The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2028 Commitment

"Is an enemy."

Zhang Bin lamented in his heart.

If he uses all the cards, such as the horrible chasing soul, there is a cold poison.

Perhaps you can leave North Yuntian.

But it is only perhaps.

Because the Northern Yuntian has a powerful basement. Zhang Bin is not known.

As so much in the fairy king, it is extremely horrible.

Even Zhang Bin has a strong premonition, and his own chant is also killed in the sky.

The final battle is that the emperor and the fairy king are still many.

He is not willing to do such a stupid thing.

Successful, it should also be lost.

And it is inevitably triggered anger of Arctic Xianmines, he is absolutely not good.

If it is failed, it is even more miserable.

So, he doesn't want to fight Beiyun's blood.

His purpose is to scare each other.

And give the other person a lesson.

"God, Zhang Bin is scared to scare the strength of the power horrible. This ability is simply against the sky? How did he just succeed so many terrorist blood flying ants?"

Northern Snow Princess shocked.

The image is also extremely admired.

In the space container, he has a little unreasonable for Zhang Bin, but when he replaces Zhang Bin, he will give it to the Northern Snow Princess, and he will discover all kinds of strong enemies. He has discovered that he is far less than Zhang Bin.

"Zhang Bin, you finally came back, the princess, he read you every day."

The picture is long.

"Zhang Bin, please continue to help me, I will never forget the promise of the past, have a sense of speaking."

Northern Snow Princess is also looking forward to saying.

"I am afraid that the princess will be on the place of the Immortal, and forget today's promise."

Zhang Bin sighed.

"I will never forget, I must not be a silver screen, but it is only difficult for the silver screen."

Northern Snow Princess took the chest again to ensure.

"Princess, in fact, I have never thought about left you. Otherwise, I will not appear in the crisis. I have always supported the princess." Zhang Bin said, "But now we are not suitable. Princess. Princess You need to be unique, growing in cruel and bad. "

This is certainly not unbearable, this time, it is only coincident.

It can also be said that it is God.

Only Zhang Bin returned to here again.

Otherwise, the Northern Snow Princess can escape, which is a big unknown.

However, Zhang Bin also really wants to exercise the ability of the northern snow and the distance.

If you only rely on Zhang Bin, it is difficult to face.

What's more, he has long been a plan for fraudulent.

He can't always be around the Northern Snow Princess.

If the Northern Snow Princess is unique, it is not suitable for the Immortal.

And he is also found, divided into two groups, a lot of opportunities.

In the quenching hole, you need to move, treasure hunt, and fight.

The opportunity is only big.

If it is a taste to hide, it is not necessarily safe, and it is not necessary to quickly and powerful. It is likely to be behind, and it is easy to transcend.

"What? Do you still leave me?"

The face of Northern Snow Princess has changed, puff it into Zhang Binhuai, "Are you still angry? How do I want you to stay? Do you want me to be your woman?"

"The princess is heavy." Zhang Bin breathed a fragrance of a intoxicating, "If I want to leave, I will leave the princess of the princess, so that the princess can respond to strong enemies. Well, I put this countless blood fire Give the princess, how do you see? "

"What? Do you want to send me such a horrible sign? You don't care about your own safety?"

The Northern Snow Princess was stunned. Looking at Zhang Bin like the monster, the heart was also moving.

Zhang Bin actually is so good to her?

She has never been true to him, and she has never negotiated with him.

In the end, she is using Zhang Bin's wisdom and spends the crisis of the quenching hole.

At this moment, she is a bit awkward.

She is not known, although the blood flying ants are amazing, but far cannot be compared with the cold poison.

That is Zhang Bin's slogan.

Moreover, Zhang Bin has no good place to place blood and flying ants.

But he must empty the worm, because he has to charge a more powerful insects into tame.

Give the blood-firefifents to the Northern Snow Princess, but the use of waste, protect the safety of the Northern Snow.

Otherwise, the Northern Snow Princess is the possibility of death, the possibility of death, and death.

But with blood flying ants, it is also to escape from North Yuntian.

Moreover, Zhang Bin returned to the King of the North Snow, and the blood-firefife only had him to command.

Because he is the first owner.

"Zhang Bin, can you leave?"

The princess of North Snow is grateful, or I look forward to Zhang Bin left.

The picture is the same, and looks at Zhang Bin with a look like.

"Our team is too large, a blessing can not meet the cultivation of many players, separated is necessary." Zhang Bin still refused, "I am gone, you are careful, blood firefife is not invincible, Continue to improve the strength, practice in this blessing for a while, it is best to leave, that is safe. "

Northern Snow Princess and the remote range are slow, they agree with Zhang Bin.

However, in their hearts, they are still more, now they have such a powerful base card, that is, the big emperor North Yuntian does not dare to provoke them.

So, you can take the initiative to attack ...

Soon, Zhang Bin took his team.

They go all the way to the flame plateau, they are going to go to the best Fu land.

Because they have a guided tour guide - Tsui Cui.

After five days, Zhang Bin and others came to the depths of the flame plateau.

Here, the gravity of the mountains, the invisible flame energy is particularly ferivorous, and the bones of many players are crazy, so that they are sweating, can't support.

So Zhang Bin put most members of the space container.

Just left three teasing, frog women, Tian Guangjin, Li Taqing, Phoenix and silver screen, and swallowing the sky.

They are all talents of Xianwang.

The potential is huge, so it is still supported.

As a result, their team is shrinking to ten people.

The advancement is also improved.

Moreover, they can be said to be Zhang Bin's heart.

The silver screen is already a girlfriend of Zhang Bin.

Phoenix also counts Zhang Bin's girlfriend, the feelings are not a general profound.

"Most of the Fu Land of Fu Jun, the Fire Plateau, most of the genius of the emperor, there is a map. So, most of the blessings, it should have been hegealized by them." Silver screen princess said, "So, we want Do a good job in war. "

"War is inevitable." Zhang Bin said faintly, "We are not afraid of anyone."

However, he also understands that if the super powerful team has occupied the best blessings, it is really troublesome.

He immediately accelerated speed.

Under the guidance of Tsui Cui, use the fastest speed.

"The owner, there is also a blessing place on the side. Do you want to practice a period of time? Otherwise, you may be difficult to reach the best blessing."

Cui Cui said.

"How far is it to the best blessing, how far?"

Zhang Bin asked.

"It is estimated that I have to take five years."

Cui Cui said.

"Five years?"

Zhang Bin, had to change his idea immediately, and go to the nearby blessing.


They haven't arrived yet, only listening to the scream of the scream.

Almost didn't shock their eardrum.

They quickly boarded a hillside, glaring in front of their eyes, and they floated on their faces!

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