash.

Li Taiqing flew away, both hands were thriving.

The ice giant is not damaged, the scales are hard to the extreme.

This defense is too amazing.

"Dangdang ..."

The rest of the team's attack is also very fast to fall on the ice giant.

But still can't break the defense of the cold ice.

Instead, one by one is shocked, but also thoroughly angered the ice giant, crazy, the tail is crazy, and the cold is crazy, so that the space is extremely cool.

Even, even the crocodile armor also stopped such horrible cold invasion.

So, between it, they are difficult to kill the ice giant.

"If there is anything such a cold ice giant, how horrible is it?"

Zhang Bin did not shoot, just looked at it, and muttered in his mouth.

The creatures among this quenchings are only strong, but they can't become humanoid.


Phoenix hampered, rushed over, the sword in his hand was in the seven inches of the ice giant.

The hot flame is also sprayed.

This is a horrible sun real fire.


Finally, I broke the defense of the ice giants, and there was a wound of the 5-inch, blood flow, and then chemically became a caver.


The cold ice giant made a shocking scream.

The head shakes, a giant force is generated, and the phoenix is ​​flying away, then pounced.

"court death……"

The Northern Snow Princess and the Silver Screen Princess roared, and the cold ice sword was on the giant.

... ...

There is also a wound, cold invasion.

The body of the cold ice giant is stiff.

But it is still fierce, crazy attacks.

So, three princess teamed up, and the ice giant war was tough.

It is difficult to understand, extraordinary.

The frog female and Zhang Bin stood together, in Zhang Bin ear, blowing like the blue: "Mr. Mun, their talents are really very good, the speed of growth is very fast. It seems to be strong than I have to be strong."

"There are many resources. Of course, you can grow rapidly. However, you are not weaker."

Zhang Bin took a small waist of the frog female, said, "Moreover, you are getting more beautiful ..." The frog woman flew out a faint red, put the first happiness on Zhang Bin's shoulder Shang, "Fu Jun, since the woman who did your woman, I know what happiness is."

Perhaps look at the two people talking about love, ignoring its existence, the cold ice giant suddenly throws three printers, with the murderous murder, the blood is open, Bai Yessen's teeth are bite Zhang Bin and a frog woman.

"Be careful……"

The three princesmates shouted at the same time.

"Hey, you are just looking for death."

Zhang Bin was furious, and he dared to interrupt him and the frog woman talked about love?

His right box suddenly slammed, like lightning, hit it on the chin of the ice giant.

Open the day, three punches, close the dead.


A shock is very angry.

The body of the cold ice giant fly away, then fell into the ground.

When the body twists a few times, it will not move.

Look at its head, becomes soft collapsed.

Everyone is stunned, and it is tongue.

My God, Zhang Bin is too fierce? So many people attack the cold ice giant halfway, but only can only hurt the fur of the cold ice giant, but Zhang Bin actually killed the ice giants in a punch?

What horrible strength is this?

Doesn't he really?

Even the three princes lost their gods. They thought that they were hard to practice so long, they should be able to draw closer and Zhang Bin, but from this situation, not only didn't fall close, but farther.

"I don't want to be so powerful, I just used the method." Zhang Bin said flicked, "" For the ostrich of the skin, it is necessary to use the special move of transgenic, that can hurt it. " "

Ma Rufei rushed over and touched the head of the ice giant pyth, whispered and said: "Master, you don't be modest, you fight the brain bone of the cold ice, we don't do it anyway. Arrived. "

"How horror is needed to break the ice bones?"

Everyone looked at each other and shocked inexplicably.

"Peeling ..."

Zhang Bin took out the fantastic sword and threw it to Ma Ri Fei.

The virtual god sword is sharp, and Ma Ru is cut, there is not too much effort.

Soon, a huge cold ice is peeled off.

This can refine several leapsuits.

Undoubtedly, the skin of the ice giant is full of crocodile skin, which is a good material for refining defensive magic weapons.

And everyone went around Haha, took the knife, cut meat, and burned to eat.

The ice giant is already dead, so the muscles become not so hard.

After the barbecue, the fragrance sprayed, the taste is very good.

They are all big belly, and I will have a clean and clean meat of the ice giant.

And Zhang Bin is very enjoyable, because Phoenix, frog female plus silver screen princess, all served Zhang Bin, send the roast meat to Zhang Bin's mouth.

Northern Snow Princess wanted to see how many eyes of Silver Screen Princess.

However, the Silver screen princess will take me in our line, continue to serve Zhang Bin, and don't care about her noble identity.

"This bone is so hard!"

Tian Guangjin used the knife to cut the bones of the ice giant pyth, but it couldn't slash any traces and said.

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