The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2013 North Lingtian

"Nor, you must get a fairy king's fairy skin to make a fairy king." Northern Snow Princess said, "The same fairy beast is very rare."

"What about the end of the emperor?" Zhang Bin asked curiously.

"It is also made of skin with the existence of the Xianwang-level. So, even the emperor, you can't kill the fairy king, just kill the powerful Xianjian master." Northern Snow Princess said.

"It turns out that it is so rare."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart, his eyes were also putting light. He can't wait to grab the other party's emperor and Xianwang. Now he has only one of the fairy.

Must add some.

The face of the magic silver flowers on the there is hard to see.

Because the situation is very bad, the other party is completely set.

"How, don't you roll? Do you really want to fall here?"

Beili Tian smiled and said.

"let's go……"

The magic silver flowers are rushing, and immediately retreat with the players.

Have to give the blessing to each other.

"Look at the part of your knowledge, just spare you."

Beili Tianzhi, he didn't want to fight with the magic silver.

His emoticon and Xianwang are do not want to consume.

Now he has so many players, as long as it occupies this blessing, the cultivation becomes strong, it is in an invincible place.

In the future, the quenching hole is also qualified to ask the Dinghuang Reserve.

They start to arrange the blast.

However, Beilitian is still not relaxed, he stood there, and he shot the light in the two eyes, projected to another direction, that is the river on the other side.

Sure enough, there was a team of people.

Or demon, and is a team of more than 400 people.

The first thing is the big emperor of the Antarctic Magic, and his two eyes shot the cold light, projected on the face of Beilitia.

Their eyes met in the air.

Just like a knife chopped.

That is sparks.

"Magic Day, I know that you are very powerful, you have a lot of your people, but my fairy king is not vegetarian, your emperor, I am not afraid. So, you still retract immediately, look for another blessing Ok, the blessings here are me. "Beili Tian raised the fairy king in his hand and smiled and drink.

"North Ling Tian, ​​I am not afraid you. Just, I don't want to die with you." The magic said coldly, "So, I can take it away. However, you must give a little compensation. Just a little king What is it? "

"Exemption." Beili did not hesitate to refuse.


The magic is calm, and the people are leaving, and they are looking for new blessings.

They are very smart, they are not willing to fight.

In fact, it is to save strength.

"You can come out."

Beilian Tian finally projected his gaze to Zhang Bin and others hidden.

His voice is cold.

He is really powerful, it can actually feel that Zhang Bin's existence.

"Five brothers, you are now good now."

Northern Snow Princess is showing.

After her, she follows Zhang Bin, the silver screen princess, and the phoenix.

At this moment, it seems that the Northern Snow Princess is the captain.

It is absolutely leadership.

The rest of the players did not appear, of course, they were received in the space container.

Even swallowing the heaven, the frog woman entered the space container.

However, all of them did not find that the soul of swallowing is now coming.

The chasing soul brouded by the soul.

Show stealth and movement slowly.

It is cultivating the Western Ghost Emperor, even if it is a soul, it can also resist such horrible intangible flames and gravity.

Although Beilitia is super power, it is now attracted to the attention of three princess and Zhang Bin.

Therefore, he did not find Zhang Bin's soul.

"North Snow, Silver Screen?"

The face of Northern Lingtian was filled with a strange expression, shot the cold murder.

At this moment, he made a decision, that is, killing these two princess.

Then remove two competitors.

And he has long known that the emperors of the two princess have been used.

"Yes, it is us."

Northern Snow Princess said, "In fact, we are coming to you, we don't have any way to avoid, all the squads are chasing us."

"I am going to me?"

Beibei Tianyou, he couldn't help but remember the magic of the magic silver flower soul, which also became a horrible murder, which is that it is an emperor.

If he can control the princess and the silver screen princess, he is equal to three emperors.

His face is immediately piled up, "Welcome, welcome ..."

However, his gaze immediately projected onto the face of Phoenix and Zhang Bin, saying faintly: "Phoenix Princess, you are the little princess of the East Dynasty, and have used emperors, I don't want to share with you, also There is no obligation to shelter you. There is also Zhang Bin, I heard that you have a few boats. I don't welcome you here, you and the Phoenix Princess can be left. "

He is no way to control the phoenix.

And killing and killing, it is better to send Phoenix.

Zhang Bin and the Phoenix were put on a very depressed and wronged.

Beginning hard.

"Five brothers, Zhang Bin, his wisdom is good, absolutely can give you a plan, have him help you, you have a lot of competition." Northern Snow Princess said, "As for the phoenix, she is also useful, such as deterrence The enemy makes the enemy dare not attack. "

"Bei Snow, you are talking, leave them too." Beilun Tian smiled and said, "Now, you will cooperate with me, let the brother soul control, the five brothers guarantee, will be relieved to your soul Control, out of the quenching hole, you are free. The father will not allow me to continue your soul to control you. "

"What? Do you want to control us?"

The eyes of the Northern Snow Princess and the Silver Screen Princess are wide.

"If you don't want to die, you must do this."

Beilian's right hand held an emperor, his left hand held ten Xianwang characters, "killing you, as long as two fairy kings."

"If you can talk about, we let your soul control."

The face of Northern Snow Princess and the Silver Screen Princess is full of fear.

"Two printers, you don't worry, the five brothers are a bit worried that you are not really vying, and you have to control you. He will not kill you, causing you not happy." Zhang Bin said.

"To the right, the five brothers, my soul is controlled, that is, the weight of the power. It is helpless. It will never hurt you, and will definitely relieve the soul of your soul in the future."

Beilun Tian took Zhang Bin with a satisfactory look.

"Five emperors are careful ... There is magic attack you ..."

Zhang Bin's face suddenly filled with nervous colors, pointing to the river on the other side.

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