The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1983 Ice Cave Adventure

"This is also a good material for refilms, and it hits."

Zhang Bin is like a patron, saying in both eyes.

Tian Guangjin took the bones of the ice giant pyth to the space ring.

This is Zhang Bin's snow beast, and it is Zhang Bin.

So don't assign anything.

"Walk, let's go to the treasure."

Zhang Bin didn't delay, and swallowing the heavenly guarded the guards outside, he took out the rope and the fairy, fixed outside, and he went down, he first grabbed the rope.

The ice cave is of course very dangerous.

If the ice hole suddenly collapses, it will be buried.

If the ice cave is rushed out of the snow beast, it will be very miserable.

Therefore, Zhang Bin only went to the first one.

His veteran is bold, not afraid of any danger.

Three princess, three teasing and others, tightly followed.

The ice hole is not straight down, there is a steep slope.

Then bend the curved song, basically can be walking.

Therefore, Zhang Bin will no longer use the rope and quickly go down.

The ice cave is a cold ice makeup, hard, cold.

If they are not wearing crocodile leather, they can't help.

One tone drops more than a thousand kilometers and finally arrived at the end of the ice cave.

They appear in an empty world.

The ground is red soil and rock, and many fairy medicine.

There is a wood, and the branches are covered with red peppers.

Explosing the red light and shines this world very bright.

The top of the hole in the cave is reflected in red.

A deep pool, full of milky white liquid, exudes a strange aroma.

A group of ice giant pythrily is on the side of the deep pool, swallowing white fog, and drinking a white liquid from time to time.

It looks very comfortable.

"God, that is an angry fairy pepper, is the magical fairy medicine in cultivating fire attribute, rare extreme, thousands of years can there be so much?" The Phoenix made a shocking to the extreme sound.

The rest of them are glanced, and the face is full of not a letter.

Cold ice and snow, actually can also give birth to fire properties?

How can this be?

"That is a cold ice milk, is the magical medicine that cultivates cold and ingenuity. One drop can exchange hundreds of Xianshi."

The Northern Snow Princess is watching the milky white cold pool.

Their voice is too big, and many cold giants are of course heard, and they have seen it. When I saw Zhang Bin and others, they were very angry.

With a murder of the sky.

I spurt the cold, and the arrows were turned into a white.


Zhang Bin did not fear, pulled out the fantastic sword, rushed over, showing the virtual, launched the virtual god sword, suddenly the sword rose, the sword in his hand stabbed.

Hey ...

Instantly chemize a thousand swords.

Passive, cover the sky.

Hey, ...

The sword in the head of many cold ice giants, screams and fell.

It turned into a body, blood flowing out in a rumor.

However, the cold ice giant is not afraid of death, all flocked, and the charge of death was launched.

The cold is bursting, and Zhang Bin's body is covered with ice.

But he is still safe and sound, and it is long and horizontally in the cold ice giant.

I am invincible, too, the cold ice giant is hovering, lying down.

Just a few breathing time.

Nearly a thousand cold ice giants were all killed by him.

And he is no loss, if you don't have something wrong.

As if he has made a negligible thing.

"My God, our captain is too powerful? His people will kill all the ice giants? What is we getting more?"

All players lost their gods, and their faces were filled with shock and admire.

Even the three proud princess dumped, how did Zhang Bin are so powerful?

"Zhang Bin, are you too powerful? I love you."

Phoenix took the lead in awake, she rushed over with a strong fragrance, pounced into Zhang Bin's arms, sent a hot kiss, and hot lingering.

"When will I kiss him with him? Can he do my man?"

Silver screen princess's face is full of envy.

The heart of the Northern Snow is also inexplicable, but she immediately reminded himself: "Zhang Bin although genius, but only 60 Dantian, I will definitely exceed him. I can't fall in love with him, I am To be a fairy, the future of my future must be a fairy king, otherwise, the position of the Imperial Emperor will not have time. "

Finally, the lip.

Phoenix took out Zhang Bin's arms and a little bit.

This is under the broad public.

"Here is a good place, we are cultivating here for a while."

Zhang Bin looked at this world and said.

Then he made a team member of the Heaven and the leftstick.

Of course, he did not forget to let the swallowing ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

In this way, even if there are other brigions, I can't see this ice cave.

They have no danger.

If people guard outside, it is easy to expose the trajectory, attracting the enemy.

Everyone began to jealously spread the fumes.

It is already mature, this is their luck.

"Angry fairy pepper is the best treasure in the world." Bei Snow Princess sat down in Zhang Bin, Xi Tid to say, "If you take a pumped pepper, even if you don't wear armor, you will be in the cold lake with crocodile. If there is anything, you can also withstand the horror of ice and other attacks.

"So amazing?"

Zhang Bin was shocked again, he felt that this anger fairy pepper is used, it is definitely a treasure of life, and it is not casual. "

"Captain, do you drink a bowl of ice stone milk tricks? The taste is very good."

Silver screen princess was installed with a bowl of ice stone milk with a jade bowl, and he handed to Zhang Bin.

She smiled like a flower, and the beauty of the beauty is deep affection.

That pair of jade hands are also delicate snow and white.

It is simply too tempting.

Zhang Bin's heartbeat is slightly accelerated, and the silver screen princess is beautiful, it seems to be worked hard, and want to get his full support.

He secretly sighed a sigh of relief, in this a hundred years, can you stabilize?

He took a cold ice stone milk and drunk slowly.

A sweet fragrance ripps from the tongue, and a cool gas has emerged.

Dantian, the cold attributes trembled.

In the cold stone cream, it has become a singular energy, and it has poured into the blood.

Then the body is crazy to process the ice.

"Good baby."

Zhang Bin praised the sound, sitting and sitting and started to practice.

Introducing the experimental guidance of the ice emperor to introduce the meridians, and quickly circulate in the meridians of the ice.

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