The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2023, thousands of miles

Because it is safer because the digestive rumor is used.

Dawei Dodge is very romantic, I have been in a hurry to pass the magic world, no matter how the sky is high, he is going to see the beauty, and some beautiful women have got a treasure of pregnant future generations, so they were pregnant, and most of them were pregnant. No good talents.

Ofaltimed Duir, certainly won't recognize that the descendants who have no natural funds are his future generations, and one does not recognize it.

The privy family of the devil is faint.

Therefore, those posters have never thought about seeing God, and getting what is cultivated.

However, in turn, the blood of the domineering emperor is mostly located all over the devil.

Until a hundred years ago, he decided to explore the sea in the future and began to truly genius.

Thirty a total of thirty, then he got his admit, his blood.

He began to cultivate.

Give them one person or even two magic emoticons.

If you can start with blood, then many of him can start the emperor.

Therefore, he has to change the rules, and start with the digestion of the devil's magic work.

Anti-grass magic, only herself and thirty children truly mastered, of course, the latter only mastered the practice of cultivating to the magic.

In addition, only just learn to be fur, can practice to the realm of the truth.

Moreover, it is not a super genius, and there is no way to combine that special digestion.

Zhang Bin felt very special, and he didn't turn off the blood. He felt that he could start.

After that he caught the magic and tried to this secret.

Of course, the magic can not tell Zhang Bin how the digestion is combined.

However, Zhang Bin has mastered countless digestion and swallowing inheritance.

It is the same as the moisture of the devourd.

So, he can easily combine the digestive, used to start the demon emperor.

Zhang Bin, goodbye, next time, I can kill you. "

Feng Qikun ran immediately.

Moreover, he also puts all the subordinates of the space container.

His speed is very fast, and it is rapidly to escape from the direction outside the flame plateau.

Escape from outside, the greater the probability of encountering another small team, and maybe you can join hands with the sniper Zhang Bin.

"You still want to escape? How is this possible?"

Zhang Bin laughed and also took his belong to the space container.

Then he immediately chased it, no matter how Feng Qikun escaped, he can't get rid of Zhang Bin.

Because Zhang Bin has Xianling Tsui Cui, Tsui Flying Aero, guiding Zhang Bin's direction, simply with fire, let Feng Qiankun invisible.

"Zhang Bin, you are idiot, tell you, I have to use the emperor ... Do you lose?"

Feng Qikun stopped to escape, and he turned and he shouted angrily.

"I still have a lot of fairy kings, I am not afraid of losses. Instead, you can't afford it." Zhang Bin shouted, "You have no emoticon, let many squades to kill us, this killing people It is very skilled, but can you think of today? "

The other of the phoenix kun also has a few fairy kings, and smiled and said: "I also have a fairy king, and there is another topic. I just don't want to lose with you, so that others will take advantage of each other. We will take each other. Road, do not invade each other? How? "

Zhang Bin's face has a jealous color, and it is a long time.

After finishing, he turned and went, I went wrong.

"I rely, this idiot doesn't see my fairy king is fake? It is really so embarrassing?"

Feng Qikun is dark, and his face is full of priests.

This time I can't escape, it is too incredible.

Listed by his own wisdom, put Zhang Bin on the palm.

But he did not dare to stay here, escaped quickly from far away.

He worried that Zhang Bin was fraudulent.

His feeling is true, Zhang Bin and Phoenix have a stealth than stealth, and continue to track Feng Qiankun.

For this bastard, he is killing.

Otherwise, it will bring a bigger crisis sooner or later.

If Feng Qikun, the future, Zhang Bin, killing the secret of north rain, how can the Arctic Xian Di will let Zhang Bin?

"Bin brother, why don't you use a fairy king?

Phoenix is ​​the doubt, the sound said.

"He has an emperor. Once you have encountered the danger of you can't get the past, you will start." Zhang Bin said, "Wasted a super powerful base card, I hope you can get the emperor, then you have one Zhang Size. "

"Want to capture the emperor in the hands of Feng Qiankun? Is this possible?"

Phoenix is ​​stunned, but the heart is very touched, she can't wait to make Zhang Bin's woman immediately.

"Now we will wait for the opportunity, waiting for him to relax."

Zhang Bin said while tracking.

Feng Qikun escaped more than 1,000 kilometers and came to a very special place.

This is a mountain peak without any trees.

It can be seen in the distance.

If there is an enemy close, it is easy to be seen by him.

His mind is always moving, takes out all the belongings, and places the fairy array.

Start alert.

Zhang Bin's patience is very good, and after the huge stone hidden in the foot of the mountain.

continue waiting.

"Can this wait until the opportunity?"

Phoenix is ​​a little doubt.

Three days and three nights.

Feng Qikun was completely recovered, and he did not find any abnormalities, and he was in great peace.

He identified the direction and took him down the mountain.

"opportunity finally arises."

Zhang Bin shouted in his heart.

Because Feng Qikun is not solemn.

It is equivalent to relaxing a vigilance.

"I have to tame several super powerful fairyworms, I have to deal with the cold poisonous gecko, then once, I encountered Zhang Bin, I can easily kill him."

Feng Qikun muttered, his face was full of laughter.

" ..."

But at this time, a scarlet arrow with a murder of the sky, from the side.

That speed is really fast.

It's so good to react.

Feng Qikun is very powerful. If he is not alert, he will definitely avoid the opening, even if he can't, he can launch an emperor, or another one.

However, now he is proud to forget, but it is tragedy.

His finger just wants to start the emperor, but it is already too late, because the attack has been in the body.

Chasing the soul arrow is already shot on his temple.

Even if the emperor is started, it is useless.

It can only rely on his own strength, so he launched almost all of the abilities, achieving the biggest power, including time, space, and horror zooming energy, and horrible flames.

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