The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2027 is scared

Even, the Northern Snow Princess thought more, why did Zhang Bin left her? Could not just because he dislikes her to collect the princess of the silver screen, but also because this blessing is unsafe? Extending too rich, it is easy to see and calculate it?

In fact, she really guessed, Zhang Bin left, one is because this blessing is not suitable for him, it is useless to him, and the two feel unsafe. It is difficult to defend, if there is no powerful strength, it is unable to hold of.

"How? Bei Snow Do you want to understand? Is it dead or surrendering?"

Bei Yuntian's body burst into the cold murder, he had absolutely grasping the power of Bei Xue, but he didn't want to lose any emoticon, and even if he still wanted to get the emperor in the hands of North Snow.

Therefore, he took the way of deterrence.

"No matter how I choose, it is also a dead road. How can I surrender? I want to fight with you in the end. It is dead, I have to lose a heavy loss." The Northern Snow Princess burst a heinous momentum.

"You are wrong, if you surrender, I will not kill you, because the father doesn't like our self-discovery."

North Yunnian people are harmless.

"You don't want to say such a lie, you have killed multiple emperors and princess?"

Northern Snow Princess said, "Otherwise, how can you have so many? How can I see the original owner?"

The smile on the face of Bei Yuntian became stiff. He captured a lot of emperors and princess, but it was not in love with the means to kill them, but did not trigger the attention of the Arctic Xian Di. Because it is not that he kills.

He is afraid that night long dreams.

So a quick knife is a burst, if all competitors have been killed in the quenchings, he is the real reserve, and it is also the future of the fairy.

Of course, do this, but because of his strength too powerful. Let him control those princess and the emperor.

"Since you want to die, I will fulfill you."

The face of Bei Yuntian is full of smiling, and it is necessary to ordered attack.

However, the laughter of the earth sounded, "Hahaha ... It's so pitiful, brothers and sisters kill each other, then all fall in the quenching hole. Give all the treasures to send people."

Northern Yuntian and North Snow Princess are stunned, but the eyes have grown.

Then they saw that from the jungle behind the side, I walked out of a brigade.

There are more than 500 people.

It is Zhang Bin and Phoenix, as well as the silver screen princess.

"Zhang Bin came back?"

At this moment, the Northern Snow Princess felt ourselves to catch a life-saving straw.

The image is also a long breath. At this time, he discovered that his legs were constantly jitter.

The pressure just to bear is too big.

It's just a moment of life and death.

"Silver Screen, Phoenix, Zhang Bin?"

The pupil of the North Yuntian eyes contracted, and the face became very ugly.

Of course he heard Zhang Bin, knowing that his wisdom is extraordinary, making many emperors have eaten a big loss.

And he also heard that Zhang Bin and the Northern Snow Princess were born.

Grouped with the Phoenix and the Silver Screen.

But how do this bastard come back?

And with so many experts?

Not only him, even the King's princess and the remote range are shocking, do not understand such a short time, Zhang Bin actually helped Phoenix Princess to receive so many?

Does he kill a mission?

Soon, Zhang Bin took the crowd.

"Zhang Bin ..."

The Northern Snow Princess couldn't control the extreme, and she rose a rich accordion into Zhang Bin's embrace.

At this time she found that Zhang Bin was her main bone.

If there is no assistance of Zhang Bin, she is difficult to live induced quenchings.

"Princess, the enemy is currently, or the next sick is old."

Zhang Bin's gaze has been projected on the face of Bei Yuntian, which is afraid that the bastard suddenly attacked.

After all, he is not very clear about the character and preferences of North Yuntian.

However, his worry is extra.

North Yuncian not only has no attack, but with people to retreat quickly.

Obviously, he doesn't want to fight with so many people.

That kills a thousand, self-loss 800.

The base card should be used.

The day later is miserable.


Zhang Bin pushed the Northern Snow Princess, yelling, "Do I let you go?"

"Zhang Bin, when I am afraid of you?"

The face of Northern Yuntian has floated a strong angry.

"If you are not afraid, why do you want to go back?"

Zhang Bin said.

"You ..." Bei Yun weather is screaming, "Very good, today I will let you know my power, on ..."

His voice just fell, and more than 1,000 hit the cattle started, and rushed to Zhang Bin with a murder of the sky.


Suddenly sound, soil splash.

The flame is also sprayed from the mouth of the squatter, and it has become a flame that is covered with a flooded flame.

"Tsui Cui, see you ..."

Zhang Bin smiled away.


Tsui Cui suddenly shakes the body, it has become larger, the mouth is open, and it is crazy, and it is swallowed in the sky.

Tsui Cui is not just unsteady, but also with fire properties, unwanted properties, space, etc.

I really like to eat flames.

Although the flames whispering the fire cow spit out, it is impossible to hurt the fairy Tsui Cui.

However, it is not stopped, but it is more crazy.

Anything is so big as the mountains, and the momentum of destroying everything.

If there is no response, Zhang Bin is much more, but it is absolutely unable to resist.

"How to deal with?"

The picture is a long distance hand.

The Northern Snow Princess is also nervous, put the look to Zhang Bin's face, she deeply believes that Zhang Bin must have a way to deal with.

He is a person who creates a miracle.

Zhang Bin's face has been laughed. He suddenly took the gourd in the waist.


There are countless blood red flynts to take out, such as the Yangtze River river, it is endless.

They are like seeing delicious food, and they floodly flooded to many fires.

Bloodfurfite antity is the natural enemy of the squatting, they like to take the blood of the fire, eat their muscles.

" ..."

When many hiped fires suddenly scared the soul.

It's going to fleam in the distance.

But where is it?

At least more than one hundred, hit the fire, was covered by blood firefish, and it became dry, then it became a Sensen white bone.

From a whole cattle into a bone, it is a few breathing time.

"Nima ... this bastard is even awkward to the horrible blood firefrican?"

Bei Yuntian scared scalp hair, the mind, the heart is taken into space containers.

Then he showed a stealth, and escaped in the distance as a lightning.

Even the scene is also in urgent to explain.

Just a moment, he fled no trace.

At that speed, even Zhang Bin can't catch up.

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