The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 1993 Zoom can be large

"Bin brother, did you pick it up to zooming?"

On the side, the Phoenix asked while looking forward.

"I took it."

Zhang Bin said.


Everyone has emitted excitement.

It has been such a magical medicine, and their strength will have a huge improvement.

Of course, it is only limited to a team member who has scaled the abilities.

And such a team member is of course quite rare.

However, three princesses and swallowing, frog women, Ma Rufei, etc., have mastered the zoom of abilities.

This is a great event.

A hidden snow hole.

Zhang Bin is sitting in the knee, is working hard, refining the mysterious ice in the stomach.

He kept taking an angry pepper, turned into an invisible flame, madly burning his body.

Resist the invasion of the cold.

And under such horrible cold and intangible flames.

Zhang Bin's potential has been rapidly excited. More cells have split the gap, spit out of internal repair, bring together to his internal repair veins, and bring together his internal repair Dantian.

It is too much much more than the speed of cultivation.

"Can you use this way to speed up the speed of repair?"

Zhang Bin was secretly surprised and excited secretly.

The internal repair is his future card, which is also the capital of him with many powerful emperors.

Now, I am accelerating the speed, nature is a good thing.

He more angryly cultivated.

He also took a scaling of the appearance.

Like other fairy medicine, it is only taken the first effective, and it doesn't have any effect.

And there is no doubt that many cold poisonous geckows have eaten scales, these fruits are only left. So will be so horrible and powerful.

Zooming of god fruits is very strong, and stronger to incredible.

I have poured into the whole body of Zhang Bin, and the body is also rapidly machining and zooming.

Collect to zoom Dantian.

Zhang Bin's arrogance increased rapidly.

Soon, he broke through a bottleneck and cultivated to the peak of the immortal.

His understanding of scaling is also rapidly improved.

He seized the opportunity to study and understand the experience and feelings recorded in the .

Maximize interests.

His body exudes a strange breath, and the momentum is also climbing in the section.

For a month, Zhang Bin refined the cold in the stomach.

The gastric liquid also turns normal liquid.

What made him surprised is that his internal repair is a lot of money, cultivating to Jin Dan.

He is expected to be ten years.

This is simply a leap.

But feeling that your body has a lot of power, and the power is also raised again.

What is most exciting is that his zooming abilities have grown, and now you can zoom 150 times.

In other words, his war has improved a lot.

After all, in the past, he only scaled 100 times.

"Now, in the face of the emperor of the fairyland, I also have to defeat them. Unfortunately, I can't be too high, so I will be jealous of the emperor, then I will be unlucky." Zhang Bin stopped, standing up.

His body exudes an inexplicable momentum and percentage.

And everyone has already stopped cultivation because they also cultivate them to the limit.

Also taking the three prinions of scaling the appearance, swallowing the heavens, Ma Ri Fei, Chen Chaoyue, Zhang Navy, and Tian Guangjin, Li Taqing, frog women are much stronger.

It is different from the moment of exudation.

Yes, Zhang Bin did not assign the shrinking fruit, but give each team member who has a zooming abilities.

The rest of him stayed.

This is the treasure that is relying on him, not the power of the collective.

He has the right to retain.

He can give each person, it is already generous.

"Take a break, swallow the heavenly alert ..."

Zhang Bin ordered.

Nervous cultivation, cruel fight, mental tight, do not relax, don't work.

Everyone excited, they all took out the space container and entered it.

Most of them have family members, especially three teasings, but with a number of girlfriends.

Zhang Bin first went to the four fairy tower to enjoy a red bean and four maids, and then lingering with his own woman, walked into the secret room, and the big scorpion.

He didn't hide, and he said with everything that happened and what happened.

Anyway, he will not let Zhido leave his space container.

The current situation is very complicated, and it is very dangerous. Although he smartly, killing decisions.

But there is always a place where you think about it.

Therefore, you must use the wisdom of the big.

And the big worsk can spend a lot of time in the space container and slowly scrutinizing, and check the miss.

After smart, I looked like a fool, looked at Zhang Bin as a monster.

At this time, he understood that Zhang Bin is how terrible people.

This is a wild fairy emperor, is equal to the first generation of Xian Di.

Will create a brand new fairyland.

How great is it to help such a genius to create a world?

, he squatted down, respectfully shouted: "Zhi Duo flew through the main public, and it must be died in the future."

"It's so easy to accept him?"

Zhang Bin is dark and happy, and he will support him and encourage some.

The two of them re-step.

"Mr., do you have any suggestions?"

Zhang Bin asked seriously.

"The main bureau, your intention is to borrow the financial and power of the emperor, strong up, then seize their fairyland? Is there another plan?" The two eyes of Zhido released the burning rays and asked.

Zhang Bin smiled.

"The main bureau, do you want to create a fairyland? However, you don't have a site, the fairy is based on the broad land, no fairy, it is not a fairy emperor." Zhi Duo said, "though Said, you have a fairy emperor, and there is also a magic emoticon, you can also adjust the strength of the heavens and the earth, but you can Fengdi, but it is a fairy emperor without the site. take."

"I want to unify the fairy world." Zhang Bin said the sky said.


The smart is far away, and it almost didn't fall.

"Laughing." Zhang Bin said, "You don't have to consider so far, first help me consider the current situation and response strategy. Only can save life, there is a chance."

"Lord, currently, because you killed two emperors, the situation is very dangerous. However, although the East Emperor is very good, it is unrestricted, but it is confused by you, no poison, but a sleeper ... Arctic Xianmili may deal with you, this crisis is likely to break out. It seems that you have a live road. But you have a magical ability, you can block the sky, let them count, I suggest that you are scamming. " Two eyes shot into the light of wisdom.

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