The Talented Divine Farmer

Chapter 2031 is amazing my mushroom

Because there is no immortal medicine he imagined here, the treasure is just a space that is empty, inch. There is a big mountain.

The cave wall is not pink, but black.

It seems to be another special ore.

So, this space is dark, there is no bright.

Fortunately, you can use the knowledge to induce.

It is more quirky that in this space, it is almost no intangible flame energy.

Just only the horror gravity.

In the central area of ​​this space, it is a black mushroom with a dark.

Very dangerous.

About three hundred meters high.

The diameter of the mushroom pione is about ten meters.

It looks very quirky and very strange.

"What stone is this?"

Zhang Bin's face floated with a deep doubts.

He grabbed a piece of mushroom as big as a big gravel, but he actually as a Taishan, let Zhang Bin pick up and costly.

"Is it so heavy?"

Zhang Bin is completely earthquake, knowing, today's strong pole.

The cultivation of the immortal is full.

God's ability is also the extreme of terror.

He like this is that ten planets, he can easily file it.

"This seems to be black Yao Stone?"

Zhang Bin glanced at the eyes and watched it for a while, and he sent a big shouting.

Black Yao is a magical treasure used to practice.

If it is made into a helmet, the armor will be heavy, if it is re-arranged gravity array, it is more heavy.

If Zhang Bin puts up such armor, cultivating the internal power law, the potential will be developed quickly.

Then even have a quenching hole, the speed of his internal repair will not become too slow.

In addition, black Yaoli is still a magical material for refining the mountain magbie.

If there is so much black sky with a mountain, refining into a magic weapon, it is a super murder, you can kill the powerful enemy.

However, the black sky is too rare in the fairy world, even if the emperor is, it is not necessarily available.

Therefore, even the Jie Di also has no way to get black, only one material sword stone can be used instead, built a magical sword.

In the beginning, many Xian Di's imperial immortals were imprisoned, and they also showed the secret law, narrowing countless desolate planets, and built a star tomb.

If it is built with Black Yao Stone, the soul of the row is absolutely can't escape.

"Hey ... make a fortune, this time I really make a fortune."

Zhang Bin made a big shouting, his face is also a raw ecstatic.

Without any delay, he took out the sword and began to cut the roots of the mushrooms.

Even if there is no black blue stone, it is also hard to be hard.

Zhang Bin's virtual God sword could not be cut.

Fortunately, Zhang Bin took a sharp breast milk, and his sharpness has improved.

And today's scaling has also increased a lot, and can zoom 160 times.

Therefore, he transported sharpness, zooming, crazy, cut.

Stick to barely break the black blue stone.

After using a day, he took this mushroom down.

Bang ...

The talented giant sound, the mushroom fell on the ground, and the cave was pulled out.

The ground also appeared dense linear, like a spider web.

And Zhang Bin also discovered immediately, the underground is not black.

At least a lot of impurities.

"Give me ..."

Zhang Bin hugged the roots of mushrooms, transporting all strengths and magics, including his scaling energy.

Crazy is lifted up, but just like a tree, I can't shake.

"I am so mushroom ..."

Zhang Binzhen is like a fool, this is too heavy.

In our current strength, there is no way to make it into a powerful hairdryer.

Can only be refined, and the shape cannot be changed.

Because he has no way to melt this mushroom.

Why do you need a six-color flame to do it.

Six-color flame, Zhang Bin has not seen it yet.

He is going to master, it takes a long time.

However, Zhang Bin is still excited, and immediately began to arrange the array.

Use the umers to drill in and arrange the array inside.

If it is someone, then the simplest array cannot be arranged.

Because their mental efforts can't go, people have no way to sneak into.

Finally, Zhang Bin was released, a zoom, reduced heavy array, a recognition, acceleration array, spatial array, and no ability to arrange additional array.

This black Yao stone is also impurities, no impurities, the layout of the method is very difficult.

And the effect is not good.

So, this is a very simple refining.

Bare to make this mushroom becomes a magic weapon.

"It is called a bright mushroom in the future."

Zhang Bin muttered, he immediately took the magic weapon, his heart, and the mushroom will become a black ray to fly into his mouth, go to his Dantian.

Then Zhang Bin worked hard and cut in this cave.

Now that it is only the accompanying mine of black.

Of course, it is far less precious as black.

However, accompanying mines is Zhang Bin to refine.

"Tsui Cui ... melted these stones ..."

Zhang Bin ordered.

Yes, Tsui Cui also entered Zhang Bin.

Tsui Cui also did not hesitate, spit out four color flames.

Crazy, burn these accompanying ore.

But let Zhang Bin's eyes are that the four-color flame is also melted into these associated mines.

He wants to use it to make a helmet, but it is not so easy.

"The sun is real, zooming in the gods ..."

There is no way, Zhang Bin can only come, his left eye, bursting the hot sun real fire.

Under the increase of zooming, 160 times the power broke out.

Crazy, burn these accompanying mines.

Because it has been shared with Cui, you can share with Tsui Cui.

Therefore, Zhang Bin's flame is also a sharp step, although it is not more than Tsui, but it is not more than too much.

Now that the flame he sent has increased 160 times the power, it makes the accompanying ore slowly melt.

"Have you good ..."

Tsui Cui's face is full of admiration, shouting at excitement.

" ..."

Zhang Bin also laughed and laughed. Now he is finally understanding, scaling the magic of the abilities.

Mastering the zoom can be so much powerful.

In the fairy boundary, if there is no grasp of the zoom can, or the scale of the abilities is too bad, then it is strong.

He shizes the secret law and quickly melted the black blue stone accompanying mine, and refining into the appearance of armor.

Then he reached a large number of array.

And a set of helmets used to practice is also refined.

Use the secret to refine the helmet, Zhang Bin's heart, the armor is already in his body.

When Zhang Bin, Zhang Bin was almost falling down.

Because it is too heavy.

You know, he placed a lot of weight loss in the armor, and now it has been launched all weight loss, but you can't bear it.

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