The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2021 Cold Tiger

This is a bit reason.

The time of Feng Qiankun's cultivation did not have Zhang Bin.

His talent can also be seen.

Everyone's face has become serious.

Even three teasing is not weird, because they have to admit that Feng Qikun's Tianfang is terrible, perhaps not as Zhang Bin.

This is the real fairy emperor.

"You are born in the emperor's home, there are countless cultivation resources, magical exercises, Tianwei Diwu, cultivation for decades, the progress is much faster than others. If there is no such, we will notify you to fight with me." Zhang Bin said.

"Zhang Bin, you are just an idiot, you think that I can't beat you now?" Feng Qikun said with a cold smile, "This makes you see me, the little, come out, take them to me. "

His voice just fell.

"Ping ..."

The sound of the horrible voice sounded, the forest behind Feng Qikun suddenly collapsed, disintegrated, and has become a countless flying ant, and a breath of destroying everything.

They fly crazyly wings, and they floodly flew to Zhang Bin and others.

Instantly, the space burns.

The fairy medicine plants on the ground have become ashes.

Obviously, this is an incomparably horrible fire haworm.

The reason why Feng Qikun can suddenly rise, killing many emperors, because he took such a fairy.

Sweep everything, the invincible.

"Not good, this is blood firefife ants, highly toxic, hot, and even fairy can be burned into ashes, we will escape."

The Silver screen princess made a shouting of incomparable fear.

Why didn't she think that Feng Qikun actually takes a lot of blood-firefifents.

However, Zhang Bin did not move.

Because he saw the horror rate of blood firefritten ant, the speed is like the shard.

Why are they so fast?

The most horrible thing is that in such a depth in the flame plateau, it can't escape.

Because the earth is all horror flames, and it is a four-color flame, and the depths are even five-color flames.

Zhang Bin drilling ground, also supported for a while.

"Sure enough, I can't escape, I don't do anything, don't do anything, tell you, people's speed far can't be more flying ants, I just use blood fire ants, eat any one I encountered. The squad, their treasures are in me. "

Feng Qiankun shouted and shouted, maybe it would be to show off, and maybe I want to smash Zhang Bin, and I have a pleasure of retaliation. He commanded many blood-firefifents to stop attack, just surrounded Zhang Bin and others. Get up, even a gap is not.

Looking at the heated bloodfighting ants, there is no way to escape.

In addition to Zhang Bin, everyone's face is full of desperate colors.

This is a real desperate, not to make up for wisdom.

"I rely on, you let the blood firefife eat all the squad you encounter? You are not afraid to cause the soul guardian, being killed into a slag?" Zhang Bin looked at the idiot and looked at the stood and was numerous. The phoenix of the worm wrapped.

"Hey ... What are you a fool?" Feng Qikun whispered, "The emperor I kill is of course the east of the east. As for the fairy, the devil, ghost, I encounter, it is robbery. As long as they take out precious treasures, they can save. "

"The money is really very cattle, you are a talent, I have some admiring you." Zhang Bin stretched a thumbs up against Feng Qikun, and said, "But you encounter me, it is a tragedy. Because I am destined to die in my hand. "

Feng Qiankun is angry with iron. He looks forward to seeing fear and despair from Zhang Bin's face, but it will not be seen at all, and Zhang Bin is very arrogant, and the burger is shocked.

The eyes of Feng Qiankun turned, and there were three .

That is the skeleton of the three real phoenix. He moved his eyes on the face of Phoenix. He smiled and said: "Little girl, who knows who this is? Hey ... Tell you, they are 14 sisters, 13 sisters, there are 15 A brothers. In front of the blood-firefish, they only resist the time of more than a dozen breathing, turning into a skeleton. "

"you are not human……"

Phoenix is ​​shivering, and the eyes tears.

But her face is full of fear.

The rest of the team members are desperate.

The face is pale.

Even the three emperors be against the attack of blood and flying ants, how do they resist it?

Feng Qikun was finally satisfied, and it was very satisfactory, but he was still a bit uncomfortable, because Zhang Bin still looks as usual, it seems that there is no fear of life and death.

He will no longer delay, smile and order: "Eat them ..."

"Ping ..."

Many blood firefrites are covered with a sky, and from all directions to Zhangbin Team.

Want to pour them clean.

"Cold ice energy, attack ..."

Zhang Bin ordered.

"Ping ..."

Many players spurt their white cold, crazyly attacked flying blood flying ants.

Unfortunately, there is no ovulation.

Because blood firefritten ants are extremely hot, just like a sun, and there are many quantities.

The horrible coldness turns into a high temperature gas.

Quickly escape without trace, can't hurt them at all.

Just delaying their instantaneous speed.

"Baby, come out, it is when you eat."

Zhang Bin also did not delay, using a top card.

Here, a thousand cold poisoned geckows fly from his central Dantian.

In fact, they can't say that it is a complete chick, because the soul is too clear.

These two years, the small corners and many too clear cones are hard to familiarize with the new body. I have already mastered the arm to make it, and Zhang Bin tends to have a lot of special practice, they have been suffering. Hard work. Also have too much treasures and fairy medicine.

After all, Zhang Bin, I got a number of emperors's space containers, and there were countless treasures.

So, now they are definitely a lot more than the past chips.

They flew out, they were extremely excited, because the gecko was eating flying ant, blood flying ants are their food.

They simultaneously show the scaling energy of terror. It is like a dragon, the mouth is open, the tongue is flying out, like countless waterfalls, the big block of blood fire is disappeared, of course, is eaten by the cold poison Lost.

They master the coldness of the horrible, toxicity, at all, is not afraid of fear of blood-flying ants, the hot high temperature and the body of the body.

This is the so-called one-called one.

Blood flying ant is the food of the cold poison.

Once, the chick of the cold poisonous wall has been killed many times, hunting blood and flying ants.

However, they have never seen so many blood-firefifents.

This is definitely a meal.

Therefore, they continuously attack, swept blood fire ants like tongue lightning.

Blood firefront disappears quickly like avalanche.

Countless blood flying ants are scared, and they will flee their heads, they will flee their heads, and they are crazy. The speed is very fast.

However, the speed of the cold poisonous gecko is faster, and it has jumped, the tongue is in the air, and the many blood-firefife sits down.

Of course, there is still more blood firefritten ants to escape.

I lost the Feng Qiankun.

Everyone is stupid, and the face is full of not a letter.

Zhang Bin not only took a fairyland, but also took so many cold tigers?

How can this be?

Doesn't it mean that the cold poison is the most horrible murder? They don't recognize them, it is difficult to take it.

How did Zhang Bin do?

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