The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 6 Sixth Mysterious Ability

Zhang Bin took out Xiaoqing and entered the small green belly.

Take it out of the Tianguo Mid-Book, start reading.

Yes, the Phoenix has long gave Zhang Bin in the two books.

The mysterious scriptures sounded, and it seems to sound in Zhang Bin's soul.

Zhang Bin caught in a magical understanding of the realm.

After about three hours, Zhang Bin woke up, and his face floated a strange smile.

The ability of this sixth God does not let him down, and it is very magical and it is also applicable.

Let him have the first time with a bottom gas to the emperor.

"Chasing the soul bow, condense."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart, his soul sent a vast horror momentum and pressure.

His sixth god is also bright red rays.

Then, a refined red bow slowly comes out.

I was caught in the hands by Zhang Bin's soul.

"Chasing the soul, condense ..."

Zhang Bin shouted again, and the sixth God slowly condensed a red arrow.

Distributes the murderous murderous.

If you shoot the soul with the soul bow, you can kill the soul of the enemy.

Moreover, chasing the soul arrow can change the route and track the target.

The speed is also super fast.

As long as it is shot, the enemy is almost difficult to escape.

"If you use the chasing soul bow to attack the emperor, it is possible to kill each other, but because of the distant, even if it triggers the soul guard, I also have the possibility of escape."

Zhang Bin is looking forward to his heart, his face is full of evil smiles.

It has been hard to practice for more than two years. In addition to improving his many abilities, his purpose is not to want to condense the sixth God, there is a new ability?

And he finally reached the goal.

"It's time to go out, do something big."

Zhang Bin is muttered, if you don't take the initiative, you will be difficult to compete into a royalware for the current strength and forces of the north Snow Princess and Phoenix.

He took all the members.

Many players are still a little reluctant because they have not been cultivated to the limit.

In the blessing, they can continue to be strong.

"There must be better blessings, more suitable for us to practice."

Zhang Bin walks while ensuring it.

Due to the past two years, Tsui took a lot of players in the abyss, so the abyss's fairy medicine was almost harvested, so Zhang Bin took people directly on the abyss, of course, the side.

Then they rapidly walked into the depths of the flame plateau.

They are all powerful, ignore horrible gravity and invisible flame.

Tsui Cui stood on Zhang Bin's shoulder, sent a charming voice from time to time.

Just like a spoiled girl.

"Tsui Cui, have you been to you?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"The owner, the flame plateau Tsui Cui has not been there."

Tsui Cui said proudly.

All team members include Zhang Binton to extremely exciting, there is a magical unmanage of Cui Cui, which is too convenient.

"Take us to go to the next blessing ..."

Zhang Bin can't wait to say.

Tsui Cui flew up, in front of the road, the mouth is also said: "This second blessing is in a deeper place, not too hidden, maybe people, it is good ..."

The row of a breath has taken more than 1,000 kilometers, and it has entered a deep place.

Gravity becomes more horrible, the power of intangible flame is also raised again.

Some team members have a bit unbearable.

Foots also become heavy.

Only Zhang Bin, swallowing the heavens, three princess, plus all the fairy kings, or if there is anything.

Three teasing spirits are very good, and they will talk to Tsui Li.

It triggered everyone and laughed.

"Do you see that the big river?"

Tu Cui pointed to the distance with wings, and shouted.

Everyone glanced over the past.

A white line appeared in the distance, curved curvature.

It's almost blended in the earth and Chongshan Mountains, almost fell together with white fog, not looking carefully, it can't see it.

"The flame plateau, there is still a river?"

Everyone's face has been surprised.

"Fu Di is in the river, because the ambiguity is extremely strong, so it is still very easy to find it."

Cui Cui said.

Everyone accelerated the footsteps.

Finally, they came to the Da River.

"It seems to have someone ..."

Tsui Cui suddenly pressed down the sound.

Everyone stopped and stopped, all of which didn't have a stealth ability, and it was also sticked to the invisibility, and slowly dive it, and then it was clear.

Sure enough, two squads were competing for that paragraph.

A team is magic, a team is a fairy.

The devil is actually the squad of the magic silver, she looks strong much.

Her team members are also a lot, and now there are more than 150 people.

The magic is also controlled by her soul.

The number of people in the fairy is more, and there are 200 people, especially for the first emperor, but also the power and the power and momentum of the body.

"That is the five brothers and north, he actually strong so much? And the team has so many people?"

The face of the Northern Snow Princess is full of envy and jealous.

"Magic Silver Flower, today you will surrender, give me this blessing, and give you yourself to me." Beilun said with a smile. "That maybe I will spare you. Otherwise, you will have to The whole army is here. "

"North Ling Tian, ​​Su to know that you are very shameless, eliminant for you three brothers, two sisters. They all died very miserable." The magic silver flower said, "I didn't expect that the Arctic Xian Di did not blame you. I still have to do whatever you want. However, you can only pay attention to yourself, you want to deal with me, you are still far away. "

"My emperor, can you kill you?"

There was an emperor in the hands of Beilitian, and looked at the molar silver in the same way. His body is also aweed and the power and momentum.

"I just want him to be self-explosion, you will become a body soon, do you believe?"

The magic silver flower pointed to the magic, and said that it is clear.

"The soul is guarded, I am afraid." Beilitian said with a smile. "In the past, Zhang Bin defeated the soul of the eight brother with six Xianwang. Created a miracle. I want to create a miracle again. "

After finishing, his hand appeared ten Xianwang.

He looked coldly at the magic silver, and his face was filled with a contempt.

"Lying ... This bastard has so many fairy kings. Even the emperors are not used yet?"

Zhang Bin was surprised to drop the chin.

"Hometown, he has a fairy king.

"Can Xianwang created a fairy king in unlimited?"

Zhang Bin's face became serious, he instinctively felt that Beilian Tian was enemy.

Bei Xue Gong mainly competes into an emperor, must be killed in North Lingtian.

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