The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2022 creates a miracle!

"I didn't expect that the cold poisonous gecko was so powerful, and the blood fire ants were collapsed."

Zhang Bin is also secretly growing up, and the face has a brilliant smile.

He is clearly known that the horror of blood fire ants.

If he is swallowed into the extension, his gastric fluid will be gasified by hot high temperature.

It is difficult to kill all blood firefifents.

Instead, you may have a danger, or even false.

There is too much in the blood firefife, and go in the stomach, attacking his stomach wall, he really can't resist.

Devouring isometric, nor is it.

It is also gratitude.

It is used to the blood-firefife of the horrible gravity, which can be said to be a combination of phagocytosis.

"Feng Qikun, did you not be very arrogant? Come come, let's continue to do a single game?"

Zhang Bin fell to the face of Feng Qiankun, whispered.


Feng Qikun was in a hurry, and his anger was depressed to the extreme.

He didn't think that Zhang Bin actually took a horrible cold poisonous wall tiger, and his blood fire flying antshed, his biggest base card did not play any effect? How can this be?

But he is worthy of the extremely fragrant phoenix, he immediately calm down, there is two fire characters, his face is full, "Zhang Bin, now I want to use the emperor to kill You, what are you going to do? "

He intended to use two emperors, kill Zhang Bin and Phoenix.

Then he can get all the treasures of Zhang Bin and others, or you can get all the belongings of the phoenix, even, he can continue to take blood fire ants, he can also sweep everything.

Perhaps, he can also take Zhang Bin's cold tiger.

Because he has a magical trace ability, you can tame the horrible fierce beasts including insects.

That is not there.

This is also one of the reasons for the East Emperor.

"I also have an emperor."

Zhang Bin's hand appeared two emperors.

Of course, it is the master of Tiandu.

" ..." Is it true? "

Feng Qikun's face has been surprised, the eyes are also very strong, seeing for a while, he smirked after it quickly, "It turned out to be an emperor. The devil emperor, grabbed their emperors, powerful, really powerful, but you don't have the blood of the Demon Demon, and you are a cacto, can you start the emperor? "

"Intercourse, use the devil emperor ..."

"The main public, kill him, lest the night dreams."

"They have a lot of treasures, main public, and grab it."


Feng Qiankun's madness and belong to the madness.

In their eyes, Zhang Bin is already a dead.

"I still have a fairy king ..."

Zhang Bin has another 12 fairy king, "Feng Qikun, you surrendered," I will give me all the treasures, maybe, I will spare you? "

"Into, most of them are demon, you can't use it, scare me? With you also match?"

Feng Qiankun's eyes shot a hot light, Zhang Bin's treasure truthfully, this time, it is really a big wealth, and uses two emperors, and it is not necessary to regret.

What's more, don't use two, one is enough.

"I rely on, I have to scare you, what do you think?"

Zhang Bin said.

"You give me death ..."

Feng Qikun did not have any delays. He was crazy, and he launched an emperor and threw it to Zhang Bin.

In an instant, it turned into a flame of hot to the extreme flame.

Exploses the rays of a million feet horrible.

Excorps a moment of destroying everything.

Many cold poisonous walls have scared the soul, and they will have a far away place.

Otherwise, they must be chemically formed into ashes.

Zhang Bin's belongings are also the same, have to retreat quickly, and the face is full of fear.

Only Zhang Bin still standing there, his face is full of laughs.

His left hand yared, a black emperor suddenly started, flew out.

In an instant, it turned into a darkness of the darkness, making the world be dark.

The hot radiant and the power of the flame is also instantaneous decline.

It seems that it is swallowed in the dark.

Then, the magic knife rushed high, rapid expansion, black light, and murderous.

The sun suddenly expands, turned into a hill, and swallowed the world of flame energy in madness, continued to expand, and the momentum festival was high.

If you continue this, then it is a fire to win.

Unfortunately, the magic knife does not give the sun any chance.

A knife is on the sun.

Wrapped in the darkness of the sky.


The sun becomes half.

Separate from both sides.

The magic knife also had a crack.

Dark and rays broke out while eagerly annihilating.

There is a deep pit in the ground, and the rock is also chemically produced.

But it did not have an explosive sound.

It is a silent contest.

Everyone is shocked, dumbfounded, face is full of not a letter.

They all have the feeling of dreaming.

It is not surprising to the horror of the emperor, but it is incredible for Zhang Bin to use the imperial emoticon made by the Demon Divide.

Zhang Bin is a cacto, nor does it have the blood of the Demon Demon, how can I start the demon emperor?

"Who are you? Is you a magic?"

Feng Qikun was shocked as a fool, and he was talking.

His face is filled with fear.

Because his accounting is empty, Zhang Bin can start the magic emperor, and there are so many kings of the fairy king, that Zhang Bin can also start, today's situation is very bad.

Zhang Bin's heart, his merits Jinjin flew out, suspended on his head, bursting out of millions of golden light.

400,000 merits Jinlong are also lifelike, and the momentum is too powerful.

Can condense the merits of Jin Dynasty and so many merits Jinlong, of course, the fairy is undoubted.

Zhang Bin did not want the Silver screen princess and her belongs.

If you pass it in the future, then his trouble is very much.

You must prove that you are a cactus.

"You you are a cactus, but how can you start the demon emperor?"

Feng Qikun retreats later, the fear of a face, but the last emperor in his hand did not dare to send it.

Because Zhang Bin also has an emoticon, it can be fully resistant.

"Yeah, how can Zhang Bin start the magic emperor?"

The rest of the people, including phoenix and silver screens, are also looking at Zhang Bin with a niche's eyes.

"In fact, you can also use the demon emperor. As long as you can study the secret."

Zhang Bin said.

This is of course lie, the demon emperor can not have any vulnerabilities, others can't be used.

However, the demon emperor made by the Dynasty, but did not start with blood, but a special digestion in the magical power of the world ...

(It's another six chapters to send, please vote, thank you.)

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