The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2009 Ayuan Fu

"That is not sent. Be careful later. Use your moonlight soil, maybe you can grab the emperor." Zhang Bin said, "No matter what emot, it is worth the city."

"You still don't believe me, don't you give me the emperor?" The magic silver flower said, "Then I will give you the body now, do your woman thoroughly, can you believe me?"

"It's not a problem, but this emperor is very useful to me." Zhang Bin said, "So, I will not give you the emperor."

"Do you want to exchange treasures with others?" The magic silver is rushing to say, "Then they will use this emperor to deal with me, do you know?"

"You can rest assured that the emperor I will not be used to trade." Zhang Bin said with a smile, "will stay still."

"This bastard is to hang me with emperors, let me do his woman in a hundred years ..."

Magic silver flowers in the heart, she is a bit depressed, and a little joy is a bit a bit.

It seems that he really likes him, but he can't believe her.

Finally, the magic silver flowers left, with an unsatisfactory fire.

She is a magic, Zhang Bin is a fairy.

Although it can cooperate, it can only cooperate once.

If everyone knows Zhang Bin and Magic Silver, it is not a good thing.

It may even regard him as a traitor in the fairy.

Northern Snow Princess is difficult to compete.

The magic silver flower is walking, Zhang Bin is also secretly growing up, finally sending the magic of the hot mountain, and don't worry about the heaven.

At this way, the Dynasty Demon did not put Zhang Bin in his heart.

Rotary, Zhang Bin took out all people.

They were the same as the magic silver, and they saw that there was no fruit on the tree. I saw that Cui Cui stood on Zhang Bin's shoulder, shocked as a fool, especially three princess, that is, I don't understand Zhang Bin? Do this.

Zhang Bin is still unsatisfactory, and Zhang Bin has sneaked into the depths of the ground. When he encounters the rock, he will show the beautiful drill hole.

He observed the root of the unfamed fruit tree and wanted to move it.

However, he still gave up.

Because he found that below is a huge hydraulic, the root of the unfamed tree is in the wind pulse.

Boots the burnout of the five-color flame, it is also unstoppable, and there is no way to become ashes.

Instead, in this way, it is slowly growing.

If it is moving to his central Dantian, it is no such environment.

What's more, now he has not tapped the tree.

This horrible five-color flame can destroy everything.

He didn't cultivate the unstead of abnormality to a very deep place, and he couldn't resist.

And Zhang Bin now understands a truth. It turns out that the flame of the horror is not a water system, nor is the ice-based power, but does not die and an endless abilities.

Yes, now Zhang Bin is discontinued, the no dead fire fruit has two properties, one is not destroyed, one is not dead.

However, the property is strong, and the inability is weak, which is equal to hidden attributes.

That is to say, there is a certain increase in the abilities of an informant property.

"Tsui Cui, is this abyss to have a secret place for cultivation?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"Master, you come with me."

Tsui Cui is like a green elf, flying.

Belt in front.

Go to the abyss deeper place.

The abyss is wide and the length is also very long.

There are a lot of fairy medicine here.

Many are very precious.

Soon, Tsui Cui took Zhang Bin to go to a very hidden place.

It narrows the body, drill into the gap of a rock.

Of course, this is hard to stay Zhang Bin and three princess.

They smaller the body and tighten the space container without having to grasp the zoom.

It's also following it.

The gap is very deep, and it is not big.

If there is no Cui Cui Road, Zhang Bin will not sneak into such a deep treasure hunt.

Flying over an hour, finally arrived.

A wide cave appeared in front of you.

Red stone wall, streamer brush.

A wide range of more than a few hundred square deep pools growing more than a dozen red Xianlian.

Exudes a strange fragrance.

The water in the deep pool is light and red, it seems to be a super good genius.

"The master, this is a good place to practice."

After the Tsui Cuijiao said, he landed in the deep pool, swim cheerfully, drinking a sigh of water from time to time.

"God, this is the industry's red lotus, water is a fluctuous, super good treasure ..."

Silver screen princess shouted excitedly.

I immediately explain it in detail.

It turned out that the intangible flame among the quenchings did not see it.

But it is very horrible, you can make people into gray.

In the flame plateau, it is because the intangible flame energy becomes rich and the effect of quenching is also particularly good. So you can make people strong.

This intangible flame, there is another name - industry.

It means can't see the flame.

Industrial fluemast is one of the most magical treasures of the flame plateau, only in the depths of the ground can be pregnant.

Industrial flueraulous milk can be swallowed into energy, and the color will become deeper.

Therefore, if it is cultivated in the rock milk, the effect of the quenching is particularly good.

Of course, if you dare to take, the effect is better.

As for this industry, the rickets are more amazing, but also can absorb the industrial fluorescent energy, but also absorb the fairy gas and flame energy in the air.

If it is cultivated in the flower bud, the effect of the cultivation is super good.

"Captain, here is one of the Fudi of the legendary flame plateau, as long as you can find a blessing, the hard work is a hundred years, then it will be strong, it will break through the Xianshi Great, and may even break through the Xianjun. If you can't find it, the effect of cultivation is big. "

Silver screen princess said excitedly.

"What? In cultivating a hundred years, it is possible to break through the Xianjian?"

Zhang Bin is very earthquake, and his face is full of not a letter.

He knows how difficult it is, absolutely impossible to step by step.

After cultivating the Xianshi Realm, it is very difficult to break through a bottleneck.

Don't look at most emperors to cultivate or peak, but they are prepared for super multi-cultural treasures, so progress is so fast.

However, now they are ready to use the medicine, and it is difficult to break through a bottleneck.

Breakthrough to the fairy junior is a distant dream.

However, in the blessing practice, there is such possible possibility?

"Captain, quenching in the quenching hole, the speed was almost a hundred times faster than the outside. If you find a blessing, the speed of cultivation should be doubled, and the hundred years is equal to the cultivation of millions of years, nor short, for genius It is still possible to cultivate into the early days of Xianjun. "Silver screen princess said.

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