"However, in a hundred years, it will be transferred by the quenching hole. Beyond the hole, no matter how I hide and makeup, it is still difficult to escape the East Emperor and the Arctic Emperor's eyes, this is almost difficult to do. Things. "Zhang Bin said," And, I don't want to see the Phoenix, the Northern Snow Princess and the Silver Screen Princess fall. I want to continue to help them, so as not to let them live. "

"The main bureau, you are not the general Xian Di, you are the best of the wild, you created too much miracle. I believe you can do it. Although the quenching hole can't escape, the Imperial Emperor It is free to enter and exit. Perhaps, in the depths of the quenching hole, there is a place that is free to enter and exit. Also, your black American is so magical, perhaps you can choose a place to dive, you can do it. " Said, "If you really can swindle, you can give the Phoenix to the Phoenix, it is, you are waiting for you. Help her competition into the Royal Reserve. As for the Northern Snow Princess and the Silver Screen Princess, for a while, if everything Wind is calm, you can help them with different identities, and you can borrow their financial resources to improve yourself, secretly cultivate your forces. This will be the beautiful. "

"This scams are not bad, I will wear."

Zhang Bin's face floated the color.

In fact, he considerate deeper.

If you really can swindle, you have to do more things.

That's really high, the sea is wide.

The most wonderful thing is that the experience of quenching holes will certainly make him a lot.

He has a vertical money.

Otherwise, he wants to rise and take too long.

He wants to save Lei Xia to wait too long.

"The main public, there is a person who must kill."

Zhido said far from seriously.

"Feng Qikun?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"The chief wisdom is like the sea, I can't." Zhi Duo said far.

"You analyze and analyze, let me listen?" Zhang Bin said.

"Lord, Feng Qikun knows that you kill the secrets of the north rainy day. If he is hurting you, it is easy, as long as you go out, let the Arctic Xianguo's emperor know, you will be borough, even if you fight away, you may take it. To be dangerous, because the Arctic Xianmin may cross the time and space, watch everything happen, it is likely to find the secret of your fraud, it is possible to find you, even if you can't find it, if you use it Another identity appears in the Arctic Fairy, then he may notice you, then doubt it to you. How can he not kill you in the cradle? I guess it, because I know this Potential dangers, can you depend on the East Emperor Emperor? "Zhido said.

"Knowing myself, sir." Zhang Bin laughed, "Unfortunately, I failed, I didn't overhave the phoenix. However. Now it is not a hurry. Northern Dunkun rushed to prove his in front of the East Emperor The potential and wisdom, I also worried that I killed Feng Yu's things all know that the East Emperor did not hi, and she would not use such a conspiracy to kill me. That's In order to complete the task of the East Emperor's Emperor, we can also get the Employd Emperor's affirmation. So, I have a chance to kill him! "

Talking to the big man, Zhang Bin has a lot of planning for the future, and it is more natural and smooth in some details, and Zhang Bin also is very satisfied with the big persons of Zhido.

This big wisdom is even better than the picture.

It is about to reach Zhang Bin.

"The North Yield is worthy of the second emperor, and the founding of the foundation is really extraordinary. Unfortunately, there is no blessing in the rainy day, but it is cheaper." Zhang Bin walked out of the four fairy tower.

He showed stealth than his current strength, showing stealth, and the princess of North Snow, including Phoenix, including Phoenix, and it is difficult to discover.

Therefore, he directly entered the space container of the silver screen princess.

See Zhang Bin came to, the Silver screen princess was very happy, and the space container was closed in the first time.

She just bathed, wearing a green-green costume long skirt, let her grow a taller's body, and the snowy skin has a faint white ray.

Wulf is smooth, and it is black than ink.

She took a beautiful fragrance, pounced into Zhang Bin's arms, holding Zhang Bin's tiger waist, face full of affection, the beautiful autumn waves.

So beautiful!

Too charming!

Zhang Bin lived her, and he breathed him fascinating incense and felt the beauty of his woman.

The heart is also touched and loving.

In the past, he did not dare to accept the princess of the silver screen.

Because he didn't want to fall into the depth.

He has no way to help her compete successfully.

However, the last, the silver screen princess strive, and he will die with Zhang Bin.

Discharge the vicious plan of Feng Qiankun.

Let him seize the opportunity to grab the emperor and spend the most horrible crisis.

He has accepted this woman.

A woman can do that, even if she does not necessarily have so many love for his love, she is mostly looking for Zhang Bin, let Zhang Bin give her effect.

But let Zhang Bin moved.

Zhang Bin is a very rich person. He has a grace, and he has never lived to his love.

They hug tightly, and breathing is gradually getting rushing.

The silver screen princess closed the beauty, and he took the foot tip and tied the tempting red lips.

So a moving picture, can anyone can live?

Zhang Bin slowly bowed and kissed it softly.

Silver screen princess issued a happy whisper.

The enthusiasm responded like fire.

They have fallen into a beautiful realm.

When this hot kiss is over, the princess of the silver screen is already blushing, and the feelings say: "How much hopes to be stagnant, can always snuggle in your embrace?"

"It will be better in the future."

Zhang Bin said softly.

"Bin brother ..."

Silver screen princess was surprised and happy, and it was more emotional.

She pulled Zhang Bin to her boudoir, and said to: "Bin brother, let me wait for you to bathe?"

Zhang Bin is awkward. If the beauty of the silver screen is served in him, he will definitely, he can't stand firm, absolutely do something.

He can only refuse, sit down on the luxurious soft chair.

However, the silver screen princess is very uneasy today, and the heat is hot, and the temptation is tempted to pick Zhang Bin.

When she doesn't have the heart of utilitarian, there is still a full affection, and there is a proud world's face.

It is very difficult to stabilize it.

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