"You will follow the silver screen princess in the future?" Zhang Bin said, "The three emperors have now escaping no shadow, and it is almost impossible. However, the flame plateau is extremely dangerous, on your strength, fall The possibility is infinite. "

"Silver screen princess?"

The face of nine guys collapsed, and their hearts were bright, and the silver screen princess did not have any opportunity to compete into a reserve. Follow the silver screen princess, their future is embarrassing. It's not bad to see any light.

"If there is no princess, you have already fallen." Zhang Bin said coldly, "To tell you, follow the three emperors, your future is even more misery, not falling, it is killing. But, follow silver screen Princess, but can live for a long time ... "

Nine masters finally succumbed, and they all agreed to follow the silver screen princess, and made the guards of the princess of the silver screen.

"Is this a good thing or a bad thing?"

Silver screen princess is excited, but it is a bit inexplicable.

Worried that he was subjected to a few emperors.

However, Zhang Bin has also been analyzed before, because it is insufficient, her competition is almost no success.

"Princess, don't worry, it is to collect a few belongings." Zhang Bin said, "protect your own safety, you also need a certain strength."

"The owner, go, the front is Fu Land."

Tsui Cui shouted excitedly.

They immediately walked with Tsui Cui.

Soon came to the blessing.

This is a cliff, on the cliff wall, dense numbness is small.

It is obviously a small hole that is drilled out of the iron.

A rich fairy is taken from the small holes.

It has become a rich white mist, and it is empty.

Let the beautiful beauty here.

"The owner, the blessing is here."

Cui Cui shouted.

Zhang Bin took a head and immediately took out the cold tiger.

They guard their entrance and do not let anyone enter.

And he is with everyone, showing scaling energy.

It has become so large that there is so much ants, drilling in a largest hole.

"It's so beautiful ..."

When a diamond, the Phoenix made a surprise shout.

Because the cave wall is a pink crystal composition, a pink ray is emitted.

Let this world have romantic and .

"This is a powder crystalline ore, is also a kind of low-grade fairy, worth it." Silver screen princess is also hi Tisel, "However, because there is a powder crystal ore to become a blessing. So, not suitable for mining."

"It is not easy for mining. Very hard."

Zhang Bin has long tried it. If you don't use the virtual god sword, it is difficult to cut the mold.

They will continue to go deep into.

Soon, they entered the blessing.

The appearance is in an incomparably amazing world.

This is a space for about thousands of acres.

It is the stone forest of the crystalline mine everywhere, and most of the earth is also a powder crystalline ore, but there are some soils.

So, it is also growing many fairy medicine.

The fairy medicine here is different, most of which are red.

Because they are swallowing too much intangible flame energy and fairy.

There is a huge benefit for the cultivation of everyone.

" ... What is that?"

Ma Ru Fei suddenly pointed to a place, and his mouth also sent a surprised voice.

Everyone's eyes are also shot immediately.

Then they saw that a sharp knife was carved on the wall.

The tip of the knife comes with a red liquid.

Slowly drip into a huge stone bowl.

"God, this is Feng Rui breast milk, takes greatly improves the sharpness of the ambiance and the fire, and you can quench body, so that the body is strong." Silver screen princess shouted, her The face is also full of ecstasy.

"This is mine, mine, I am ..."

Tsui Cui flew past, standing on the stone bowl, opened two wings, and hug this stone bowl like the protective scorpion.

Everyone is crying.

They all rushed over.

Then they are a little disappointed, because there are not many liquids, there is only a large half bowl.

At most, you can get a drop, the remaining absolute will not be too much.

"Tsui Cui, you are enough, you will be a waste."

Zhang Bin grabbed Tsui Cui and said softly.

"But very delicious, very fragrant."

Tsui Cui is still very unwilling, shouted with charming.

Before, she did not have a sharp breast milk because she didn't dare to enter here, the iron worm is too much, it is too horrible, she has no way to resist.

"In the future, the master will definitely find a better treasure ..."

Zhang Bin launched a spring tongue and soon did the work of Tsui Cui.

Then, all of their players took a drop of sharp breast milk.

They have started to cultivate crazy.

It is worthy of Fu Land, the rich and beautiful, even, they can also have a variety of fairy medicine.

Inhale more intangible flame energy, quench their body.

After three months, they used it to refine the medication of a sharp breastfeeding.

And Zhang Bin also stopped cultivating.

He showed a stealth and drilled into the stone wall with the umers.

He felt that this blessing is very special, it seems to have traces of manual arrangement.

That knife may not be naturally formed, it may be artificially engraved.


Even in a powder crystalline mine, Zhang Bin drilled in, burning the flame of the incomparable horror.

And it is a four-color flame.

It's simply destroying everything.

"Nima ... If all the underground depths are filled with horrible flames, how can I use the umers to drill from the quenchings, and apply a wonderful meter of fraud?" Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

Instead, he wants to drill into the underground treasure, but it is better to find a safe place to drill into the depths of the ground. Prepare for the future to escape the quenchings.

Unfortunately, the varnoid region is not a safe place.

Zhang Bin did not immediately quit immediately, but transferred to the zoom can not die, not to die, and resist this incomparable flame of the flame, continued to drill down.

The more you go down, the more fierce the flame.

"Jedi, real Jedi."

Zhang Bin sighs in his heart, and he is also clear now that even if there is no flame and cold ice, if it is drilling into the depths of the ground, it may also encounter terrorism.

This must escape the hardening hole, almost impossible.

"You must not escape from the preparation of the quenching hole, so I want to be low-key, then low-key."

Zhang Bin squatted in his heart.

He is going to go up, return.

But he suddenly stopped, and his face was also surprised.

Because the umers are drilled into a void.

In other words, I met the underground cave.

The underground cave is generally treasured.

Zhang Bin did not have any delays, and immediately drilled in the umers.

Then he stunned like a fool.

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