The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2010 Closes Treatment, Peeling

"There are so many creative rocks, and there are so many industrial fire, but it is a good blessing. We can practice here for a few years, such as resources, and then go out."

Northern Snow Princess said.

"I also agree that I have cultivated here for a few years. Here is the bottom of the abyss. There are countless immortals. We can collect fairy medicine cultivation in the abyss ... Waiting for us, you can deal with those who are unrestricted. Attack. "Phoenix is ​​also said.

They have now known that because of Feng Qiankun, they have no secrets of the emperors know that no one does not want to catch them, then the soul is controlled.

Hiding in such a secret place, cultivation becomes strong.

If it is possible to make the unstead of abundance, it can be done, and you can die.

Then there is much safe.

Zhang Bin did not expect that let Cui find a secret place to practice, I have found a blessing?

This is simply taking a dog.

They began to completely repair in the blessing.

It is now not possible to enter in the industrial fluerait, because the flame energy is too much.

So, they enter or the flowers of red lotus.

The flower of the red lotus has spatial characteristics.

It seems that there is only one fist so much, but the space inside is a few thousand square meters.

Three princess frog female Zhang Bin occupied the largest industrial flaming.

The rest of the players account for another industrial fire.

Zhang Bin took out the not dead fire, and any one mastered the dead and the abilities were got one. One by one is happy, enter the industry's fire red lotus cultivation.

Swallowing the heavens, of course, I also got a not dead fire.

Take a Phoenix's belongings to cultivate in a stream of stream of stream.

Zhang Bin is and the three prinions have a frog woman into the flower buds of Honglian.

"Hey ... it is really amazing."

Zhang Bin entered, and his mouth was sent out.

Because of the red lotus, it has formed a number of separate spaces.

You can break the space into, but the place where you break is so long, and your speed is so difficult to believe.

You can also apply wooden access and do not destroy any structure.

Magical is that this is a strong pole in this, and the flame energy is also extra extra.

Crazy invasion of the body, let the body become a meal.

It seems to be as soh.

"Let's have a room."

Four beautiful women look at each other, and then they fly out of their faces.

It seems that they all think of what children are not suitable.

Zhang Bin chose a room, showing a wooden, then he was surprised to find that this room has the most distinctive thing to have a natural bath.

It is full of light red liquid, exudes a strange medicine and hot breath.

Undoubtedly, this is the most magical pharmacy of red lotus.

In this pharmacy, even if the flame energy is more, it will not spontaneously, it will not be ashes, because the drug for the street is in it.

If it is cultivated in the green rock milk in the deep pool, it is different, it is likely to be self-in.

That's too rude.

Therefore, only the body is quenched to a super powerful point, can practice in the style of flush.

Zhang Bin took off her clothes, jumped into the medicine pool, sitting on a knee, and he took a not dead fire.

Start running unmanatented Dantian's arrogance, struggling to refine and absorb the drug for unfamed.

At the same time, he took a consciousness to continue to feel the cultivation experience and feelings recorded in the .

His unexpected air is rapidly, and his unsteading is also rapidly increased.

The freighter of his remaining Dantian is also started, and it began to cycle quickly.

Absorbed the drug and industrial energy in the refining liquid.

His body became blood, exudes a hot breath.

If he is not internal repair, it may have been supported and will immediately jump out of the pharmacy.

However, he is internal repair, there is no feeling of discomfort.

Even, he is still taking an angry fairy pepper, refining the flame energy therein.

In the incineration of such a large flame energy.

Zhang Bin's potential was once again opened.

Countless cells have split, released internal repair, gathered to his internal repair Dantian.

He caught into a magical realm.

Because this place is very safe, he doesn't worry, let alone, there is also a warning outside.

Therefore, he cultivated and put it.

Time is running rapidly.

Soon, time has been a year.

However, Zhang Bin still did not wake up from cultivation.

Three princess and frog women have seen Zhang Bin multiple times, but they are all disappointed.


Zhang Bin's heart sent a thunder's voice.

Most of the cells in the heart split the gap, is equal to the opening of a fan.

The sound of the Thunder is made, and the gray Thunder in the past has changed, turned into red.

A red Thunder flows from the heart, flowing in all parts of the whole body, seems to be in the body of quenching Zhang Bin.

However, Zhang Bin's body is now very powerful, although the red Thunder is terrible, but it is not hurt to Zhang Bin's body.

Zhang Bin was awakened from the cultivation.

He was surprised to find that he had been cultivated to the immortal situation.

Of course, only the unrutated attributes, unwanted properties, zoom attributes, power attributes, time attributes, etc. have broken through to this realm, and most of the rest of the exercises are also cultivated to the peak of the immortal.

A small number of he did not have a good time, and it has not been cultivated to the immortal.

The internal success law is also a sharp step, and it is cultivated to Jin Dan.

Mainly an angry fairy pepper and intangible flame energy quenching physical excitation potential.

"Sure enough, as I expected, the unfamed fire is not only unsatisfied, but also hidden in the inexplicas, the benefits of me. So, I don't die, I will not die." Zhang Bin. "Zhang Bin The face has exposed a brilliant smile, "But what is my heart? It seems that there is a problem? How can there be a thunder?"

He has his own heart.

Zoom can be started, in fact, it is to make cardiac cells becomes large.

He is so clearly clear.

The cell is dark, just like midnight.

However, occasionally there is a thunder, just like opening the sky, the darkness is scattered with red.

It seems to be a basketball world.

No, but a big planet with a basketball.

This planet is completely different from the planet of the universe.

The planet of the outside universe is solid, biological life in the stars.

The planet of the inner universe is hollow, the volume of the cell is still so big, but it is a space that can form space and then become a hollow star.

Have a big place.

The thickness of the earth is also changing, slowly increasing ...

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